{Hybird Experimental AU}

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(These are just some Headcanons on how this AU would go or even work.)


Tubbo/Ranboo: Tubbo is a Bee Hybird and Ranboo is an Enderman/??? Hybird, but the rule of the facility is to never separate the two as this leads to Ranboo becoming hostile and Tubbo being uncooperative so they must always be together.

Tommy: Is a human scientist, takes after his missing father but only works there to know what happened to him.

Sapnap: A Fire Hybird, he is easily angered or motivated, but the rule is to never get violent with him as one of the Demons in the facility will become violent and try to break out to defend its son.

Bad: Bad is a rare Half Angel/Demon, but has a husband and son that were captured, will get violent if you swear or hurt his family or friends.

Skeppy: He is Diamond, having Patches of diamonds over his skin and could turn into a complete diamond but you can't kill him for diamonds.

George: One of the head scientists, but is always sleeping on the job, he also breaks the rule by allowing one of the Shapeshifters to be friends with him.

Niki: She's the cook of the facility, she's also very eay going and isn't harsh towards the hybirds as long as they aren't with her, she's also the only one Jack will listen too.

Punz: Son of The Head Doctor, he isn't aware of how violent or bad these experiments or training could get, but he comes in every once in a while to see his dad and the hybirds.

Purpled: Is a Alien Hybird, but he got attached to Punz very easily, he always waits at the window of the cell for Punz to come in and Dr Jones takes note of that and possibly has a use for the hybird.

Ponk: One of Dr Jones top doctor, hired to treat the injuries of workers or hybirds, so they don't die one them. He's never mentioned his personal life because he knows what will happen to his family if Dr Jones finds out what he's hiding.

Foolish: A Shark/Todem Hybird, was found by Puffy and adopted but was raised by Sam, he's always had a grudge against Puffy for abandoning him and Dream for adventure but he never shows his hate her in front of Dream.

Dream: He youngest in the family, was also found by Puffy but was rasied by Ponk and Sam, he's able to go outside more and goes to school, but isn't sure why Foolish and Sam can't, they try to explain to him that it's dangerous for them but he never understands.

Sam: A Creeper Hybird, he escaped years ago and has built a life in a small city with his boyfriend Ponk and the two kids he minded for his friend Puffy, who had gone missing, he loves the kids as his own and worries every time Ponk goes to work, makes him a stay at home dad to keep the kids safe and himself.

Puffy: A goat Hybird, was captured while sailing and brought to the facility, built up anger issues so no worker is to enter her cell when her anger levels are high.

Fundy: A fox hybird, he was found with her mother, Sally, while collecting berries and were separated from their father, rule of the facility is to not separate Fundy from Sally as he was still a kid and needed a mother figure.

Techno: A Pig Hybird, was one of the strongest and toughest hybirds to be captured, the rule of the facility is to not mention Orphans or go into his cell with any trace of blood on you and always have gold on you just in case.

Wilbur: A human father of a foxy hybird, he was in shambles when his wife and son were taken but he's determined to find them again and make those scientists pay for everything.

Sally: Sally is a fish Hybird, she's very sweet and a non hostile mob but she will become violent if you hurt her son, another rule of the facility.

Quackity: A duck hybird, he was originally arrested for alcohol abuse, gambling, drugs and use to run a Casino, but was taken by the facility after being confirmed to be a danger to society, but he use to be married to a Fire Hybird and a Human, but they divorced because of his alcohol activities.

Karl: Karl is a human, he works as Niki's assistant cook, works also to help with experiments and works another job with Mr Beast, he always finds it hard to look at Quackity and Sapnap after everything, but he's always reminded about what Quackity did and so he pretends he doesn't hear Quackity try to talk to him.

Philza: A Bird Hybird, he escaped years ago from the facility and was presumed dead after they shot him and dumped him in a river. So, when Wilbur comes to him about it, he's forced to face his past one more time.

Kristen: The Goddes of Death, she saved Philza's life when they were both kids and she ended up marrying Phil and had a son, Wilbur, so when Phil comes to her about the Facility, she is ready to take the souls she needs.

Jschlatt: Another Goat Hybird, but is more chill, use to work as a dealer for Quackity but was too captured, but as long as no alcohol or drugs is given to him he'll be calm.

Charlie: A Slime hybird, he was found I na wall and Scientists try to catch him but he keeps getting away, this leads to Charlie wanting to break his new friends and may try and win over a Scientist to help him.

Eret: A close friend of Foolish, he visits him a lot and no one dares to try and hurt him as no one can mistake his eyes for the blind.

Hbomb: He was a scientist that use to work on Shapeshifters, but then went insane and they put him in a straight jacket and giving the job to George.

Hannah: A scientists, she helps Niki out in the kitchen but gets a long with most if the hybirds.

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