{Eret's Fear Of Dream}

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**Time Period: Before the War**

Eret's POV~

After I gathered up the supplies, mostly iron, diamonds and food.
As I walked through the woods, I fixed my sunglasses as I did so. . .

"Hey, you!"

I froze. Was someone yelling at me?
I turned around and saw a man with a green hoodie, hood pulled up and a very strange mask. . . He walked towards me,"Yeah, you. Sorry I didn't know your name.", I fixed the L'Manberg hat before he got a little closer,"U-Um, hi?", "You're that new guy in L'Manberg right? Eret?", I nod slowly,"Yeah, that's me, um. . . Do I know you?", he chuckled,"How rude of me. My name is Dream, I'm the Admin of this place, I'm pretty much in charge of this Server.", I then recalled Wilbur telling me about Dream, not in much detail though, so I guess this was him. . .
"W-Well, it was a pleasure to meet you but I should be going back to L'Manberg.", I turned away from him and began to walk to walk back to L'Manberg. . .

"You know they don't actually care about you, right?"

I stopped walking. . .

"No, if they didn't care they would have let me die in the woods or they would have let me leave L'Manberg."

I smirked at him,"So, why would they help if they didn't care?", he didn't answer that, I nod,"Exactly. Now, I'm going--", as soon as turned to continued to walk, I suddenly felt myself grabbed and then shoved hard against a tree. . .!
Then I realised Dream had me pinned against the tree,"Oh, Eret you poor sweet thing. . . You are nothing more than a burden to them.", his voice was suddenly sweet and soft, Manipulative. . . I tired to look away but he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him,"Heh. . . You don't even remember how you got here, are you sure your name is even Eret?", a cold shiver went down my spine as he said this, he was right I don't remember my life at all. . .
He then traced his hand up my face,"Now. . . That I have you right where I want you. . .", I then froze in fear when I felt my sunglasses leads were slightly moving,"What's under those glasses?", I then started to struggle,"W-Wait, no!!", I then felt them being ripped off. . .
I didn't have time to shut my eyes from the shock, I couldn't tell what he was feeling. . .
I then suddenly found myself shoving him off me as hard as I could, grabbed my glasses from his fist and ran. . .

Why was I crying. . .?
I was short on breath as I continued to run, tears slowly flooding down my face as L'Manberg came into view, I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. . .
Why. . .?
Why did my eyes have to be like this. . .?!?
I took deep breaths and put the sunglasses back on, before walking down to L'Manberg. . .

As I entered the gates, I saw Wilbur and the others talking and yelling at one another. . .
I kept my head low as I walked to Will,"Will, I got the stuff. . .", he turned and smiled,"Thanks Eret, hopefully it wasn't---. . . Eret?", Wilbur lifted my chin and made me look at him,"Eret, why are you crying?!", the others came over,"Eret?!", I wipe the tears,"I-. . . Dream he. . . Pinned me against a tree-and he. . . He. . . Removed my glasses. . .", everyone stared at me, Wilbur looked pissed and Niki then pulled me into a hug,"Oh, Eret, we're so sorry!!", Fundy growled,"That little--", Tommy was next,"Did that Green Bastard say anything else?!?", I thought about those words he said,"Um. . . No, he didn't say anything else. . .", Wilbur looked at me for a hot moment, I think he thought I was lying. . . But he then turned to Tommy,"Tommy, we will need to set up a meeting about this.", he nods and Tubbo turns to his bees,"Be ready to commit homicide, my army.", I let out a small chuckle, that made me feel better a little. . .

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