{Sam's Fear}

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Puffy's POV~

"SAM!!! SAM!?!!??", I ran around the SMP like crazy,"SAM????", I felt my coat get caught by a nail, I tugged at my jacket and nearly fell once I tore it fear,"SAM!!!! WHERE ARE YOU????", I picked myself up and ran to Tommy's Hotel. . .

I threw open the doors and see Jack and Tommy,"GUYS!!", they turned to me,"Uhhh... Puffy?", "Where is Sam?!? I've been looking for him everywhere!!!", Jack frowned,"Last night he threatened me that if I didn't get out of the Hotel, he would kick me out himself.", Tommy turned to him,"What?! What did you do after that?!?", Jack then chuckled and tugged at his collar,"Heheh... A-About that. . .", I sighed heavily,"WHAT. Happened.", "I um. . . I may have. . . Accidentally. . . Pushed him in a hole. . .", Tommy and I stare at him,"You. Did. What?!?!?", Tommy grabbed Jack by his shirt,"H-Hey, Tommy--!!","Where is the hole?!? How deep is it?!? Can he breath?!?", I ignored their fighting and I ran out to look for a hole. . .

Sam's POV~

I pulled my legs close to myself. . . It's fine. . . It's just a hole. . . That has very close space. . .
I shut my eyes and tired not to think about it as my ears began to ring. . .


I opened my eyes and looked up,"Puffy????", I look up and saw her looking down with Tommy,"SAM!! ARE YOU OK!??! ARE ANY OF YOUR BONES BROKEN!!", I look at my leg,"I-I don't know! I can't... feel my right leg!", Puffy looked at Tommy,"We gotta get some help! We will be right back, Sam!! Don't worry!", with that they disappeared. . .

I looked around myself,"They'll be back. . . Just. . . Have to wait. . .", wait. . . That's all I have to do. . .

They've abandoned you. . .

Couldn't even protect one kid. . .

Join us Sam. . .

We see all. . .

Your fault. . .

I looked down at my arms, they were still bandaged from the last incident. . .

"Sam! Don't even think about it!"

I look up to see Ponk, he jumped down and looked at me,"P-Ponk? How did--","I jumped down. Puffy told me and I came running, but you couldn't hear me call your name so I jumped here to check on ya.", I shook as the ringing came back,"Sa---...?", his voice was drowned out by voices and ringing. . .

Ponk's POV~

He was having a panic attack.
I immediately held him close,"Shhh... Shhh... It's OK Sam. . .", he wasn't responding, but I could feel him cling to me in fear, he must have developed a fear of close spaces and of holes. . . Possibly also of blood. I rub his back,"Shh... I'm right here... It's OK Sam...", he was shaking in my arms, he's probably terrified. "I-I'm so s-sorry...! For... B-being so weak...!", I was shocked,"Sam... You are not weak.", I gently release him from the hug and make him look at me,"You are brave, strong and one of the most patient guy I know. When get you out of here, I promise you that I will not let The Egg or anyone hurt you again.", he looked at me, his breathing was still out of control,"P-Ponk...", I smile and hold him close again,"I won't leave you.  .  . I'll be right with you till the end.", he hugged back slowly and buried his face into my shoulder. . .


After what felt like forever, we got out!!

Philza actually came by to look at Sam's leg,"Yeah, you'll be needing to get a cast, your leg looks broken to me.", he sighed,"Anything... Is better than being in that hole...", I nod. . .

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