{The Words Are All. . . Jumbled.}

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Foolish's POV~

"Thanks again, Karl. For the help.", Karl nods, "Of course.", "And uh, you will lend me that book on this, Sir Billiam guy, right?", Karl nods,"Most definitely, I just need to fund in my clutter of a Library.", I nod,"Well, have a safe trip home, alright?", Karl nods as he walked down the stairs of the temple.


I sighed as I put some of my building equipment away,"Finally, felt like this day was dragging on forever. But hey, at least we have more information on The Egg.", Eret nods as they hung their jacket up,"Yeah, it was nice of Karl to help us.", I sat down and looked at all the papers and notes he had,"Yeah, I'm surprised he has so much on The Egg while we barely have anything.", "He does have a Library back at his kingdom, I haven't seen it but I have heard good things.", I nod, I spread the pages out along with the draws he had drawn of the Egg.


"So this thing goes way back, 1800s, it seems to have multiple breeding grounds so that means we dug up one.", I nod and turn to Eret,"Yep. Idiots.", Eret shook their head, then lifted up a sheet,"Then you have a list of known side effects- How did he get this?", "Something tells me he asked The Eggpire and barely escaped afterwards, but if the claw marks on him speak louder than volume; Ant did it.", Eret nods, "But, at least we know what happens when they get infected but, what happens if you try and ignore it.", I shrug and look through the pages, "I dunno, I'd jope nothing bad will happen cause that's what Ponk's been doing for a year or so now.", Eret nods, returning to the drawings of the Egg.
I made sure not to rip any of the pages, I'm surprised of how old some of the pages look, but some even looked like it came from a Journal of sort.
"I've tired to ignore it for a week, The Egg, but to no avail it will not stop."
"At first, I felt more tired and irritated, it was draining me of any energy and playing my emotions like a fiddle."
"Then it came to random dizzy spells or strange visions that come to mind, disturbing if you please."
"Then came my inability to read or write, all the words were just jumbled up or looked to be in some unknown language."
"The voices only grow louder and louder, it will not stop till it has what it desires."
I let that sink in for a moment.
"Eret, I have to go real quick.", Eret looked up,"Are you okay?", "Y-Yep, just look after the notes and the place!", I quickly grabbed my blue cloak thing and ran out, knowing it was dark and it would be raining soon.


"What's the sudden rush for, Demi God?", I turned to XD, who was perched up on the statue like a fucking bird,"None of your business!", "Alright, Alright. But just know your deadline is coming soon, Pet.", as he finished that sentence I flipped him off and took off running to Ponk's house.


"Ponk?!", I threw open his door and felt a little relieved to see his place/clinic in place.
But there was still this cold feeling I couldn't shake, like the fact that Ponk didn't seem to respond to me bursting in.
I closed the door after myself as I entered,"Ponk??", I then stopped at the sound of a boarding creeking from deeper in the house.
. . .
I walk over to Ponk's bedroom and knocked,"Ponk. . .", ". . .", I could hear faint breathing, I slowly open the door and peaked in.
. . .
I quickly rush in, Ponk was sitting on the ground, I sat down in front of him,"Ponk, what's wrong?-", "I. . I-. . . I-I dunno. . .", I took one look around the room and could immediately tell something was wrong, books were pulled out and piled up on the ground, Ponk's hair was a mess from being yanked at and no doubt was pacing the floor.
"Ponk, I'm going to get, Sam. Okay?", Ponk didn't reply, he was just staring down at a page in a book.


Sam's POV~

"What happened?!", Foolish showed me a sheet,"Me and Eret were going over Karl's notes, and we found this entry on what would happen if someone tired to fight against The Egg so, I immediately rushed to find Ponk and well. . .", I nod,"I see. . . I'll try talking to him.", Foolish, I could see worry in his eyes as I went to Ponk.
"Ponk. . .", I saw him on the ground, I walk over slowly to not scare him and knelt down,"What's wrong. . .", Ponk showed me the pages of a book,"W-What does it say. . .", I hum in confusion,"What do mean?. . .", "J-Just answer it, please. . .", I hesitated but I pat his shoulder, he looked up at me and I could see just how tired he looked, that list was right.
"S-Sam. . . I-I. . .", I pull him close,"Take your time. . .", I could feel Ponk shiver, but he hugged back silently.
. . .
"S-Sam. . . I. . . I can't read. . ."
I was surprised, Ponk showed the book as he broke the hug,"I-I don't understand!. . . The words, they-they're levitating, glitching and-and it doesn't even look like proper English, I-I tired to read other books b-but it hasn't gone away in days, I can't write either cause I can't read what I write, Sammy. . .!", I pu his hood down gently and run my hand through his hair,"Hey, it's okay. . . It's alright. . .", Ponk had tears in his eyes as he hid his face in my jumper,"It's not. . . How can I help Karl or even The Eggpire if I can't read or write. . .", Sam smiled and continued to run a hand through his hair,"You know Ponk, we can read it out to you if you'd like. I know reading to yourself works a lot, but I know sometimes people have to have something read out loud for them to help them more.", I waited for his reply, he immediately nods and didn't move, I smiled and rubbed his back,"It's okay, I love you Ponkie. . .", "Love you too, Sammy. . .", I nod and looked at the book he had tossed aside.


That night, while Eret and Foolish set up a Bulletin Board for the new information on The Egg and it's history.
Sam and Ponk were on the sofa, comfortable under a blanket and next to one another as Sam read the book Ponk tired to read before hand.
For Ponk, it was strangely. . . Calmly in a way.

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