{Why Did He Lie. . .?}

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Fundy's POV~

Philza has been. . . Really quiet as we walked back to his and Techno's place. . . I mean, I was too but to learn that you son had been lying to you since, who knows when. . . I would too, be in a silent shock, only he looked pale and really out of it. . .
As we got to the door, we heard voices on the other side. . .
Philza opened the door and let me in first, as I was in, I saw Michael, Tubbo, Ranboo and Techno talking. . .
Techno looked up from his book,"Oh, Fundy and Phil, you guys are back.", Philza didn't respond and just walked past then a little quickly,"Phil?", I sighed,"S-Sorry guys. . . He uh. . . Had a rough day. . .", Ranboo looked up at me, obviously concerned,"What happened? I know, he went to tell you about Will, did something else happen?", I look at them before I looked at Techno,"Techno, did Phil ever mention letters to you, like letters from Will?", Techno went silent, he tapped the book's spine for a few seconds,"Yes, he did actually. Back in the Antarctic, he mentioned a letter from Will but never said what was in it.", I nod,"Ah. . .", Tubbo frowned,"Why? What happened?", I fiddled with my hand a little before confessing,"You see. . . Me and Phil spoke about L'Manberg a little and he was saying all these wrong facts about what happened, like he said that in the letters Will won the Election, gave L'Manberg to Tubbo and went to start a new nation again, leaving Jschlatt out completely, and. . . When I told him the truth. . . He didn't take to easy. . .", Ranboo stood up in shock, Tubbo stared at me in shock and Techno dropped the book and looked at me with a calm but deadly look,"What?!", "Excuse me.", "Wilbur never told Phil?!", I nod,"Apparently not, he's pretty upset about it because this whole time he thought it was our fault that Wilbur went insane when in reality Jschlatt had a role to play in.", Techno nods,"OK. OK. I'll go talk to him, not all together, you know why.", Tubbo and Ranboo nod, with that Techno left the room. . .
I must have looked confused, because Tubbo turned to me,"Due to Philza being part bird, it's best to not swarm him.", I nod. . . Then Michael stood up,"Michael?", he then walked outside, Ranboo and Tubbo then ran after him,"Michael, wait!!", I ran after them too. . .

Techno's POV~


. . .

"I'm coming in."

I opened the door and see Philza with his back to me. . .
He had hung up his jacket, his hat on top of his work bench and he was sitting up on the balcony edge, I enter and close the door behind me,"Can you come over here. . .?", he didn't answer, I didn't like it when he took off the jacket because. . .

I could see his wings. . . His damaged wings. . .

I walk over to him, he still have his back to me,"Phil. . . Fundy told us. . .", he sighed and rested his face in my hands,"Yeah. . . You want to talk about it?", Philza looked at me, I could see tears slowly whelming up in his eyes and tear slowly falling down his face. . . He got off the Balcony fence and I pulled him into a hug,"Just. . . Just let it out Philza. . .", after a few seconds of silence, I could hear quiet sobs from Philza. . .

Soon, we were sitting down on his bed, he wiped his face a little and I kept a hand on his shoulder,"I just-. . . Why?. . . Why did he lie to me. . . And, why did I believe him. . .?", he sounded like he was ashamed for believe Wilbur, but it wasn't his fault because Wilbur can be VERY convincing. . .
How he me and Tommy to fight in the pit, how he convinced Dream to give him TNT. . . He went from a leader to a manipulator. . .

"Grampa Phil?"

We both looked up to see Michael standing with his hands behind his back,"Michael? How did. . .", "I leaned to climb ladders.", Philza wiped a few more tears from his face,"What's up, kiddo. . .?", he walked over to us,"Well, Papa and Dada said you was sad, so I got this!", he then holds something out. . .

He held up a Wither Star, that was completely covered in sparkling Crystal Rhinestone Stickers, all different colours. . .

He smiled and held it up to Phil,"I remember you say you like shiny things, so I got one from Uncle Techno's collection and made it really shiny to make you feel better.", Philza took the star from his hands and looked at it, he smiled and pet Michael,"Thank you, kiddo.  .  . This means a lot. . .", Michael smiled and jumped up and down. . .

For the rest of the night, they all, relaxed by the fireplace, Michael and Fundy getting along, Ranboo fell asleep, Tubbo playing with Michael and Fundy and, Techno and Philza just relaxed and watched the three of them, Philza held Michael's gift close, it meant a lot. . . Knowing that even though many people have lied to him, there were still people that tell him the truth. . .

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