{. . .Time Running Out. . .}

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Karl lay there on the sofa waiting for Sapnap and Quackity to come home, but. . . Neither of them ever did. . .
Despite the fact that Karl time travelled, he always got home ten minutes before Quackity and Sapnap.  .  .
Although, they have been coming home a lot more later than usual, this time. . . They didn't seem to be coming home at all anymore. . .

Karl sighed and just lay his head down on the sofa arm, he felt sad that neither of them were coming home as often, he understood that Sapnap had stuff to do with Bad and Skeppy, and Quackity had this new Casino opening, but. . .
Karl wipped a few tears from his face, feeling lonely and sightly hurt. . .

As Karl read something off his phone, his eyelids began to feel a little heavy or even have a sting to them, so he stopped reading a rested his eyes for a moment. . .
The last thing he remembered was his phone slipping out of his hands with a loud thud. . .

Ran's POV~

I looked at Karl, I never thought his two lovers would be the ones to never show, he's the one going through space and time!
I walked over, I didn't have to be too quiet, he was out like a light, so I picked up his phone, turned it off and set it down on the table. . .
I then used my powers, creating green light, and in my hands I know had a nice blanket in my hands. . .
I took it and put it over Karl, keeping him warm. Karl almost snuggled into it, I smiled. . .

As I left, I felt dread wash over me. . .

Time was running out. . .

Not just for Karl, for Sam, Fundy, Purpled and anyone else apart of the Casino was going to be in hot water. . .
As I walked around, I saw the egg. . . I sighed and rubbed my eyes,"Still kicking huh.", I know Eret and Foolish will stop The Egg. . . Not hope, I know. With Karl's and everyone's help. . .
They're going to be fine. . .
Although, I do worry about Karl though, both of his finances seem to be ignoring him. . .

I snapped my fingers and opened up my portal. . .
As I walked in, I was immediately greeted by The God Of The In-between.

My brother.


He was white, red eyes and just looked like me but not completely, he was a different species altogether and you'd assume he was a good guy because of he was white, but no.
He was no good guy or Saint.
And he wasn't too happy that Karl managed to escape him and into my dimension: The Other Side.
He glared at me,"Where were you, Ran.", I glare at him,"None of your damn business.", he huffed as I walked past him. . .

Once back in my dimension, I felt at ease. . . But, I looked down at the notes in my hand, all the them containing the same faces. . .

A way to frame Dream. . .
But only fool could see it's impossible as he is a cell and this wasn't his smile. . .

It would have been a doodle.

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