{Sickness? 3/3}

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Sam's POV~

I lay Dream on a bed by Foolish as Ponk checked the black liquidand the black, red and grey stuff that was now spreading not only on his skin but also on his clothes and hair. . .
Ponk looked over at me,"Did you call him?", I nod,"Yeah, he said he'll be down here soon.", Ponk nods and continued to look at Foolish's arm,"It seems like a sort of virus spreading, but nothing like the plague or anything like that, this seems to be spreading throughout his whole body including his hair and clothes. . .", I nod as I caress Foolish's cheek a little,"Yeah. . . It makes me worry what this is. . . Will it kill Foolish. . .? Will it just hurt him. . .?", Ponk hugged me to try and comfort me. . .


We turn to the door,"Hello?", the door opened and there he was. . .

"Sorry, Eret is waiting outside to visit Foolish once I'm done."

I smile,"Nice to see you again, Herobrine amd your son too.", he smiled and then turned his to Foolish,"Right, let's see what is wrong with your kid.", Herobrine came over to me and saw the damage,"Oh. . . I see.", Sam nods,"You have any idea what this could be?", Herobrine went silent before he nods,"Yeah, I have an idea.", Herobrine then slightly shook Foolish a little, Foolish opened his eyes and I could see one of his eyes had gone a little red,"M. . . Mr. . .Herobrine. . ." , he nods,"Do you mind sitting up.", I helped Foolish sit up, Herobrine then helped some pills,"Foolish, I need you to take these, they'll help with the pain and the marks.", Foolish nods, I hand him two pills for him to swallow. . .

After taking them, Foolish seemed to be handling the pain a little better,"Thank you. . .", he nods,"Not a problem, they should kick in soon.", Sam then walked over,"So, what exactly happened?", Herobrine looked at him and I, he saw Dream sleeping and Eret was still outside waiting to be aloud in,"Alright, Foolish, Sam and Ponk, what I'm about to tell you will be serious.", Foolish nods, Herobrine then opened a book and showed it to us. . .

"When you called me last night about this, I immediately had an idea of what this could be, this is something completely normal for Foolish when he comes to age. You see, He's part Todem Of Undying but there is also a negative side to it, like The Todem Of Death."

I stared at him like Sam,"So. . . Wait, what does that mean?", he turned to Foolish,"It means that Foolish has two sides of him, himself and The Death Of Death. Like a split personality.", Sam ran a hand through his hair, I was shocked and Foolish was just as taken back,"Wait, so. . . Is there anyway to control it.", Herobrine nods,"Yes, not only does he needs to control his anger and also start taking medication to stop something like this from happening again.", Sam and Ponk nod. . .

Dream's POV~

I was playing with Eret, he was showing me this amazing light trick!
Eret the pats my head,"I'll be right back, I need to use to the restroom.", I nod and he walks off down the hall. . .

A doctor came out of Foolish's room, I look at him and he looked down at me,"Hey, kid.", "Is my big brother OK?", he shrugged,"Got a case of DID.", I frown,"What does that mean?", "Dissociative Identity Disorder.", with that he walked away. . .
Then Dad, Mom and Mr Herobrine came out of the room and were talking, with that I slipped into the room with Eret. . .

Foolish looked a lot better, I smiled,"Big Brother!", he then noticed us,"Guys!", Eret put me up on the bed with Foolish and sat in a chair next to Foolish's bed,"Hey, Foolish, how ya feeling?", "Much better.", I look up at him,"The, the doctor said something about DID? What's that??", Eret and Foolish look at another, in shock for some reason. . . Was I not supposed to know?

"You'll. . . Understand when your older, Little Bro."

"Why does Dream always read books about Mental Disorders or sickness?"

". . ."

"Maybe he finds it interesting?"

"Or maybe he plans to use it to Manipulative people with it."

. . .

". . ."

"No gonna answer?"

"I read about them for good reasons, so fuck off."

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