{Are You Brothers?}

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Purpled's POV~

"Are you and Punz brothers?"

A question I hear regularly, I mean we would obviously be brothers we look alive, just different shades of blonde and different eye colour.
So, automatically people assume we were related and mistake me as the older brother became I was 6'3 and Punz was 5'4 and it made me laugh that people mistake him as the oldest.

But. . . We aren't brothers.


I take a look around before I took off my head.
I sat down by the lake and took a breather, I swear if that Slime doesn't stop following me I'll find a way to evaporate him---

"Purpled?. . ."

I froze.
I slowly turn to see Ranboo, he was shocked and I knew why. . .

"Y-Y-You ha-have. . ."

"Ranboo, I can. . . I can explain."

I stood up and held out my hands,"Ranboo, I-. . .", he pointed to my head,"A-Are. . . Are you. . .?", I sighed heavily, there was no way of getting out of this,"Y-Yeah. . .", I pointed to my head.

Ranboo was in shock,"Y-You

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Ranboo was in shock,"Y-You. . . What. . .?", "Yeah. I'm. . . . I'm not human.", Ranboo looked around,"So. . . That means, you and Punz---", "No.", Ranboo turned to me in confusion,"H-Huh?", "Punz is very much human.", Ranboo pointed to me and then back to The SMP,"But. . . You two---", "No.", Ranboo walked over more,"You. . . What do you mean?", "We aren't. . . Brothers.", Ranboo frowned, I sighed,"Who am I kidding, you think I'm a monster-", "No, no! I'm just surprised is all, but. . . I don't understand, you both said you were brothers.", I look at him and around us,"Can you keep a secret?", he nods,"Yeah, I'll probably forget anyway.", I nod slowly.


We say by the lake and Ranbo waited for me to explain,"*sighs* My kind. . . Back when my kind first came to earth we were held against our will and killed one by one.", Ranboo was in shock,"W-What.", I nod,"Aliens coming to earth, we were experimented on and questioned. I thought, I might as well give up. . . . But then.", I pause for a moment.


"WAIT!", the guards stopped, they moved the guns away from the smaller alien, a couple came into the room and walked up to the guards,"We can take it off your hands.", "Sir, I---", "That's an order.", the room rang in silence.
"Untie the alien."
The small alien was in fear as they undid his chains and forced him to his feet,"You got lucky, alien.", they shoved the alien to the couple, the man sent the soilder a look before he and his wife took the alien boy out of the room.


The couple sat down at a table, the alien sat across from them, the man spoke first,"I'll keep this simple, my name is Simon Lewis Jones, I run this establishment and run the experiments that happen here.", the alien nods, showing he understood this man was the one behind what's happening to his family and people.
Simon continues,"I'd like to make a deal with you, what you benefit from the deal is shelter, food, water and safety.", the alien looked up more, showing his interest.
Simon looked at his wife, who nods at him like she was reassuring him of something. Simon turned to the alien,"To have what you can to live, you have take up a job in my household.", the alien was willing to do anything, just as long he wasn't killed or tortured anymore.
So, the alien nods, the woman fiddled with her wedding ring as she looked at the alien,"We must ask, you can shapeshift and speak English correct?", the alien nods, Simon then stood up, scaring the alien,"Come with me, I'll explain your job.", the alien slowly followed him as they left the woman to talk to the guards.


The man was looking through a glass window, the alien used a chair to see what he was looking at.
Turned out, it was a room where kids go when they're here with their parents and the only kid in there was a small blonde boy in white playing alone,"The boy you see in there. That's my son.", the alien looked at the man, Simon sighed,"People that are against what I do, they will do anything to get to me, even if it means hurting my child.", alien looked at the small boy that was alone in the room, Simon then turned to the small alien,"If you want to live a normal life, you'll take a form close to my son, act like his brother and protect him.", the alien understood what this man wanted, he wanted him to protect his child no matter the cost.
Simon folded his arms as he went to go in,"It is your choice.", with that Simon went in.
The alien watched as the boy got happy when Simon entered, the alien thought about it. . .
Either a life of torture or spend the rest of of his life with a family and protect the human child.
The alien moved to a nearby mirror and thought of a human form to take.
The alien was now human, he examined himself and he now had dirty blonde hair, purple eyes and was in a hospital gown.
The now human alien entered the room and Simon smiled, giving his son a pat on the back,"Punz, I know how much you want a brother.", the boy, or Punz, smiled and ran to the supposive human,"Brother!", Punz hugged him, the alien hugged back and smiled.
"What's his name??","Purpled.", Punz smiled at him,"Like his eyes!", Simon nods, Purpled or the alien could sense how much the man cared for his child.


So, Purpled got use to his new life.
He easily got attached to their son, Punz, who seemed to be nothing like his father.
Purpled created a necklace with an endereye Simon had found, using what his parents taught him he turned it into a tracker that contacts to a bracket.
Following the parents wish, he wanted to make sure he always knows where Punz would be.


Ranboo's POV~

". . . So, the endereye necklace. . . It's a tracker so you know where he is?", Purpled nods,"Yeah. . . If something happens to Punz, like if he is either tortured or dead even and his father find out. . . Not only I'll be killed, but so will everyone on this server.", I nod,"But, don't think I'm only doing it to survive. I really do see Punz as a brother and I want to protect him.", I nod. . .

"So, who is older. . .?"

"Me. As an Alien doesn't have an age, but to keep the act, I'm 17 and he's 24. So, don't tell him because I don't wanna hurt him."

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