{Patience Running Thin?}

653 28 12

Foolish's POV~

I was still ranting about this, like it was so dumb!
Eret was just dying of laughter as I filled him on what happened with that whole freaking Maid Service Business!
I sat down next to Eret after the rant and he tired to cover his mouth and stop laughing,"S-So, Ppft-You got sued for Self Defense?", "Pretty much.", Eret removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes, probably to wipe the tears of laughter away,"My goodness. . .", I sighed and buried my face in my hands,"You're really having a rough week, Foolish?", "Yep!. . .", "I'm surprised of how much patience you have.", I chuckle and look at Eret,"You have no idea.", Eret covered his mouth with the attempt to most likely not laugh at the situation again, I sighed,"Welp. I am, so done with that Business after that. But if they come back with another maid to just terrorise me, I swear I'm locking the maid up like how Egyptians cased their leaders!", Eret frowned but was smiling,"Didn't Egyptians, when their leader dies, rip out their organs, stuff them in jars, wrap the body up and put it in a case?", "Yeah, but I'll just do that but without killing them or ripping out organs.", "Which would be such an entertaining thing to do.", I immediately looked around,"Though, not sure how they would breath.", I chuckle and turn back to him,"Yeah, true. Still, I'll just poke holes.", Eret laughed,"I think I'll set one up just in case they came back for round 2 or send another freaking Maid.", I smiled at the thought of that, but then they could sue me for that too. . .
. . .


Ant tried to move or loosen the wrapping as Foolish carried him towards an empty Egyptian Coffin of sort,"C-Come on, Foolish! It was just a prank! Heh!","Yeah; Attacking, attempt to Gaslight me and damage my property. Hilarious.", Eret opened the case and Foolish put Ant in, he glared,"You guys can do this! I'll sue you for this!", "Oh you can. Once you get out.", Foolish went to close and lock the case,"Oh, and there's plenty of holes and we'll let you out after a day.", with that Foolish closed the case,"YOU SON OF A TODEM, LET ME OUT!", Foolish chuckled as he and Eret backed up,"We'll come back in a few with food and drinks for ourselves and you."

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