{Karl's PTSD}

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Karl's POV~

After finishing another book, I put it in a frame and left that room once again. . .

I locked my door before I left, the last thing I wanted was someone to burst in and find my things. . .

I walked down The SMP, just allowing the fresh air and wind to clear my mind and just let me digest what happened in that Western Timeline. . .


I open my eyes to see Sapnap, Quackity, Tubbo, Tommy and some other guy. . .?
I walk over,"Hey, um... Who's this?", Tommy smirked,"This man right here, Is my NEW Best Friend! DeoTime or Deo.", Tubbo shook his head with a smile, I smiled,"Nice to meet you Deo.", he smiled,"Nice to meet you too, Karl.", Sapnap came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek,"Hey, Karl~", Quackity huffed and then took my shoulders and pulled me to him,"Mine!", I sighed, here we go again. . .

After that go sorted, Ranboo came over,"Hey, guys!", "My husband!", Tubbo hugs him, I chuckle, Quackity huffs, Ranboo chuckled,"Heh, you uh... You OK?", "Shush Ranboo! Ranboob! Rannoodle... Uh... Ranbob!!", I felt my heart stop. . . Ranboo looked away, pretending to be hurt by this, Tubbo went to comfort him, Tommy and Deo were just having laughing, Sapnap shook his head and I...

"Karl? You're looking a little pale there, is something wrong. . .?"

I nod,"Y-Yeah, um. . . I just um. . . I need to go do something really. . . Quick, sorry. . .!", with that I rushed off. . .


I sat down by my house and tried to control myself, my chest felt like it was tighting with every breath I took, my hands eeeshaking and everything around me. . . Just seemed to disappear. . .

"Is something the matter Karl~~"

I looked around me. . . The SMP was replaced by he dark void, I look up and. . .

Ranbob. . .

He chuckled,"Quite surprised to see you like this~~", I held my breath as he walked closer,". . .", I tired to get away but I felt my back pressed against something hard, he came closer and closer,"Oh, you think, you can escape me~~ No. . .", I felt my breath started to get caught of my throat. . . He then grabbed my arm, I started to thrash. . .


The void glitched back to The SMP and my thrashing was stopped by. . . Sapnap?! He knelt down in front of me,"Karl, breath... Breath...", I tired to listen to him, but I just. . .-- Sapnap pulled me into a hug and whispered. . . Something in my ear. . .

Sapnap's POV~

I whispered comforting things into his ear, he was and still is in a panic attack, I'm just glad I made the right choice to follow him. . .

I soon realised Karl was. . . Asleep. . . I sighed and picked him up, despite being the oldest Karl was always mistaken as the youngest because of height.

I lay him in bed and sighed, what was happening anymore. . .? Karl is acting weird, George is avoiding me, Bad is possessed, Skeppy is missing, there is a cult of that stupid Egg and Dream is in prison. . .!

Just. . .

I sighed. . . I lay down next to Karl, he opened his eyes and kissed me on the cheek,"I'm sorry. . .", I smile and hug him,"You didn't do anything. . . It's OK. . ."  with that we both fell asleep. . .

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