{An Overdose} 2/2

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Butler's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes, my head felt like it was spinning like a top, my vision was completely blurry but. . .
I wasn't in my room. . .
My body felt incredibly weak, but I was determined to get up, so I used my elbows to push my body up a little. . .
I squinted my eyes to try and adjust to what room I was in. . .
I suddenly felt a wave of nauseous come over me, I let myself fall back on the bed slowly. . .

Suddenly the door opened.

I tired again to sit up, but this time I felt a hand on my chest,"Don't try and get up.", the person pushed me gently back down on the bed,"Wha. . . What. . .?", I listened as the sound of a tray was set down,"You had an overdose, Butler.", I frown at the voice. . .

Wait. . .

"Sir. . . Billiam. . .?"

Soon my vision focused more on him and it was Sir Billiam, he nods,"Indeed. Do you remember what happened. . .?", I think. . . Before I slowly nod. . .

I can't. . .
I removed my mask and felt like breaking down again. . .
I looked at the mirror and my eyes fell on something. . .

A Pill Bottle. . .

"I don't know. . . What. . . Was going through. . . My head. . ", Sir Billiam sighed and then helped me sit up better,"I understand your frustration and your desire to want to escape The Egg, but we have no choice.", I nod, before getting another headache, Sir Billiam ran a hand through my hair,"You are my Butler, as much as it is my job for you to work for me,xit is also my job to look after you.", I look at him, . . . Does he. . . Really care. . .? I slightly, and cautiously, lean into his touch, and he didn't push me away. . .

{Months Later}

Another party.
Although, this one was more manageable as I didn't have to interact with anyone. . .


I suddenly fell and dropped the tray of glasses I had! I was in shock from the surprise,"Ha! Stupid poor person. You're lucky Sir Billiam leaves you alive.", I whimper, not just because of the shards n but because of their words. . .
"What is happening here."
We turned and saw Sir Billiam, the person, some girl, smiled,"Yes, you should probably get a new Butler cause this one if such a clumsy poor idiot.", I started to pick up the glass as best as I could as she spoke. . .
"Butler, await me here for a moment, madam if you would follow."
And she did. . .

He came back down with blood on his hands, washing it off. . .
Maybe. . . He isn't so bad. . .

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