{How Do You Know How To Care For Kids?} 1/3

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Ponk's POV~

"So, please I beg of you guys to play football and not break the rules or get physical at one another, please.", Sam was just making sure Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy and Purpled played some normal game like football, like more teens would, they agreed to as long as a few adults watched them because they knew they would do something stuipd. . .

So, Foolish, Sam, me and Quackity got to watch them play and it was absolutely chaos. Ranboo was in the goal, Tommy was yelling because of his arms and legs being too long to not miss the ball, Tubbo kept forgetting where to shoot the ball and Purpled was trying to explain the game to Tubbo and Tommy. . .

Foolish laughed when Tommy hit Ranboo in the head with the ball, Sam sighed heavily and drank his coffee,"What are you going to do with them?", "I dunno anymore. . .", Foolish smiled and ate some biscuits that we had, Quackity then turned to me,"Hey, Sam, random question.", he nods,"Sure, what's up?", "How are so good with kids and teens?", Foolish must bit his tongue because he covered his mouth immediately, Sam nearly spat his coffee out and I slightly inhaled, I didn't know much about the situation. . . But I did know enough. . .
Quackity was confused,"What? Is something wrong, you two good??", Foolish waved at his mouth fir a minute before replying,"Sorry, we just didn't-. . . Expect that question.", Sam nods and wipes some coffee from his mouth,"Y-Yeah. . .", Quackity looked between them,"So~ You gonna answer??", Foolish looked at Sam,"I mean. . .", Sam sighed,"Sure. . . I guess; I kind of knew this question would come eventually. . .", "Can we hear this story too????", we all turned and saw Ranboo, Tubbo, Purpled and Tommt had snuck up to our little area,"W-Where did--. . . Oh, not you guys too. . .", they all smiled and Ranboo was the first to speak,"Oh come, Sam. We ask ourselves that sometimes, and we wanted to hear the story. Better than playing football.", they nod, Sam sighed and took off his gas mask thing around his mouth. . .

"Alright, but you all have to promise not to tell anyone else, Foolish is more aware of what happened and Ponk, he knows a little I think, so. . Where do I begin. . .?", he rubbed his eyes. . .

"Let's start from how it started, how bad it got, to then how it ended, Sam. . ."

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