{You Promised, Tommy!!}

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Tommy's POV~


"Tommy, I can't do that!!"



I looked over at Ghostbur, he had blue tears running back his face and his eyes screamed fear,"You said it would be a quick thing! And that I would be alright!", I look at him, trying to put on a reassuring face,"No, no, no! Ghostbur, you're going to be fine! You will be fine!", "I don't want to be revived Tommy!", "I know, I know! Look, Dream is not going to revive you! He isn't---SAM SEND THE FUCKING PLATFORM OVER TO HIM!!!!", "I can't do that Tommy!", "THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?!?!? IF YOU DON'T PULL THAT FUCKING PLATFORM OBER THERE, DREAM IS GOING TO REVIVE WILBUR!!!", "ENOUGH!!!", me and Sam turn, Ghostbur turned around and I saw Dream, he held up a battered up book, he had strange cuts all over his face, as well as he was blind in one eye now,"THIS. SAM AND TOMMY! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU REFUSE TO LEAVE ME!!!", suddenly I heard a lever flick, I eyes shot over to Sam and I watched in horror as Lava started to close between us,"WAIT, SAM NO!!! GHOSTBUR!!!", "TOMMY, YOU SAID IT WOULD BE ALRIGHT!!! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO GO!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE REVIVED!!!!", those words hurt. . . He looked so scared, like a kid, I felt more tears in my face as Sam tired to yank me away,"TOMMY!!!","NO, GHOSTBUR!! WE NEED TO GET GHOSTBUR, SAM YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!", I struggled with Sam as Ghostbur continued to yell for help. . .

Ghostbur was slain by Dream

I froze. . .
I watched as the lava closed on us. . .

I fell to my knees and looked at Sam,"YOU. You're a monster!!", he ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily,"Tommy. . . What have you done?!", I gulp as tears fell down my face. . .

Ghostbur tried to wipe his tears as best as he could, he was now in an unfamiliar place. . .
It looked like train. . .

He looked up at the conductor, Dream. . .

"Why do you do this. . .? Why do you hurt so many friends. . .? I know you weren't like this before. . . We use to be friends. . ."

Dream didn't answer, he looked at Ghostbur, scars covering his face, blind in one eye and looked cold,"Because people use you for what you have. . . I learned that. . .", the train stopped. . . Ghostbur looked at Dream, Dream knelt down at him na dheld out a hand,"I won't hurt you. . . It's just time to rest. . .", Ghostbur slowly took his hand and let him lead him on the platform or a station. . .
Ghostbur saw him. . .
He saw Alivebur. . .

Dream looked at Ghostbur,"It stops here. . . I hope you find peace. . .", I nod at Dream and slowly let go of his hand. . .

"Wilbur. . ."

"Oh My God. . ."

"Is that. . . Wilbur?"

"T-Tommy. . .? Tubbo. . .? Wait, is this. . .real?!?"

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