{Tales Of The SMP Headcanons}

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Cat: He sometimes behaves like a cat at times, when someone tries to hurt or get close to Robin he will get violent.

Helga: Was probably the most insane woman everyone ever met but is Quackity's ancestor so Karl wasn't so surprised by the way she acted.

Robin: He spent the night at the same place they killed Cat, and Karl sat outside to make sure no one hurt him, because he really missed his Guardian.

James: He and Sir Billiam go way back, and he knows Sir Billiam has trouble with expressing emotions so the betrayal was hard on him at first.

Lady. L: She was forced to go the Masquerade to find a Husband but ended up making friends and dying.

Sir Billiam: Has a lot of emotional problems that he refuses to let people see, only his Bulter has seen him.

Butler: He sometimes wants to learn Sign Language but feels like that would be cheating on the no talking rule.

Drew: He probably came in to steal shit from Billiam and their food but ended up dying.

Lord Sebastian: He and Sir Billiam weren't close, but Sir Billiam did invite him and so Sebastian thought this could push his business.

Oliver: Has a strange obsession with London, maybe because he always wanted to go there.

Ranbob: Sometimes thinks of the morality of what he does, but he has to keep sacrificing people to his idol.

Charles: He was the youngest but like Issac, he kept his shit together more.

Cletus: Also a little crazy but made valid points at times when it came to trusting Ranbob.

Benjamin: Made fun of Cletus relentlessly for his height.

John John: His bar is a family bar, but all his family members passed away and that leaves him the bar.

Percy: The Mayor keeps the money locked away so not only does the Bandits not find it, but because he hates sharing.

Ron Michael Ronson: He isolated himself after the first raids and after being away from social contact for so long, he didn't know how to act.

Crops: Probably ate the Priest because he brought up things like, guys liking guys, and Girls liking Girls.

Sheriff Sherman Johnson: Knows Sir Billiam is actually apart of his family in some way, but really wants to bring him to justice for stealing his home's money.

Mason: Thought a few times that Karl was a pretty cute guy, too bad he had to kill him.

William Willson: He was one of the Bandits, but the less hostile one.

Jack Kanoff: Leader of the Bandits and probably still wonders how Karl wasn't afraid of them.

Flint Michigan: A more quiet member of the Bandits.

Greg: Kept getting flirted with because he's George's future ancestor.

Zachary: The only person that can keep Ash from going crazy.

Ash: Knows that if either one of then die, the other will not want to continue on.

Glatt: Remembers how to make deadly games from the events of the Dream SMP.

Porkums: The only ancestor of Techno that doesn't do Violence, which Karl still questions that to this day.

Francis: A quiet guy, but had to avoid the Twins as they talked about killing him.

Grump/Spud: He was always grumpy during the whole thing.

Rash: He was an absolute flirt and didn't seem to like Greg much.

Conner: Promised to keep Karl's powers and adventures a secret, if he got to join him on ONE adventure.

Edward: Tries to be peaceful but in the end he chooses violence.

Ran: He knows he'll be seeing Karl again soon, he just doesn't know when exactly.

Genevieve: She joined the arena to prove that woman could be strong.

Watson: A calm person that is good with a bow and is the closest person to The King.

Jackie: Was taken off the street to fight after he attempted to stab a guard.

Levi: After he tried to get out of the dueling, they paid him off to be in there.

John: Didn't have much to offer to the fight, but gave it his best shoot and was sometimes caught looking at Karl.

Bartholomew: Had the strangest name, but was a good fighter.

King Porkius the VI: Loves to watch people fight, but decided to give Karl a free pass and just help him.


This is just my personal idea:

Imagine if, because Karl has met so many of Techno's ancestors, King Porkius actually decided to teach Karl his moves and basically train Karl.
So, Imagine Karl was fighting someone in his time, Techno would just be so confused and shocked because Karl was using his moves and would think,"Should I be flattered or should I call him a Move Stealer?", just an idea.

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