{DSMP/TOTSMP Incorrect Quotes}

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Quackity: You worry Jschlatt, there is no Traitor in our team. Besides, what reason would they have to betray me.

Jschlatt: Either you are a dumbass or just completely lost it.

Foolish: *Blackmailed*

Purpled: *Forced*

Sam: *Manipulated*

Charlie: *Just there*


Sir Billiam: I do not need such a hug from a poor person.

Butler: . . .*opens his arms for an offer*

Sir Billiam: . . .

Sir Billiam: *hugs him* ;-; I hate you.

Butler: *happy noise*


Eret: *counting the weak spots on the Egg*1. . . 2. . .

Karl: *points one out* Don't forget that one down there.

Sapnap: *turns to Karl in shock* How do you know about this. . .?!

Karl: Don't worry about it. ^ ^

Bad: Oh, I see Karl knows his stuff.

Foolish: Bad I swear-


Ranbob: God has decided to let me live another day, and I'm about to make it everyone's problem.


Techno: Dream, I made you a Best Friend bracelet.

Dream: I mean, I'm not much of a jewellery person.

Techno: Oh, you don't have to wear it--

Dream: No, I'm wearing it forever back off.

Techno: :3


Ran: *reading in peace*


Watson: Oh boy---

Edward: Put the knife down!

John: ARSON!!

Ran: *sighs*. . . Everyday, is a nightmare.


Tommy: So, what exactly do you do with Dream??

Sam: Well, Ponk comes in to be his therapist and both me and him talk to him so he doesn't, you know, lose touch to humanity.

Tubbo: Fair point.


Techno: I promise to destroy every government there is!!

Eret: Hi, Techno!

Techno: He's the only exception.

George: >:0


Sapnap: *getting up late to get food*

Sapnap: What the!?

Drepy: *stealing their food* !


Ran: You're an actual dumbass!

Derpy: ;-;

Sir Billiam: Should've killed him sooner.


Jack: *going off at Tommy because of everything*

Tommy: Have you seem the movie Moana?


Karl: Welp. Another day to be alive, let's see what Tramua I'll have today.

Charlie: ;-;

Ash: When Mr Glatt said to try and have a positive attitude on the situation, I don't think he meant that.


Tommy: Why did you do any of this?!

Dream: I dunno, maybe because a little shit of a child can't take responsibility, blows up and starts arguments over dumb things and won't stop betraying people!

Tommy: . . .

Tubbo: Something tells me we all drove him to insanity.

Ponk: Ya think?!


DreamXD: Okay, I get it, you had a really bad day, you're stressed out, 7 seven people died.

Karl: 12 people!

DreamXD: Not the point, but hey, they're dead now and realy, who's fault is that?

Foolish: Yours!!!

DreamXD: That's right, no one's. (:

Techno: I'm about to strangle this God-


Purpled: What's the difference between Quackity and a Daffy Duck.

Foolish: The only difference is Quackity drinks.

Quackity: HEY!

Jschlatt: HA!


~If Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo went to the past~

Ranboo: *holding Tommy back* No, don't kill Past Dream!


Tubbo; *Smh*

Past. Dream: Who are those crazy people??

Past. Foolish: No idea.

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