{Cops and Murderers 1/?}

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Two kids could been seen running around the neighbourhood at, possibly, the most ridiculous time in the morning, causing a huge racket. They were known for being loud, hyper and up at the worst times, but that's what made them so interesting. . .

The boys finally collapsed in the field not to far from their houses, the taller boy was more tired than the other was, who was sitting up right and was still bouncing even when sitting down, most likely waiting for his friend to regain his energy...

"Hey, what do you wanna do when we are big adults???", the slightly older male looked at his friend,"Huh?","Like; What do you wanna do in the future when we can be adults and stay up late!", the older male looked thoughtful as he fixed his glasses, trying to think...

"Either a Detective or a Musician!"

The younger male smiled,"I think you'd do great at both jobs; But when I go up, I wanna have my own business!", the older male nods and smiled,"I think you should go for it! You'd be an amazing Businessman!", the boy in the blue jumper smiled,"I know~!", the older male laughed as they lay in the field and talked about their dreams. .

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The street blurred with red and blue lights... The Detective and his crew had finally caught up to the mysterious killer, they had made actions for nearly years and only when they caught one of his partners in crime, and they could finally catch this killer and put an end to it all, no more killing, no more bodies: Nothing.

The Police Cars skid to a stop outside a tall building, the cops all immediately got out of their cars and aimed their guns at the door, may other cops soon showed up and blocked off any other entrance outside of the building.
The SWAT team, the cops and The Detective were all ready, the General in charge of The SWAT Team raised a megaphone to his mouth and began to talk;

"Please come out of the building with your hands up! We have you surrounded! If you try anything, we will not hesitate to shoot you down! Release any hostages, civilians and all partners and the ringleader will come out with no weapons! If you do not comply with us, we will be forced to ce in ourselves!"

All anyone could hear was the blurry sound of the sirens...

Soon, the black doors opened and a man in a black suit, red tie, brown hair and goat horns came out with his hands up with 4 others...

The Detective slowly walks up to them, with his gun aimed at the man in the suit,"You're all under arrest for murder, fraud and more...", the SWAT Team kept their guns on them as the other cops cuffed them, while the man in the suit watched, he looked at the Detective with a blank expression...

The Detective used his free hand to get the cuffs out of his pocket, once he did he looked at the man,"Don't make this harder than it needs to be and surrender...", the man's blank expression soon twisted into a small smile,"Or what?", the Detective looked confused,"What? You're surrounded by cops and SWAT Units, I'm pretty sure you will be shot! Or I'll just do it in self defense!", the man chuckled and The Detective almost could hear the sadness in his laugh... The Businessman looked at The Detective with, what seems to be like, sad eyes...

"This would have been easier if you became a Musician instead... Ey?"

The Detective stared at the man... He slightly lowered his gun, his chest felt tight, he felt tears at the raising. . .


"Hey, Wilbur..."

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