{Scared Of L'Manberg}

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{Back When Eret First Came To L'Manberg}

Niki's POV~

I knocked on the door,"Sir?", I opened it and saw Mister Eret on the bed, buy now his injuries have healed but many scars and stitches were as visible as day, he looked at me with his new sunglasses,"Y-Yes, Niki. . .?", I smiled and held out a sweater, jeans, socks and shoes and everything he needed,"Got you some clothes!", he smiled as I handed it to him,"T-Thank you. . .", I smiled. . .


After he changed, I lead him to Wilbur,"Wilbur wants to give you a tour around the ace until you recover, if you'd like.", he smiled and nodded.
Wilbur smiled as we came over,"Oh, hey, guys. Thank you Niki, I shall take it from here.", I smile and give Eret a smile before I went off to bake some food.


Eret's POV~

This Wilbur lead me around L'Manberg, I stood close to him as he spoke.
"That's Tommy, the annoying one, Tubbo the Bee boy, Niki the angel, Jack the fall, Fundy my son and over there. . .", he lead me to another area, looked like a few houses set up below,"? Who's down here.", he looked at me,"Dream and his mates, don't worry though they don't do much.", I slowly nod, I notice a brunette in a tree and another in a green hoodie trying to him down.


"WTF?!?!?", "AHHHHHH!!!", I screamed at the lied sound and grabbed Wilbur's arm in fright,"Got you! Haha!", "That's not funny, Sapnap! You scared the new gut to death.", I didn't dare look up,"Oh, shit. Sorry about that. Who is he??", "Um, I may need to talk to Dream about that.", I heard sounds and then footsteps,"Hey, mate.", I look up at Wilbur who smiled as he didn't seen bothered I grabbed his arm in fright,"No need to be scared, I'll not let Sapnap or anyone do that again.", I slowly nod, then more footsteps came, I retreated behind Wilbur,"You scared a new guy with your fucking firecrackers, really?!", "I said I was sorry!", "Heya, Dream!","Wilbur, nice to see you. Who's the new guy?", Wilbur reached behind him and pushed me out from behind him,"He is. . . Um, Dream this is---", "Alistair??!", I frown. Who?


Dream's POV~

"I-I'm sorry. . . Who is Alistair?", I was shocked, this guy looked like him, them I noticed Wilbur dragged him hand across his neck, I gulp and look back at him,"S-Sorry, I- You look like someone I use to know is all.", he nods,"O-Oh, I see. . . .sorry.", I smiled softly,"No need to be.", I took off my mask and held my hand out to him,"I'm Dream.", he smiled and slowly shook my hand too,"Um. . . I guess call me Eret. . .? Yeah, call me Eret.", I nod and eyed Wilbur and he knew too. . .


"Take deep breaths Dream. . .!", I rested my forehead on a tree as a tired to breath,"He can't be him. . .! He's supposed to be with Foolish. . .!", I was then pulled away from the tree and Wilbur held me close,"I know, I know. . .", I hugged him back and tried to take a deep breath,"I know your terrified, I am too. But I promise Foolish is okay. . . And Alistair will be too. . . I swear it on my grave. . .", I tired to stop shaking, but the fear of Foolish. . . Being. . .

Dead. . .

Would I be able to bring him back. . .?! Would I need to burn or kill myself to do so---??!

"Dream.", my mask was taken off again and Wilbur cupped my face and made me look at him,"Foolish will be okay. . . I don't want your to hurt yourself again. . .", I tried to hold back tears, but they all came pouring out as Wilbur held me close.

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