{Incorrect Quotes + A Theory}

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Me: Theory Time!

Me: I think the reason Sam put Ranboo in the cell was because Ranboo attacked Sam thinking he had Michael.

Me: Ranboo came home to Michael missing and not seeing Eret's note, so he immediately goes to accuse Sam of kidnapping his son and attacks him.

Me: C. Sam uses this to his advantage, cause he knew Techno would come for Dream and Ranboo, using his attachment to Ranboo to his favour so Ranboo died not knowing Eret actually had Michael.

Me: Also, I like how Dream was just ready to run because he has no attachments to anyone or thing, so it's interesting to see just how easy Dream can leave someone he doesn't care about behind.

Me: Also, props to him for running off The Smp, he's out of Hell.

Me: :P


Tubbo: Sam. . . If you don't have Michael. . .

Techno: And Tubbo doesn't have Michael. . .

Tommy: Or Dream.



Michael: *having a Tea Party with Eret and Stuff animals*

Eret: ^ ^


Tommy: We're completely fucked, completely fucked!

Tommy: We're completely fucked~!


Quackity: How do you not remember our history?!

Karl: History? What history, like Sir Billiam's or The Village?

Sapnap/Quackity: . . .

Sapnap/Quackity: He's Broken.




Puffy: *sweats*


Eret: Um, so how do you know Dream isn't going after you or I?

Foolish: Let's just say. . . He has another target.


Dream: *stabbing the shit out of a hooded figure*


Techno: Why are you in Prison?!

Dream: Yeah, what did you do?!

Ranboo: ;-; You don't wanna know.


Tommy: *crying in a corner*

Philza: -_-"

GhostBoo: ^ ^


Me: Theory 2.

Me: There are three possibilities about what Karl was talking about.

1. Talking about when Quackity killed him for independence. (Source from a friend)

2. The time they tried to frame Eret and Karl may have been blown up by Quackity. (Source from The Wiki)

3. Karl goes to a time were Quackity is a murderer and killed him.

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