{I'll Make You A Deal}

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Quackity's POV~

I let Charlie into his new room, he smiled and jumped up on the bed,"Wee! It's bouncy!!", I chuckled as he jumped up and down on the bed, he was like a kid. . . Like. . .

Ghostbur. . .

I chuckled,"Well, it's nightime now, Charlie.", he did one last jump in the air before landing on the bed,"Nightime? What does that mean for you or other humans, Quackity from Las Nevades??", I sighed and walked over to him,"Well, it means that. . . We sleep. Or hibernate? Like say your kind sleeps during the day.", Charlie made a face before he nods,"Ooooohhhhhh! I get it!", I nod,"Yeah, so if you could just, get under the covers and close your eyes you should be asleep soon.", he gives me a salute and a big smile,"OK! Best Friend!", with that, he got under the blankets and closed his eyes. . .

In 2 seconds.
He fell asleep in 2 seconds.

I very carefully took off the glasses and put them on a beside table. . .
I made sure he was asleep one more time before I left the room. . .

I waltzed down to the main lobby to find Glatt there, fixing up a snooker stick,"Well? Did he go down easily?", I nod,"Yep. Out like a light. Doesn't he remind you of Ghostbur??", he hummed in response,"Yep.", I then heard the door bell ring, that means someone has came in. . . I smiled,"Be right back.", he nods and I walk downstairs to see who would be here at this time. . .

. . .


It's Foolish.
He looked tired himself but also looked somewhat pissed,"Heh. What brings you here at this time, oh Great God. Kind of closed at the moment--", "I know what you're doing.", I felt a shiver go down my spine. . .

Did he. . .

He growled,"I overheard your conversation with your ghost bud a few hours ago. Seriously?! Taking advantage of everyone here?! I thought they were your friends and lovers?!?!?", I smiled a little,"Oh, Foolish, you don't get it do you? I am I business man; we business men do what we do to make an extra penny in our pocket.", he glared daggers at him, I smiled and continued,"So; What better way than to take advantage of everyone on this time? Everyone is stressed and so paranoid that they wouldn't know what hit them!", Foolish shook his head,"I can't believe what I'm hearing from you!", I chuckled and lean against the counter,"Isn't is an genius plan??", 'Genius??! It's evil!!", he waved his hand a little,"I knew there was something fishy about this, and I turned out to be right! I will have no part in your plans, Quackity!", I watched as he turned to leave. . .

"How about another deal?"

"I could care less about--"

"This is about Eret."

I watched as he had only barely opened the door, I smirked. . . I pulled out a few cards and began to shuffle them a little,"Eret is uh, they a unique person. Of course; He has no memory of where he came from and he ended up staying here for so long, and yet. He never got truly attached to anyone here. . . But you.", I sighed as I shuffled the cards. . .


"Are we sure we want to meet his brother?", Eret smiled as we both followed Puffy down to the desert side of The SMP,"Oh, don't worry, Big Q! My oldest is a sweetheart, you both will love him and his work.", Eret smiled,"I mean, I'll take Puffy's word for it, I trust her.", I sigh, if this mother fucker turns out anything like Dream, I swear---


My jaw dropped. . .


It was a whole fucking Egyptian Area, Puffy smiled,"Yeah! He's a bit a builder!", "A bit?!?", "This is amazing!!!", with that Eret followed after Puffy, leaving me following them slowly from the shock. . .

The place was amazing!
Eret was very infatuated with it all, Puffy smiled,"Yep! A Speedrunner son and A Builder Son!", Eret smiled,"This is bloody brilliant! This must have taken ages!", "Oh  yeah it did!", I jump along with Eret a little, Puffy smiled,"Foolish!", a fricking Todem Of Undying. . . Part shark. . . Was in front of us, he smiled at Puffy,"Hey, dad!", she smiled,"Hey, son! I brought some guests down to look at your build and meet you!", he held out his hand,"Hey, there! I'm Foolish! And you two are???", I didn't feel like shaking his hand, but I pointed to myself,"Quackity. Or Big Q.", Eret on the other hand, apparently wasn't fazed by this at all! He took Foolish's hand with a smile,"Hey, I'm Eret. Your area is bloody amazing!", I noticed how Foolish almost looked taken it back,"Eret, is your name?", he nods, Foolish smiled, although there was something about that smile that hid something. . .


Foolish had now turned to me again, I smirked,"Heh. . . Eret seemed to have a trust in you more than us, despite him only knowing you for a month or so. . .", I smirked as I watched Foolish clutch his fist tightly,"What. Has this got anything to with him.", I leaned back and held up an ace,"Here's my deal; If you agree to work with me and not say anything about my plans. . . Eret will go untouched. . . How does it should, a deal?", he looked at me and then at the door. . .

Foolish's POV~

I came back to my house and saw Eret, he had a red vine and was using some of the equipment to see what it was made of and if there was a way to destroy it. I smiled,"Hey, Old Pal.", Eret looked up, he had his sunglasses off so his eyes were showing,"Oh, hey Foolish! I was just doing some research to see if there is another way to destroy The Egg.", I nod and walk over, he smiled at me,"Are you OK? You seem a little shaken?","No, no. I'm just tired is all. How about we do a little more and then hit the hay.", Eret nods and we both started to look at the vine. . .

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