{Struggles Facing The Past}

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||Time Period: Long Time Before The Red Banquet, A Week After Foolish Told Eret About The Past||


Eret's POV~

It's been a week since Foolish and I had that conversation, I spent the night, racking my brain and looking through the possessions I had on me that could potentially have any link to what Foolish could be talking about, but most of the stuff I had was from when I first came here and to the present time period, although I did find something cool, I looked through my closest and something fell out of an old clothing of mine, it was a blue-button-up and one of the pockets fell out a sliver necklace. I picked it up and looked at it. . .

It was silver, but it had a carving of an eye in it. I then realised I was suppose to meet Foolish for something! I put the necklace in my pocket and run out of the castle, cursing myself for losing track of time. . .


As I ran to the Community House, I saw Foolish standing inside the house,"Foolish!", he turned,"Oh, hey! Thought for a moment you weren't going to show.", I took a breather,"S-Sorry! I was looking for something.", Foolish smiled,"Oh, that's completely fine!", I stood up straight,"Anyway, why did you want to meet up??", Foolish smiled,"Well, I was wondering if you'd take me on a tour around The SMP, fill me in on a few things, if you have time that it is.", I smile,"No, no. That's completely fine. I can show you around and fill you in on a few things of the history.", Foolish smiled,"Alright! Lead the way, Old Pal!", I nod, still not use to that, I think Foolish sensed it because he gave me a apologetic look, I nod and lead him around.  .  .


We looked around the areas, I let him explore the houses, areas and the rooms. . .
We then came to. . .

The Button Room. . .

We walk down it,"And this is. . . The Button Room. . .", Foolish looked around,"Huh, this looks like a safe house in a weird way.", I gulp as I edged more inside, Foolish turned to me,"So, what's the story behind this Room? Why is it called 'The Button Room'?", I looked at the button that started started the famous line. . .

'It Was Never Meant To Be.'

I the realised Foolish was waiting for an explanation,"O-Oh, sorry. . . Um. . . It's where. . . Um. . .", he nods slowly,"Eret, I won't judge you for what happened in this room. . .", I sighed and just slightly grabbed my hair in guilt and frustration,"I-I know you won't judge. . . It's just. . .", I sigh and let my hair go, not caring it was a slight mess,"Everyday. . . I remember what I did in this room, and everyday I try and make amends for what I did. . . And I try to be honest, but. . .it's hard for me to not leave out some details. . . I hope you understand why. . .", I sighed and just took my glasses off and wiped my tears away with my sleeve, feeling stupid for crying about this. . .
I put the glasses back on. . .

Foolish's POV~

Eret definitely regretted what he did, if he didn't he would be gloating about it. . .
I walk up the small flight of stairs to Eret and out of habit I tucked some of his curly locks behind his ear, he was surprised, I then realised he didn't remember anything about the past, so I drew back immediately,"I-I'm sorry! Old habit I have, I forgot you didn't have your memories.", Eret went from surprised to smiling,"No, no, it's completely fine! You know you remember me a lot more than I remember you!", I smiled nervously with relief,"Phew, OK! Again, sorry!", Eret smiled,"Again, it's fine.", I smiled,"Let's leave here, uh, how about some tea?", Eret nods,"I'm up for it.", with that we left the room. . .

I woke up and realised I fell asleep on the sofa, I looked to my left and saw Eret was also out like a light, I smiled and I let the old habit get to me again, I tucked some of his curly locks behind his ears, I also took his sunglasses and set them down on the table. . .

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**Art Does Not Belong To Me, Creator's Name Is In The Corner Down To the Left, But Is Really Small To Read**

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**Art Does Not Belong To Me, Creator's Name Is In The Corner Down To the Left, But Is Really Small To Read**

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