{Why Do You Drink?}

808 33 5

Tubbo's POV~

Working in the Casino?
It wasn't what I imagined, but Quackity was always mad sometimes so something seemed to always piss him off.
But Charlie, the Slime hybird Shapeshifter thing, they're pretty nice. Fundy is always tired but it's nice to hang with him again, I don't talk to Foolish much, besides when it came to the Mansion or when he's actually here but he's very nice and then. . . Jschlatt.
He's been, nice enough, mostly playing with cards alone and drinking milk, which is a goddamn relief as I was not ready go go through that cycle again.


I entered the Restaurant Area and saw Jschlatt with another glass of milk, I took a deep breath and walked up to the counter,"Um, not a fan of alcohol anymore?", he looked at me and shrugged,"Got tired of it.", "Huh.", I went behind the counter and put some of the stuff away, but I wanted to ask Jschlatt why he did what he did to us, why was he an alcoholic and why he stole that Revival Book from Dream.
I stood up and sat down,"Um. . . Jschlatt?", he looked at me,"Hm?", "U-Um. . . I-If I may ask. . .", I clear my throat and as ready to run and hide behind the counter for cover,"Um. . . Why were you an Alcoholic in the past?", he slightly choked on his drink and I ran behind the the counter and ducked,"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!!", silence rang, I didn't hear a glass drop or any shouting from Jschlatt.
Slowly, I peaked out from the top of the counter and Jschlatt just had his eyes closed and seemed. . . Sad?
. . .
"You really wanna know kid?"
I nod as I sat on the stool behind the counter, he sighed and put the glass of milk down.
. . .
"Let's just say kid. . . I was at a low point in my life."


"Is he okay?"

. . .

"Our home got blown up, we died and one of our best friends are dead and Betrayed us, you think he's okay?"

. . .

"Just give him some space. . ."


Jschlatt stood at the crater of a place he once called home, he could have never imagined that he could lose so much in one afternoon.
His home and his best friend, or. . . Someone he once called his best friend, blew up everything he ever cared about.
. . .



Jschlatt held the book out of Dream's reach,"Fuck no, not unless you tell me how to use it!", "Jschlatt it's not a toy, it's not something to play around with!", "I DON'T FUCKING CARE!", Dream pulled out a sword as Jschlatt held the book over the cliff side, he knew he couldn't beat Dream if his life depended on it,"Drop. It.", "Not till. . . You tell me how it fucking works. I saw you bring back Fundy's fucking fox.", Dream was in shock that he was spotted, he could have sworn Jschlatt was passed out drunk! Dream regained his composer,"Why do you want to know how it works.", "I just-. . . I want my friend back. . .", Jschlatt held back his tears, Dream had never seen Jschlatt like this.
Dream sighed and reached for his belt,"Here's the deal: I'll bring your friend back, defend you from the others ONLY if you give me the book and protect this.", Dream pulled out an old rusty hand mirror from his belt.


Jschlatt downed another bear bottle as he sat in his office, he looked at the rusty mirror on his desk, he picked it up and looked at his reflection.
All he could see. . . Was a stranger.
This person looking at him, wasn't him.
Jschlatt, in anger and drunkeness, threw the hand mirror across the room and heard the glass of the mirror shatter into pieces!
He sunk in his chair and cried, he lost sight of who he use to be and now in any mirror he even looks in all he could see was a man that had lost everything.

=Jschlatt Angst=

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