{They're All Fake, Sam. . .}

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Another night at The Prison.
Sam was tired as hell, but this night he had to stay awake in case Quackity came in and tired something.
Sam sipped his coffee and peaked at the CCTV, and saw Dream ripping pages out of his book and throwing them in lava.
Sam got up and walked over to check on him, Dream only did this when he wanted to get something off his chest and it was more healthy than punching the wall over and over again.


Sam entered the cell and saw pages of empty books ripped and torn, Sam looked up and saw Dream huddled in the corner the lava made them both terrifying by the lighting.
"Dream. . .", Sam bent down and picked up a book at random, he was surprised, it was the sketch book that Dream had drawn people like Sapnap or George but now it was ripped and their faces were torn out and replaced with the word monster.
Sam looked up at Dream, who was looking away from him,"Dream, what made you freak out. . .?", "Monsters. . .", Sam approached him, not feeling any sense if fear as he knelt down to him.
Dream looked up to Sam, Sam could see Dream many scars all over his face, his eyes dull as he stared up at Sam's tired eyes.
"Sam. . . I don't. . . Wanna be here anymore, in this. . . World. . .", Sam sat down properly, Dream could hold back the tears,"I don't wanna be used, Sam!. . . They're only keeping me alive to use my book. . .! I didn't want to be used for my magic, I don't want my magic at all!. . .", Dream couldn't contain his sobs and cried bitterly, Sam pulled the inmate and his son figure close to him, letting him cry on his shoulder,"Nobody wants to be used, Dream. . . Especially for something you didn't ask to have. . .", Dream knew he shouldn't trust anyone, but he had no one else to tell him about how he felt so he cried and through sobs told Sam everything from the start to the end.


Dream felt drained from crying, his throat felt sore and wanted nothing more than just to leave this-
Suddenly he heard music, Dream felt headphones on his head and heard prints of the music box.
Sam smiled as Dream looked at him surprised,"Music helps calm me down, thought it might work for you. . . We both have trouble with expressing how we feel, tends to come out wrong or we don't say them at all?", Dream rested his head on Sam's shoulder, Sam sighed,"Nothing much has changed since they over threw you, if anything it's gotten worse. . .", Sam glanced at Dream, who was now sleeping peacefully.
. . .


"You know, Quackity. . . You can overthrow The Admin, Build a new Nation, Promise many things but. . . Your nothing but a copy of Jschlatt and Dream, cause if you want to change the Dsmp, you have to change the way you lead."

Quackity glared at Techno, who held Dream closer under his Cape.

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