{. . .Let's Talk. . .}

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Dream's POV~

I hid under the bed in fear, blood was slowly staining the floor, it hurt to even have tears in my eyes. . .
The lava then began to open, I then pressed my body harder against the wall, hissing in pain but it was worth it,"Please. . . Please. . . No more. . .", I shut my eyes, begging deep down, I understand what I did to everyone, just make the pain stop. . .!

"Dream. . .?"

I then heard a soft voice, I opened my eyes a little, tears slipping down my face. . .

"S. . . Sam. . .?"

He looked so shocked, was it the blood, injuries or the fact that I'm hiding under the bed like I was a little kid.
Sam then reached in and tried to grab my arm, sudden pain shot through my pain and drew myself closer to myself,"Ow! No, no! Don't touch me! Please don't!", I could feel the hot tears staining my face, I tried to move my face away from Sam, but then he took my arm again,"Sorry, Dream. . .", he took my other arm and started to pull me out, pain was screaming through my body,"PLEASE-OW!! NO, SAM!! IT HURTS!! STOP!!", he got out out, I lay there and began to cry,"*sobs*. . . Why did you pull me out. . .?!? Just let me die. . .!!!", I cried. . . I cried pathetically. . .

Suddenly, I felt two hands cup my face, they directed me to Sam's face and I was forced to look him in the eyes. . .
Sam looked at me with tears in his eyes and he looked mad,"What. . . What has he done to you?!?!", I flinched at his voice, I whimpered,"Don't. . . Let. . . Techno. . . In here. . . Please. . .", Sam was in shock, probably wondering why I wouldn't want my only allie here. . .

Suddenly I felt myself being lifted off the ground, Sam had picked me up in his arms,"I'm getting you bandaged. . .", I whimpered and just whispered,"Please. . . Just end me. . .", Sam looked down at me as we walked across the bridge,"If you ever ask me do that to you again, Dream.", I sighed. . .
Worth a shot. . .

I found myself being bandaged and having my arm put in a cast for Quackity's. . . Lesson. . .
Sam looked at my left eye and then started to clean it,'"Ow. . .", "Sorry, it will only hurt for a second. . .", then he wrapped a bandage around my eye. . . He gave me a drink, of which I think is hot chocolate and sat down next to me on a bed. . .

I took a drink, the flavour and the warmth of the drink completely took my body back in shock, everything felt like it was on fire and the taste felt abnormal in my mouth. . .
"What happened Dream. . .", I look at Sam. . . Tears threatening to fall again,"Well. . . He came in, did his usual. . . But. . . Today was different. . .", I look at him,"He forced me. . . To write, a note to Techno to come to the prison and visit me. . . He said he would leave me be for a week. . .", Sam sighed in disbelief,"I didn't want to. . .! I knew he was lying. . .! But-But, he forced me to--", "Shh, shh, it's alright, I know you wouldn't do that to Techno on purpose. . .", Sam pulled me into a hug, something I haven't had in a long time. . .

"He's going to lock Techno in here. . ."

Sam looked at me,"What. . .", I look up at him,"You know-*sniffles* that trick where you, um. . . You ask someone to go into the room, but the um. . . The moment they enter you run to the door and closed it and lock them in?", he nods,"I see. . .", I set the mug down and just let Sam hug me. . . I leaned into his touch, feeling safe in his arms. . .

Sam's POV~

Dream. . .

Once he seemed like a powerful person but now, he's now the little boy that would hide under the bed when something bad happened. . .
He was like. . . A kid. . . Or even a scared little kitten in my arms. . .
Pick him up and took him to another room. . . I open the door and it was a simple bedroom, I lay Dream down on the bed, letting him the sleep he deserves but I made sure to lock the door behind me when I left. . .
I went to my desk and grabbed my paper and pen, I had to write to Techno and quick. . .

Dear Techno,

My name is Sam, I know you and I haven't spoken before but I'm writing to you from the prison to warn you to not trust Quackity.
He has forced Dream to write you a letter to come here, but he will lock you up with Dream to insecure you don't get in his way again. . .

I finished and had it ready to be sent. . .

. . .

We were made to believe by Tommy, that Dream was a monster but. . .

Everyone is a monster. . .
Whether we choose to accept it or not. . .

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