{How Do You Know How To Take Care Of Kids?} 3/3

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Ponk's POV~

"Wait. . . So that means. . . You practically raised them and you. . . Never had time for yourself. . .", Sam had tears in his eyes, I hugged him, hopefully making feel a little better about it. . .

"But, I don't understand. If Dream had an alright childhood, why is he the way he is??", Foolish sighed,"Me and Sam have been talking and. . . We suspect that maybe because Puffy had walked out on him like it was nothing, we think maybe because people were leaving him he might have snapped.", Sam wiped his tears,"We do suspect other reasons, but. . . We just don't know. . . We know he is ADHD--", "He does?!?", Sam nods,"Yeah. . . That's why he makes those nosies. . . Or why he may seem out of it. . . We don't know if he has any other illness we aren't aware of.", I nod,"Sam told me a little bit about this. . . And, I'm surprised Puffy could do that. . .", Ranboo nods, he then turns to Foolish,"Think you may need to get Dream a doctor.", Foolish nods,"We will, we just need to make sure Dream won't try and be violent towards them.", Purpled nods,"Yeah, true.", God. . . Why Puffy. . .?

Why did you burden Sam with your kids. . .?

Sam's POV~

After I calmed down, I went to check on the prison. . .

I brought Fawn with me because I felt like I wanted some company with him. . .
I searched through a few boxes and found Dream's ADHD medicine,"Alright Fawn, I gotta go,see Dream.", him barked and whimpered, he wanted to come. . .

I sighed,"Stay a minute, Fawn.", he sits and watchd me as I looked at the controls. . . After what happened to Ghostbur, I managed to get a new bridge up, now I can make a long path to Dream only if it was necessary. . .
Soon, I checked and saw Dream using a stone to doodle on the walls. . .

I walk over and clear my throat, he turned to me and looked at me and the wall,"I uh--", "Don't worry, I just came to give you your medicine.", I held it up, he nods. . . I hit a button and the thing that separated us came down, suddenly Fawn came out of nowhere and jumped up at Dream!

"Dream, I'm so--", "Fawn!", I was surprised, Dream sat down as Fawn licked his face and Dream petting his head,"You, remember him?", he smiled and nods,"Yeah, I do...!", I smiled under my mask,"That's. . . Great. . .", Dream smiled as he played with Fawn a little. . . Maybe. . .

That little boy is still in there. . . We just need to break down the walls he set up. . .

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