{The Window Incident}

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"Dad. . . There's someone outside the window. . ."

". . ."

"Where. . . ?"





"Your kid got real lucky.", two parents stood by their child, who lay motionless on the hospital bed,"But, we have to ask how this happened.", "I-. . . I dunno, Doctor. . . Ponk was in the living room playing and-and, I was in the kitchen doing work. . . I didn't notice anything wrong till I heard smashing and saw him fall. . . Falling. . .", the nurse came in with with X-Rays,"To no one's surprise, his spine, ribs and so many other bones have been broke and fractured.", the mother sighed heavily as she tired to wipe the running mascara from his face,"Goodness. . .", "Your kid's a fighter, and real lucky.", the father nods, but all he could watch was the lines on the heart monitor telling him that his son was still alive.


The news was wild.
Police were soon called in by The Hospital after a Neighbour reported that she had seen the father standing by the shattered window as Ponk fell, leading the case to becoming a potential murder case.
Ponk's condition was critical, but it seemed like fate was on his side as slowly his condition improved though, can't get rid of the scars on his back or on the back of his head.
"Doc, you think it was an accident?"
"I'll be honest, Betty. It doesn't look like an accident, how does a child fall out of a window?", Betty shrugged, but she had concern in her eyes for the child's safety.


The child opened his eyes, he was met with a bright light and a terrible amount of pain.
"Kid! He's awake!", Nurse Betty immediately followed the doctor and got the pain killers for him.
"Kid, your in the hospital, take a deep breath okay. . .", Nurse Betty carefully sat up, the kid cried at the amount of pain he was feeling through his body and tears streaming down his face as the doctors had them take pain killers.


A way to distract the kid from the pain and his parents being investigated, Nurse Betty offered to take the kid around in a wheelchair everyday before Rehabilitation and during breaks of the day when Patients get outside for a while.
Betty took the kid to a nice quiet area from the other kids,"Where is mommy and daddy. . .?", Betty looked at the kid in the wheelchair,"Your mommy and daddy are busy at the moment, they want you to get better.", the kid sure looked sad, I knelt down to him,"You wanna hear a story?", the kid looked up in curiosity,"I used to be an actress and performer.", the kid's eyes sparked up with interest,"Really??", "Indeed, my name is Betty Boo, in my days of being a performer I was the biggest, and still am, I big Icon.", the kid smiled as Betty told them stories about her time on stage and in the spotlight.


Over the year, the child made amazing progress in walking again, though he liked the wheelchair he was glad to be using crutches and walking around, barely on his own though.
And, he has heard that his parents are being talking about the incident but he keeps saying that he saw someone at the window but. . . They lived on the 27th floor so there was no way.

. . .

Might be dark magic or an overactive imagination for a child.

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