{SMP Tales Headcanons} *So Far*

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Robin: When Ranboo and Tubbo leave Michael alone, Robin would play with Michael, this does result in Michael drawing Robin but Ranboo and Tubbo write it off as an imagination. . .

Ranbutler: When he is stressed or is feeling hopeless, he pulls out Karl's Masquerade Mask and he feels hope about him and Sir Billiam. . .

Cat: When Karl has had a rough day or when guilt builds up in him, Cat will appear where Karl is and be there for him to let out his emotions and gladly listens to Karl and gives him advice. . .

King Porkius: He has a very unknown attachment to Watson, everyone believes that it could be because Watson was the only one that was never scared of him so he likes to be around Watson. . .

Watson: He likes to help Karl with his aim, teaching him how to hit someone or something whether it's a moving target or not.

Sir Billiam: He doesn't like to admit it, but he cares a lot about his Butler, out of all the workers he killed for The Egg, he kept the Butler around. . .

John: He knew that his tike being alive was going to short, but didn't want to tell Karl because he didn't want Karl to worry and lose any determination. . .

Ran: He likes to appear in Karl's library to read with him, so Karl doesn't feel alone or scared of being alone. . .

Zachary and Ash: They like to play games with Karl, they'll set up small games for Karl, treasure hunt is their favourite as. . .

James: The reason James lost his wife and kids is because his wife found out James was actually BI and thought he was a sin so she took the kids and left. . .

Sheriff Sherman: He likes to remember Karl for helping him save his town, so when he retired he always remained thankful to Karl. . .

Drew. P. Wiener: Drew likes to make Karl laugh a lot, he remembers making Karl laugh back in the party so when Karl doesn't feel like smiling, Drew helps him. . .

Karl: He likes to visit his friends the limbo their all in and share stories with them about his day. . .

Sir Billiam: When Karl saved Big Q, Sir Billiam's soul immediately recognised Karl and in a moment of madness he ordered the vines to keep his hands off Karl and that's why The Eggpire stopped and let Karl and Quackity get away. . .

Lyaria: She likes to sing when no one is around The Egg, but when Karl is around he joins in and they end up singing a duet. . .

Ranbob: As he was getting rid of the bodies, he realised that Karl or Isaac's body was gone and made him wonder if he got away or. . .?

Charles: When Karl goes to explore, Charles goes with him to keep Karl safe and also to keep him company. . .

Karl: He sometimes feels guilty for what happened to all of them, but they always tell Karl that it wasn't his fault, but deep down he wishes he could have done more. . .

Robin: He developed a habit of chasing bees from watching Tubbo do it and he likes it. . .

John/Handsome/Ugly/Grievous: He is super protective over Karl and so he often likes to watch the people to see who he believes could be trustworthy. . .

Ranbutler: He likes to to clean and fix Karl's goggles and hair when he visits and this Karl learning skills from Ranbutler like how to hide things. . .

Sir Billiam: Has a habit of watching Techno and Philza, reminds him of times before he became The Guardian Of The Egg. . .

Zachary: He is Super clingy to Ash, as they have a very special twin bond bit also because they follow the mentality,"If We Go Down, We Go Down Together.". . .

Cat: He continues to be a Father Figure to anyone, in death and in spiritual. . .

Robin: Draws pictures for Karl when Karl gets sad. . .

James: He sees Dream as an older brother to Karl and has met Dream a few times when Karl visits him and both of them share concern of Karl's health. . .

Cletus: He has come close to killing Quackity multiple times behind Karl's back for everything but is always stopped by Charles and Benjamin. . .

James: Let's Karl fall asleep on him when he hasn't slept when it comes to nightmares. . .

Sir Billiam: He gives Karl books from his time to learn about The Egg and also about what life was like in his time. . .

Karl: Likes to play with Robin, Ash and Zachary in the Limbo. . .

Ranbob: Unintentionally taught Karl how to act like an innocent guy and also how to fight and he secretly wishes he just let Issac go because he believes he's alive and escaped somehow. . .

Watson: Helps Karl with insomnia as he actually admitted that he too suffers from it and it's why his head is a little all over the place. . .

Cletus: Will throw something at someone to piss them of. . . And get yelled at Benjamin later. . .

Karl: He sometimes tries to repay his undead friends with gifts but they always tell Karl that he had already repayed them when he turned up in their lives and helped them either make it brighter or even be there to help them. . .

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