{You Are No Better Than Him!!}

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Tommy's POV~

Things have been much better. . . Everyone has accepted that I am alive again and don't ask me about the experience so thank god for that. . .

Me, Tubbo, Ranboo, Karl, Sapnap and Quackity were all just chilling and talking when suddenly, Sam opens the door and looked so pale and shocked,"Sam? You alright there mate?", "What happened.", Karl looked confused,"What?", Sam straightened his mask and looked around the room,"Would anyone like to explain what the hell is wrong with Dream?!", I sighed,"Well, I can list a few--","No, I mean like something is wrong with him like, something happened in the prison!", Sapnap frowned,"What do you mean?", Sam took a deep breath. . .

"Over the last few weeks, Dream has been acting really strange. He's been more jumpy, been more alert and listens more. But, when I come in with his food, he freaks out! I try to approach him but he looked so scared like a wild animal, but I realised that the reason he does it is because of my sword around my belt."

Karl frowned,"But, Dream has always been fine with weapons entering his cell, so what changed that?", Sam then held up a tape,"I believe this will tell us, because it is starting to scare me as well as the strange cuts on him.", Tubbo and Ranboo switched their game to the VHS, Sam shoved the tape in, Quackity looked a little uneasy,"U-Um. What if he is just acting???", "Can't be.", and so we all sat down somewhere in the room and hit play. . .

=VHS Recording=

Dream's POV~

I looked up from my story to see. . .


I gulp as he smiled at me,"Hey, Dream~ Long time no see, am I right~?", I shudder as he slowly came over,"H-Hey Quackity. . . H-*gulps* How can I help you?", he smiled a little sweetly,"Oh, I think you already know the answer to that, Dream.", I gulp and get up from the bed and stared at Quackity,"Look, Alex. . . I-I...--", suddenly he swung an axe at me, in fear I screamed but it was inches from my face, I breathed heavily as Alex stared at me with the same craze eyes he had when he wanted, and still  does, dead.
"I don't think you understand, Dream. If you do not bring back MY President. I will make your life in prison or when you get out of prison, HELL.", with then slashed me in the face with a knife, I fell to the ground and whimpered as I held my face, he chuckled darkly,"Look at you. So pathetic.", with that he left. . .
I looked at the blood on my hands and felt hot tears run down my face as the lava closed and. . . I was alone. . .

=End Of VHS Recording=

It ended.

Quackity's POV~

Everyone was now staring at me, Tommy stood up,"You. You want Dream. To bring back. THE MAN THAT MADE MY BRITHER GO INSANE!?!?!?", I stood up next,"This has nothing to do with you Tommy!!", Sam stood up,"Oh, it does because not only did you break the prison rules and threaten Dream, but you are now taking advantage of his powers?!?!", I growl,"If we want order in this land, we need Jschlatt to restore order! Tubbo was already the worst President we ever had, we need him back!!", Ranboo then spoke up,"What?! Bring back the man that physical, emotionally and mentally tortured you all?!?!?", I growl,"If it means bringing order back and killing Dream, then so be it!!", Tubbo then walked up to me,"I may not have been a good President or may not have power anymore, but Big Q, this is madness!!", I grab him by his shirt and pull him to meet my eyes,"Madness?!?!? Say that again and I'll hang from a tree, Tubbo!!","PUT HIM DOWN!!", "NO SAM!!"

"STOP!!! STOP IT!!!"

. . .

Karl. . .?

Karl's POV~

Why was I shaking. . .?

Why was everything and everyone around me glitching. . .?

"STOP!!", Bob held me back as Helga took Robin by his shirt and hug him on the tree,"Orphans like you, should be in hell.", I felt my throat go raw as Helga let Robin go and his body soon became lifeless. . .

"Karl?!?!", I found myself in Sapnap's arms, he looked worried and scared, I then realised I was crying, I buried my face in his chest,"K... Karl... I--", I didn't look up at him. . . I couldn't look at him the same way. . .


Sam looked at Quackity in disgust. . .
Tommy glared him down like Satan himself. . .
Ranboo stood in front of Tubbo to protect him, also glaring. . .

But what hurt Quackity the most? Well. . . His two fiancées were both looking at him like he was a monster, one in anger and the other. . . In fear. . .

'You are NO better than Jschlatt, Big Q. You are the monster in his room."

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