{How Do You Know How To Take Care Of Kids?} 2/3

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"Years back. . . I worked with animals, mostly dogs because I liked being around animals, but I also babysat for Puffy when she wasn't there. . . But. . . Things got bad. . ."

||Years Ago||

Sam's POV~

"Thank You, Sam.", I wave bye to Megan as she took her cat home, I smiled and rubbed my eyes. . .

I started to pour out food for the animals, I realised my phone was going off on the counter, I quickly reached over and picked it up,"Hello?", "Hey, Sam!", I realised Puffy was on the other end, I quickly put the phone on speaker as I started to pick yo some bowls of food,"Hey, Puffy! Sorry, if I sound a little distant, I'm currently feeding the animals, what's up?", I hear she chuckle a little,"Sorry, forgot it was around the time you closed and feed the animals. Anyway; I've been notified by my crew that a trip must be made and I may need to watch Foolish.", I stopped for a moment. . . Didn't she come back from a trip just last week? I gave some of the dogs some food and walked back to the phone,"Um-Puffy, this trip seems a bit out of nowhere, I mean didn't you just get back from another trip?", "I know, I know did. But I can't pass this one down, Sam. Can you imagine the payment I could get?? I could send Foolish to a great school!", I sat down on the floor,"I know, but don't you think--","Sam, please. . .", I sighed. . . I looked at my schedule and just nod,"Alright. . . I'll see you in a few hours. . .", "Yay!!! Bye, Sam and thank you!!", with that she hung up. . .

. . .

I sighed and put my phone down, Jesus. . . These trips on her ship are becoming more frequent. . .

I suddenly felt something licking my hand, I turned and some one of the dogs poking had came over and seemed to have noticed I wasn't happy, I smiled and pet the dogs head. . .
I liked this dog a lot, I think about getting a dog of my own but with the this job, Puffy's trips, Foolish and pretty much life in general. . .

After I was done with work, my boss came in as I finished checking the locks, he must have noticed something was wrong because he said,"Let me guess; Puffy?", I sigh and turn to him,"Did you just turn yourself into a mind reader after the first couple of times?", he shrugged,"Well, in this establishment, we like to make sure our employees are looking after themselves, and I know you do a lot of work Sam, I just want to make sure you're alright with it.", I nod and stood up,"Yeah, no, it's just I wish Puffy would let one trip go to be with Foolish for at least a year.", he nods,"I know. I barely seen the woman 'round town.", I nod and grab my coat,"Well, I have to go down and see her and Foolish. Night boss, I'll see you again tomorrow.", with that he gave me a smile and I left for the night. . .

At Puffy's House

I knocked on the house door and Puffy answered,"Sam! Hi, come in!", I entered and saw Foolish on the sofa looking glum, I felt bad for the kid, Puffy kissed him on the cheek,"Bye, Foolish I love you!!", "Mom--", but before he could say anything she was out the door. . .
I put my bag on the floor and sat next to Foolish,". . . I'm sorry Foolish. . .", he sighed and leaned against me,"Not that I don't like you, Uncle Sam. . . I just wish mom wouldn't go on trips so often. . . We don't need all the extra money, we have enough. . . And, I just. . .", I nod,"I don't take any offence to it, trust me. . . I wish the same, except I sometimes wish to have more free time on my hands. But, I love hanging out with you, Foolish.", Foolish nods and smiled,"Same. Usually a kid would feel scared that their mom is gone, but I just. . . Feel like your playing both roles at this point.", I shrug. . .


"Wait, so Puffy wasn't always around like she now??"

"No. . . If she still had her ship and crew, you would probably never know she existed. . ."

"Sam. . . Foolish, how did you guys manage. . .?"

"Well, I taught Foolish the basic skills he would need to survive, cook, clean and how to handle money. I also taught him about mental health, diet and just. . . Everything he needs to know. . ."

"So, is that the end?. . . Or. . .?"

"No. . . There is. . . One last part of the story of where things got real bad. . ."

"Wait. . . When did it get bad. . .?"

". . ."

"After Dream was born. . ."


"Yes. You see, after Dream was born, she stayed around for a few years. . . Till he turned 3 years old. . ."


I walked down to Puffy's House again, her first day back as a captain and now she has to go on a trip. . . For at least a year. . .! Are you kidding me?!?

I sighed and opened the door,"Hello? Puffy?", "She's gone. . .", I turned and saw Foolish coming down, still in his secondary school uniform,"Wha. . .?","She left after she hung up. . .", I was horrified. . .
Foolish nods,"Yep. This is-That was just. . . Dream got really upset. . .", I drop my bag and go upstairs,"Where is he??", "Inder his bed, he won't come out no matter what I do or say. He might listen to you, you are the adult.", I nod. . .
I enter his room, it was a nice room, I heard quiet sniffling from under the bed, I kneel down and look under the bed. . .

I small boy, in a green hoodie and dirty blonde hair was curled up in a small ball crying, probably hoping he wouldn't be found. . .

"Hey buddy. . ."

Dream peaked his head out of his little ball and immediately hid his face again, I reach my hand to him,"I know. . . I know it's hard Dream. . . Please come out, we can talk about this. . . Me and Foolish. . .", he slowly peaked his face out again. . .
He had beautiful green eyes and freckles littered around his face. . . He slowly crawled out and immediately hugged my arm, I smiled and ran a hand through his hair,"It's alright buddy. . . We're here for ya. . .", he rubbed his forehead on the sleeve of my jumper to show he trusted me. . .

We sat down, we talked and laughed. . . I even brought in my new dog, Fawn. . . Dream absolutely loved them, and Fawn lived Dream, Foolish found it cute as did I. . .


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