•••Nas Vegas Theory•••

588 20 13

Back at it again, sharing my personal insight on the DSMP Lore because I can!

Today, I wanna cover a small theory or a rather larger theory on Nas Vegas and the potential it could have.


So, let me first start off with the vibe I immediately got from The Casino, it literally reminded me of Cuphead, you have a Casino Owner that acts like a devil and their right hand man, but in this case Quackity is The Devil and Jschlatt is most likely King Dice, just throwing that out there.

Anyway; People may think this place is good, but heck to the no it ain't!
First off; This is a server were nothing is as it seems, so let's first take a look at the members of Nas Vegas first.

You got Tubbo, Sam, Jschlatt, Foolish, Purpled, Charlie and Quackity.
Right off the bat I realised something, the people that Quackity hired for his Casino have something to their name that makes them powerful.

Sam- Warden of The Prison.
Tubbo- Has Access To Nukes.
Purpled- A Mercenary and Alien Hybird.
Foolish- A Literal God.
Jschlatt- A Past Dictator.

I think it's strange how Quackity is hiring people that have something about them that considers them powerful.
Also, let's not forget that Quackity has manipulated and blackmailed them too!
Quackity literally convinced Sam to torture Dream, he blew up Purpled's UFO after he refuse to work with him, he knows something about Foolish's past that isn't good and probably much more.

After these things, it's quite obvious that something isn't right here, if Quackity is aware of Foolish's mysterious past self, then what else could he know?

And then. . . My two other points.

The Smiling Faces and The strange hooded figures.

Now, people can say that it is Dream, but if my memory is right then Dream always draws his smile as a doodle and definitely not digital and we did hear Casino noises that warn us to not go to the Casino.

And about the hooded poeple, in one of Quackity's streams I remember two hooded figures and himself in robes, this made me think more into what it could possibly mean.
And it hit me.

What if, the true Villains of the SMP are actually The Wither Cult that Eret and Foolish encountered years ago, trying to regain power to finish what they started, especially if they learn Eret is alive, at first I thought he lead the cult but then I had an idea of what if Quackity joined the cult in order to have another backxup team if his first time of defense failed.

I don't know about you guys, but something is telling me that Quackity has put himself in a deepxrabbit hole, and like the Devil he will do what he can to keep people on his side and even sweeten the deal.

Only time will tell, but do think about this theory like my last two I did.

Next theory will hopefully be ready soon!

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