{Saving Redvelvet}

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Redvelvet's POV~

So, I've been here for a while now and things seem to be peaceful, the only thing was the strange red stuff around The SMP, but Ant and Puffy says it was nothing to worry about.


I turn and saw Bad,"Oh, Bad hi!", he smiled and walked over,"Hi! I didn't know you came to visit, how are you?", I smile,"I'm doing pretty good, I'm visiting Ant for a bit.", Bad smiled,"That's nice, Muffinhead. Hey, can I show you something?", I shrug,"Sure!", with that Bad took me down into the ground.


"What. . .?", the whole place was covered in this red stuff, vines maybe, it almost looked like a huge mansion underground,"Isn't it cool?", "Yeah!. . . How long did it take for you to build this, and what is all the red stuff?", Bad then brought me over to this. . . Weird Egg like thing??
"Well, we actually don't know, but we know it's from this.", I titled my head at the Egg,"Is it bad or good, cause I can't tell.", Bad smiled,"No, no! It's a good thing! Just sometimes it's what helps it grow is what makes me curious about it.", I frown,"What do you use to help it grow??", then suddenly something grabbed both my wrists!
I tired to pull away but they only got tighter around my wrists,"See Red.", I look up shock to see Bad in a different form,"I was worried that I wouldn't have food for The Egg, but I'm glad your visit was perfect timing!", I watched in horror as more vines started to come towards me,"B-Bad, this-this-this isn't funny. . .!", "Whoever said this was a joke?", "BAD, STOP IT, I'M SCARED!!", "RED!!!", I open my eyes to see Ant running to me and cutting the vines from my wrists, I backed away from Bad and the vines immediately, looking at the pressure marks and cuts it left on my wrist,"WHAT THE MUFFIN, ANT?!", "YOU WERE GOING TO SACRIFICE HIM!!! MY BOYFRIEND!!!", I watches the vines snapped in a way at me before retreating, I gulp down fear and l held back tears as Ant and Bad yelled at one another.


Ant's POV~

After that fight, I took Red away from this horrible place.
We sat down by the field and I looked at his wrists,". . . I'm sorry, Red. . . He's not the same Bad anymore. . .", I looked up at Red and I could see he was scared and had tears of fear, I smiled gently and cupped one side of his face,"Hey, look at me Velvet. . .", he looked up at me and touched my hand on his face,"I won't let Bad do that to you again, no one will hurt you like that again because I won't let them.", Red smiled and I pulled him into a hug, he rested his head on my shoulder and I was just thankful I got there in time. . .
Bad can take anything from me, but he will not. . . Take my love.

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