{I'm A Person Too...!!}

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Technoblade's POV~

Tommy... Betrayed me again...

Fuck. . .

He choose Tubbo over me, a friend over his brother that was willing to help him!!

I didn't tell Philza when I got myself out of there, the snow was starting to get to him and he fell sick a few days back, so... I didn't want to put more pressure on him and make him sad. . .

I suddenly heard something bang against my shutters, I opened them and saw...


I groan and head outside, made sure I had my cloak on. . .

It was night, so it was extra cold,"What do you want, Tommy.", he sighed,"Techno... I have to to...---", he choked on his own words. . . What was he here for? Better not be for my help---

"Philza needs to come back to L'Manberg."

I stare at him,"W-What the fuck do you mean?!?", "Techno, I know he's been sick, this place ain't good for him! That and he escaped house arrest!!","You're not taking Philza away from me! He's the only friend I have!", Tommy looked confused,"You have Ghostbur, you have Carl and you have me--","Don't doesn't mean you.",the wind slightly picked up,"What the fuck, Technoblade!?!? You betrayed me back when we had Pogtopia---", I just felt my blood boil as he talked about that, I dunno what happened, but I snapped.


He went silent,"YOU HAD USED ME FROM THE START!! YOU USED ME FOR WEAPONS, ARMOUR AND MORE!! YOU BETRAYED ME TWICE!!!", he looked at me,"When we were surrounded by all of them, I was willing to fight all of them for him, but you choose your best friend over your family!! But that was all I was too you, 'The Blade', but guess what Tommy?!?! I'm a person too!!", for the first time... I felt something run down my face as I yelled at Tommy, I knew it was tears but I didn't care!

Tommy stared at me,"Techno...", I turned my back to him,"They hunted me down... When I swore off violence. You sure they're the good guys? Heck, EVEN DREAM IS BETTER THAN YOU!!", Tommy went red in angry,"TECHNOBLADE, HE IS THE FUCKING THIS WHOLE THING---", "No. YOU, are the reason!! If YOU hadn't went a burned down George's house, if you hadn't tried to threaten Dream when you could have been on house arrest yourself, what did you do?!?! You messed up everything!!", I huffed. . .

Tommy stared at me, I shook my head,"Just leave, Tommy. Go back to L'Manberg, That's what you always wanted, right? So, leave.", . . .,"Techno. . .", I turn to him and aimed my sword at him,"LEAVE. Philza ain't going nowhere.", with that, he stumbled back and ran. . .

I entered my house again, I closed the door. . . I sat down on the floor, I never thought I'd get my feelings out like that. . .


I look up and see Philza awake,"Philza...!", "Why are you up so late...? Why did I hear you slam the door...? Are you crying...?!", I sighed,"I'll tell in the morning.", he hesitantly nods. . .

We went upstairs,"Hey, Philza, you feeling any better?", he shrugged,"Yeah, I do. . . It's probably just a cold or a fever. . . I'll be alright.", I smiled as he went back to his room. . .

But, what if they come back and try and take Philza away?! I couldn't let that happen!!

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the message Dream had given me. . .

To meet up with him and talk about something. . .

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