{Dadza's Sick Day}

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Techno's POV~

"Why can't we see Daddy, Big Brother?", I sighed, how to I explain how Hybrids work to a 5 year old? I had an idea,"You know Daddy's pretty wings??", he nods,"Yeah, pretty wings!", Wilbur then came down while trying to brush out his hair,"Well, you also know me and Daddy are part animal, right?", Tommy nods again,"Yeah! Piggy and Birdy!!", Wilbur took a seat at the table with us,"Well, due to his unique side, he gets sick more soften, especially when  it's cold.", Wilbur rubbed his eyes,"Oh, Dad's sick?", I nods,"Yeah, before Tommy or even you woke up sleeping beauty, me and him woke up and tried to make breakfast, but as he was making toast or something, he seemed irritated by the smells in the kitchen and his features looked a bit. . . How do you describe it? Ratty and droopy. I asked him if he was OK, and he just said he wasn't feeling too well. Soon, I managed to convince him to go lie down for a bit, and I did and I proved to be right as when Dad is sisk, it's hard for him to really to move.", Tommy looked up at the ceiling,"Poor daddy. . .", Wilbur nods,"Yeah. . . He rarely gets sick.", I sighed and wiped my glasses,"So, with our dad slowly suffering in a sick bed, what would we do??",  Tommy ate his soup and Wilbur rested his head in his hand,"I dunno. . . We can't leave the house, Dad will literally leave his bed to find us.", I nod,  knowing that would be our death wish. Tommy then dropped his spoon and raised his hand,"Oh, oh, oh!! Me! Me! I have one!", Wilbur turned to Tommy,"Hehe. Go on Tommy.", "W-What, if we, made Daddy breakfast in bed and read him a story like he does when we are sick!", I look at Tommy,"That. Is an amazing idea!!", Wilbur nods and stood up,"Heck yeah it is!!", Tommy smiled and threw his arms in the air,"Fuck yeah!!", we froze. I thought he stopped, hopefully Dad is asleep and didn't hear. . .!

Wilbur's POV~

I opened the fridge and started to take food out,"Bacon, eggs, butter. . .", "Cannibalism.", I chuckled at Techno as we put the food on the table. Tommy then came to us with a loaf of bread,"Bread!", I smiled,"So, bacon, scrambled eggs and toast.", they nod, I know down at Tommy,"Hey, Tommy? You know under the sink is some medicine? Can you be a good little brother a get it for us?", he nods and ran to go the bathroom. . .

Techno sent me death galres as I cooked the bacon and he scrambled the eggs, I shook my head as he huffed,"Killing my blood line.", "Technically your from the Nether, you and pigs are two different races, sorry bro.", he pretended to be offended,"Oh, my life has been a lie!", I laugh as he finished up the eggs. . .

Tommy got out a tray we had, we put a plate on it and put the eggs and bacon on. We let Tommy butter the toast because he wanted to feel like he was doing something and not just watching us use the oven and stove that he was obviously not allowed to use.

Once we got some apple juice in a glass and got everything on the tray, we had one more thing; A Book to read to Dad.

We all went to the book shelves and started to pull out some books to see which one he would like more. . .

Tommy then pulled out something, a cover that matched the same as the ocean stones Dad told us about,"Here, Techno, look at this one.", we both looked at it. . .

It was a story I remember Dad reading this to me and Techno when we both somehow got the flu because we were being stupid. Tommy held it up,"This?", me and Techno nod, knowing it was about the tales of the Ocean Monument. . .

Techno had the duty of carrying the tray, Wilbur had to hold open doors and help Techno with the tray and Tommy got to hold the book. . .

Tommy's POV~

As we came to Daddy's door, Wilbur reached up and gently pulled the handle. . .

We peeked in, Daddy looked really pale and was sitting up with a book that looked pretty boring. . .


He was in shock to see us with a tray of food, drink and me holding his favourite book,"Kids? W-Woah, what is all this?!", Techno put the tray of food down on the bedside and smiled,"Consider this as, 'The Tables Have Turned' moment.", Wilbur then climbed up on the bed and lifted me up with him,"You always make us breakfast in bed when we are sick, so we thought we do the same for you!", he had a face of disbelief, but he smiled and Techno climbed up on the bed with us,"Really?? You did all this for me???", Techno nods,"Indeed we did!", I the held up the book,"And we got tis!!", Dad immediately recognised the book,"Oh, you want me to---...", Techno then took the book, I shoot him a mocking glare of hate but he smiled it off,"Actually, WE are gonna be the ones to read it to you!", Dad definitely looked taken it back,"I-I, what-huh?", we giggled at his surprise. . .!

We got under the covers with Dad, he managed to wrap his wings around us as we lay with me and Techno read the book and Daddy helping him with words when needed too. . . I cuddled up up to him, I felt his hand hold my shoulder and gently stroke my shoulder, I smiled at him and closed my eyes as Techno continued to read. . .

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