{She Did What She Had To Do}

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Philza's POV~

While cleaning the house, a knock came and went to see who it could be. . .


He smiled,"Hey, Phil. Mind you come in?", I nod,"Yeah of course, come in.", I let him in, he was shivering from the snow,"Please, I'll get you something to drink.", he sat down while I went to get him some hot chocolate to warm him up. . .


I brought him the drink,"Here ya go, mate.", he took it and smiled,"Thank you. . .", he took a sip while I continued to clean, silence rang out in the room while I cleaned. . .

"Hey, Phil? You've met and seen a lot of people right?", I nod,"That is correct.", Karl looked away. . .
"Do. . . Do you know who my mom was?", I was surprised and turned to him,"S-Sorry?", he sighed,"Sorry. . . I just-. . . Wanted to know.", I looked at Karl, I put the brush down,"Wait here.", I went down to the basement for what I needed. . .


I came back with a few photos and handed them to Karl,"This was your mum, mate.", he looked at the Photos and was surprised and shocked.
I chuckle,"Yeah. Me and Techno go way back with your mom, along with Bad, Skeppy, Puffy, Sam, Ponk and Eret's parents. You could say we were out own little group.", Karl was impressed, I sighed,"Your mother's name was Katherine, but she liked Kathy better, she was The Goddess of Time, she was best friends with my wife and Eret's mom, she had divorced your dad because she found out he had been cheating while she had you, so she went into hiding.", Karl smiled at the photos, Kathy looked so free in those photos that you would never have guessed how her life was heck after she met her Husband. Karl turned to me,"So. . . What happened to her, why don't I remember her?", I sighed and rubbed my eyes,"It's a long story but, you deserve to know. . .", so I had to be the one to explain. . .

"You're father, the scum that he was, exposed your Mother's power of time travel and even had proof. So, police were after her to kill her as he filled their heads with lies about her. . ."


Kathy ran through the back alleys of the street, the sirens rang through her ears as she raced to get her son to safety. . .
She eventually stopped at an end, she looked for a way out but she couldn't, she could use her power to get out, but she didn't want to risk her own son's life as a child has never gone back in time, nevertheless a 4 year old! So. . . Kathy knew this was the end of the line, she put the small boy down, he looked up at his mother as she took her off the watch on her coat,"Mommy?", she put it around her boy's neck, she knelt down and kissed her son on the forehead,"Mommy has to go away for a bit. . . You'll be a good boy while I leave, right?", the small child smiled and noded,"Yes, Mommy! I'll be the best!", Kathy had tears in her eyes as she put her son behind a few boxes,"I'll be back. . .", the small child smiled and nodded, unaware that this was the last time he would see his mother. . .


Karl stared at me, I sighed and ran a hand through my hair,"They killed her on sight, you came out of hiding and screamed for Kathy to wake up. The police thought that you could live with your dad, but since you had never seen him before you screamed and ran, and that is how you met Jimmy.", Karl was surprised by that but continued to listen. . .


The two Police Men and the man ran after the boy that was running from them,"Kid, come back!", but the boy kept running from them, until he ran into the legs of someone, not thinking the boy grabbed their leg,"Don't let the mean man take me! They hurt Mommy!", the boy cried, the man he ran into was a man known as Jimmy, but also Mr Beast. He picked up the boy as the Police and the Man came at them,"Sir. If you would kindly hand the boy over to his father that would be appreciated.", but Jimmy could tell the child didn't want to go with him,"Why? Why is he scared of you or better yet what happened to his mom?", one of the policemen explained,"His mother was a Time Traveller, Sir. We had to put her down, he even had a picture to prove it.", Jimmy looked disgusted,"How dare you kill a child's mother! How do you even know that the picture was even real and not a photoshop?!", the Policemen looked at one another nervously, obviously they didn't think that far, but the man tired to grab the boy in Jimmy's arms,"Hand me my son you meddling--", Jimmy stepped back,"No way. He's obviously scared of you, for you all know you killed an innocent woman.", he policeman were ashamed, realising they were fooled and killed an innocent mother. . .


Not long after that, a video of Mr Beast was posted and went viral, the Station was ridiculed for years for shooting and killing a woman because they believed something that was made by photoshop, luckily the man and the Offciers were charged and thrown in jail for her death. . .


"Jimmy kept you for a long while, till he eventually found you a loving family, so he was happy to see you again after giving you to your family now.", Karl looked at his mother's photo, he looked at me with sad eyes,"But listen mate; Don't go hiding your brown eye just because your dad had brown eyes, you're most definitely a lot like your mother and she would be proud you made it.", Karl smiled and looked at her photo,"May I. . . Keep it?", I nod. . .


Karl looked at Kathy, a woman full of life before it was snatched away. . .
He took off his eyepatch that hid his green eye, but now looking at it. . .
He kept the eye patch off, to remind him of his mother and her sacrifices. . .

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