{How I Came To L'Manberg?}

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"Hey, Tommy?"

"Yeah, Foolish."

"How did you guys meet Eret? I mean, I know Wilbur asked you, Fundy and Tubbo to help with the old nation."

"Oh, right, no Eret kind of was different. . . You see. . . It went something like this."




ilbur rolled out the blue prints, their uniforms were slightly titchy but they were the first version of them. . .
So, Wilbur pointed around the area,"So, to outline the area, we can get some sticks to outline the wall that will be made.", Tommy rubbed his eyes and Tubbo looked over the blueprints,"I can't read.", Fundy chuckled,"We just have to get a few sticks and logs to outline the L'Manberg walls.", Tubbo nods and with that, he and Tommy walked into a part of the woods and Fundy walked off to another part. . .

Fundy picked up a few logs, checking to make sure there were no bugs on them or under it. . .
But, Fundy felt like something was wrong. . .
Like something or someone was around in the area. . .
Fundy carefully scanned around the area, Fundy felt shivers go down his spine as he tried to spot anyone around him. . .
Soon, he did spot something. . .
Or someone. . .

Fundy noticed as some figure seemed to leaning against the tree holding their stomach.
Fundy jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see Wilbur,"Fundy is something wrong?", I nod a little and point to the figure. . .
Wilbur squinted his eyes at the figure, the  slowly walked towards them with Fundy behind him. . .
Wilbur cleared his throat,"H-Hey, Sir are you alright?", no reply so, Wilbur continued to walk towards him. . .
As they got closer, they realised it was a guy, he was leaning over holding his stomach,"S-Sir. . .--", suddenly the guy collapsed! Wilbur quickly jumped into action and caught him,"Sir?!", Fundy immediately got scared,"D-Dad, is he OK!?", Wilbur looked in horror at all the wounds this man had on him, the back of his neck, arms, legs, face but the most horrifying was the sword on his stomach, Wilbur turned to Fundy,"Go get the others! We need Medical Help!!", Fundy nods and dropped the wood and ran. . .
Wilbur immediately lay the man down, the man was covered in many wounds, stab wounds, claw marks and it just looked like he was had been through hell and back. . .! The placed my hand on stomach around around the blade, I took the handle with my opposite hand and gently and slowly started to pull it out. . .
Niki came running,"Did you pull it out?!","Nearly!", "OK, Good! We need to get him to the medbay ASAP!", Wilbur nods and slowly yanked out the sword, Niki then held three towels on the sword wound,"Alright, help me carry him!", with that Wilbur picked up the man and they ran back to L'Manberg. . .

Once inside the medbay, Niki immediately started to work on the man, stopping the bleeding in the sword wound was Niki's 1st problem. . .
As Niki stopped the bleeding, she grabbed a bandage and put it over the man's scratched eyes, wrapping it around his eyes and head. . .
Niki finished and went outside to the others while wiping her hands cleans. . .

"So? Is the bastard alright?", Wilbur whacked Tommy on the head lightly for that, I sighed,"He'll be alright, he may be out for a few hours, he also lost a lot of blood. But, he should be fine.", Tommy sighed,"Should we even let this guy stay here? What I'd he tries to kill us??", Wilbur turned to Tommy with a face,"Sure; A stranger won't be totally confused on how they got here and not freak out.", with that Tommy shut up and scooted out of the room. . .

So, Niki went to go plant some flowers, Wilbur went to keep an eye on Tommy and Tubbo and Fundy decided to go check on the mystery guy, it has been a few hours. . .
As I came to the door, I could hear shuffling. . .
I slowly opened the door as carefully as I could. . .

Soon, I froze.

The man was up.
His entire body was nearly bandage, he had a bandage around his eyes but seems to be depending on hearing around him and he was holding a syringe. . .
Fundy held up a hand as he closed the door behind him,"S-Sir. . . Put that down. . .", "W-Who's there. . .?! Don't come any closer. . .!!", he was obviously scared, his whole body was shaking not only because he was scared but because his body is still weak. . .
Fundy walked slowly towards him,"Sir. . . Please take deep breaths. . . You're still recovering. . .", before the man could say anything, he suddenly he grunts in pain, holding his stomach in pain with his free hand. Fundy takes the syringe out of his hand, threw it on the tray and then helped the man back to the recovery bed. . .
After that, Wilbur, Niki and Tommy came in. . .

Wilbur was the first to talk while Niki replaced a bandage on his arm,"Hello, Sir. I apologise if you are confused or anything, but just know you are safe. What's your name?", the man went silent,"Eret. My name is Eret.", Wilbur smiled,"Nice to meet you Eret, I'm Wilbur, this is Tommy, Fundy and Niki. . .", Eret went silent before replying,"H. . . How did I--- Where am I. . .?","You're in our soon-to-be nation, bitch.", Wilbur whacked Tommy again,"You're in L'Manberg.", Eret nods slowly, Niki spoke next,"Do you remember what happened to you. . .?", Eret went silent. . .

"I. . . I-. . . I don't remember. . ."

Tommy looked shocked, Niki looked worried, Wilbur looked concerned and Fundy and looked worried.
Eret ran a hand through his hair,"I-I. . . I do don't know. . . What happened to me. . .?!", Wilbur stepped in,"Sir, Sir please calm down. . . Take deep breaths. . .", Eret did as he told was told, taking deep breaths. . .

So, Eret ended up staying with them still he completely recovered, he got to know everyone there and learned about the other people, Dream, Sapnap and George, but he never left L'Manberg mostly because he was scared. . .
When Eret recovered, Wilbur offered him to stay, because not only did they all become good friends but he also had no memories of where he came from or how he got so beat up, so Wilbur gave him a L'Manberg uniform and became part of their nation. . .

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