{Late Night Kids.}

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The Manor stood tall, it casted down a shadow over the large garden.
The night was still young as the moon was at it's highest point in the sky.
Through the windows, silhouettes of people passed through the windows of the Manor.
Inside, echoes and muffled talking could be heard through the empty Manor, but could not make out what the unknown voices were talking about.
A door slowly creaked up, a small shadow slowly emerged from the lit room.
Slowly they made their way down the stairs, trying to avoid every step that could give any hint away that they were out of the room.
Once in thr kitchen, they grabbed a stool and slowly dragged it across the floor to the counter and pushed themselves up onto the counter, they kneel on the counter and reach up for the cupboard when suddenly----

"Eret? What are you doing up?

The lights turned on.


Eret's POV~

I jumped and turned to see my dad, he was in his PJs and looked tired, I immediately move my hand down from the cupboard,"Sorry, Dad. . . I was hungry and I just wanted some snacks, I didn't want to bother you is all.", he nods,"I see, is anyone else awake?", I think for a moment,"No.", "Are you sure?", as those words left his mouth, a slight thud came from upstairs, I look back at him,"Yes.", he chuckled and walked to me,"The others awake too?", I sighed and nod,"Mhm. . .", he chuckled and picked me up in his arms,"We'll get you all snacks, you know you almost got away with it, but I heard the last step creak.", damn it, I forgot the last step always creaked no matter where you stepped on it!

"Everything alright?"

Miss Kathy came in,"Everything alright?", Dad nods,"Yep, kids are just hungry.", Kathy smiled,"I can bring them food! ^ ^", Dad nods,"Alright, I'll bring the food up!", with that Dad brought me back upstairs to the others.


Dad opened the door to see the others awake and talking,"Couldn't sleep?", they look over and seem were shocked that I was caught,"Y-Yeah, I mean it's a sleepover so, we could stay up just another hour.", he put me down,"Alright, just another while. Kathy will bring up food alright?", "Right here!", she came in with a plate of sandwiches.


Herobrine's POV~

While Kathy tended to the kids, I went downstairs and saw Techno and Phil,"Is everything alright?", I nod,"Yep, kids were just hungry.", Phil nods and went to talk to Kathy, Techno turned to me,"How's Veronica doing?", I sighed and ran a hand through my hair,"I don't know, this sickness is either getting better or worse and no spell seems to be able to heal it or even regular care.", Techno put a hand on my shoulder.

"All we can do it hope she gets better."

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