{Torture For Answers}

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**Time Period: After Techno's Failed Execution**

Tubbo's POV~

Me, Fundy, Quackity and Ranboo sat on the platform, Quackity clearly frustrated. . .

"So. . . What do we do now. . .?", Quackity stood up, swinging his axe lightly,"The fucker hid that todem of undying on him. . . How, we searched him!!?", "He could have hidden it in his boot.", we all look at Ranboo,"It's an old trick to how people hide a knife, in their boot and Techno did bend down at some point.", Fundy groaned,"How the fuck--Why did we not think he wouldn't hide something?!", I sighed,"He's probably long gone by now. . . Where did he even get something like that?", Quackity seemed to go red with fury,"I think I have an idea of how. . .", with that, I followed his gaze and it landed on Philza Minecraft's House. . .

Quackity kicked down the door of Philza's house, I peek in and saw Philza jump up from a chair and dropping his book,"Uh--", "Let's cut to the crap, Phil; Where did Techno get it.", he looked confused as he picked up the book,"Got what?", "The Todem Of Undying, Fool! Where did he get it?!?", Philza half shrugged,"I'm not sure. Techno doesn't really tell me where he gets his stuff, I think he said someone gave it to him.", Quackity faceplamed, I nod,"W-Well, thanks I think.", Ranboo nods,"Yeah.", Quackity then turns to us,"Let's just question him tomorrow. It's getting late.", I nod,"Yeah. Goodnight Philza. . .", he nods. . .


He watched from afar. . . He watched as Ghostbur practically forced Philza to walk his pet sheep, Friend, so he could feed him. . .

Looks like you were caught Philza Minecraft. . .

The light of the moon light, casted the shadow of an axe being swung gently, patiently waiting for the chance. . .

Ranboo's POV~

I woke up early to something being slammed! I sat up and looked around, I got out of bed and pulled on some boots. . .

I left the house and looked around, I noticed that Quackity was walking from this side of L'Manberg. . .
I decided to go see Philza, maybe ask him a few questions, I walked down to the house and knocked,"Phil? Philza Minecraft? Are you awake, if so can I enter???", silence. . .


I gulp and look at the handle, I raised my hand to grasp it but, what was stopping me? There was this dark aura I didn't like. . .

I grasped the handle, and I slowly turned the handle. . . I pushed open the door slowly,"Philza. . .? S-Sorry for breaking an entry but. . .---", I froze. . .

Philza was tied to the chair, he had visible wounds all over him, his face was covered in cuts and his usually long hair was cut short, just above his shoulders. . .

I was frozen. . . I wanted to to scream, but nothing came out. . .

Suddenly something snapped me back into reality, I found myself running to Philza and taking off the duct tape from his mouth as carefully as I could, I then look through his stuff for something sharp. . .
I pull out a knife, I started to cut the ropes. . .


I look up and saw Dream, his mask was croaked to the side of his head and looked exhausted. He rubbed his eyes and only then did he see this sight,"Ran--Oh my god!", "I don't know either Dream, I woke up to someone slamming a door and I came here to see this!", Dream ran over and helped me cut both ropes from Philza. . .
Dream then checked for a pulse,". . .", "I-Is. . .?", "No, he's alive. . . Just unconscious. . .", Dream checked Philza's visible injuries, like there seemed to a bad injury on the back of his head, Dream sighed,"We need to get him to Techno. It's not safe here for him.", with that he pointed to me,"Get a boat prepared, and fast.", I nod and ran off. . .

Soon, Dream came out, having Philza slumped over his shoulder. . . Dream got him in the boat and in a comfortable position to not cause anymore bleeding. . .
We took off to Techno, I was kind of nervous to see him again due to, the execution, but Philza needed help. . .

Once we got there, Dream got a horse and got Philza on with him,"Think you can keep up?", I nod,"Yeah, just lead the way.", with that I jumped on a horse and followed after him. . .

Once we got a nice house, we got off and Dream once again, slumped Philza over his shoulder,"Do you need help?", "No, I'm fine. We are just at the door.", I nod and we walk up to the door. . .

Techno's POV~

After treating an arm injury, I heard a knock. Phil? No, he was put on house arrest. . .?

I walk over to the door and open it to see---.  .  .

"PHILZA!?!?!?!?!!? DREAM!?!?!? RANBOO?!?!?"


I immediately helped Dream get Philza on the sofa, I told the Ranboo guy to sit down and not touch anything, I took out my first aid kit and looked at all the open wounds, I covered them as best I could and treated them, Dream helped me steady my hand when it came to pouring the liquid or helping me with bandages. . .

Soon, we were done. . . I stare at the blood on my hands, I breath heavily. . .
Suddenly, two gloved hands took mine, I looked up at Dream,"It's not your fault. I couldn't even forsee this happening. . .", Ranboo was watching us from a table, he looked. . . Sad?
I look at Philza,"Maybe if I hadn't left him. . .", "You didn't know they would do that to Philza, your Dad was actually happy you left. Because he knew you were safe. . .", I took at Dream, he was complicated. . . You can never tell why he does what he does, but he has a good heart when it comes to this. . .

. . .

Dream soon fell asleep in a chair, somehow he did in the most uncomfortable chair so it makes sense how he somehow sleeps in the snow. . . I look at Ranboo,"You. Did you help?", he nods,"Y-Yes, Sir--. . . I found him. . .", I look at him, he reminds me of someone. . .

I nod,"You're good. For now.", he nods, I look down at Philza and hope he wakes up soon. . .

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