{Tommy's Discovery. . .3/3}

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Tommy's POV~

They took me to Sam's room, it was so weird to see his hair like that! Puffy was the first to talk once she sat down on Sam's bed,"Tommy... I guess we should have told you about it before we, locked up Dream but we didn't know how to react.", I frown,"Wha- What the fuck??", Sam took a deep breath,"Tommy I.... Dream's... He's actually my. . .", he was struggling to even say it, before he cleared his throat,"He's my little brother. . .", I blink a couple of times, say what.
The fuck.
Did you just say.
"You're his older brother?!?!?", he rubbed the back of his neck,"Y-Yeah...", Puffy then raised her hand,"And I'm his mama Puffy!", Sam leaned against the wall,"I-I don't understand though, if you two are his relatives, how come he never told us???", Puffy then explained,"Well, when he was still young, our family ran into troubles with his. . . 'Father'. . . We couldn't let Clay get hurt, so I called a family friend that was Bad and I asked him to take Dream on.", I was stunned,"So... The picture...", Sam picked up the picture and showed it,"Yeah... It was at least a year after we left him to Bad, but he didn't really remember much of me and Sam. So, to Dream we were just family friends to Bad. So, when Sam started to dye his hair, you can see in the picture, this was when he just started using hair dye.", I nod slowly. . .
Guess that explains why a lot, why Dream followed Puffy around or even why Sam intimated him, because as they're his family his mind is to listen to them, it was in an instinct telling him to follow Puffy and obey Sam's demands. "Does he know? Or do you plan to tell him?", Puffy the spoke up,"Me and Sam have been thinking of different ways to get through Dream and find out how to get our Dream back.", I nod, I then had a thought,"So, if Sam's is his brother. . . What would that make Ponk if they got together?", Puffy's eyes seemed to light up, as Sam's face flushed in embarrassment or something along the lines,"What's this about Ponk and Sam???", "Nothing! He means nothing!", I cackle as Puffy started to ask questions and his face only got more red. . .

Sam's POV~

After THAT heck of a time. I went to the bathroom to re-dye my hair, so I go see Dream. . .

After that, I got my bag and ran to the prison.


Once I entered the prison, I went to see Dream. . .
As I got to his cell, I saw him playing with the clock again,"Hey, Dream.", he looked up ,". . .", "Right, you're going on a strike of not talking to show how pissed you are.", he nods, I then held up my bag,"Here, got you something. And no, it's not potatoes again, I promise so come over here and eat.", Dream tensed up and slowly came over to me,". . .", I open the bag and pull out a brown bag with cooked steak, a bottle of orange juice and a sandwich.", he was shocked and looked at me,"If you promise to not burn the clock for a week straight, I'll bring you food like this from now on, deal?", he smiled slightly and nods, I smile and pat his head a little. . .

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