{I would Never Hurt My Child.}

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Bad's POV~

"It's alright. . . It's going to be alright. . . Skeppy. . .", I had to tell myself that everyday. . . Despite me wanting The Egg to hatch and worship it, I didn't feel. . . 100% comfortable just yet. . .

I mean, I pushed my husband into a pool of lava after a stuipd argument!
Was it just me or. . .

Was the Egg fueling my anger. . .?

I don't know anymore. . .
I pulled myself up from my seat and went out for a walk. . .

As I walked through the SMP, I watched how the vines wrapped around the buildings and the lands of the SMP. . .

I took a deep breath,"Skeppy will respond. . . And then we can sort it out, like we always do. . .", I had to tell myself that. . . Every day in the past. . .

Back then, me and Skeppy had different views on what to do with Sapnap when he turned 10. . . We didn't want to separate in case it had a bad effect on Sapnap, so Skeppy and I agreed that when the arguments got bad. . . He would just go out for a few days and make an excuse to Sapnap. . .
It hurt to lie to him, but I did what I had to do. . . So he could have a good childhood. . .


My head shot up immediately, why did he scream!? I ran towards the yelling to see Tubbo and Tommy freaking out because a vine had caught Sapnap by the ankle and was now hanging hanging in the air!

"PUT ME DOWN, PUT ME DOWN!!!!", Tubbo and Tommy picked up some rocks and tried to throw them at the vine to let Sapnap go, only for Tommy to hit Sapnap on the head, knocking him out cold. Tubbo glared,"Good work, Big Man!", "FUCK YOU!!" Suddenly both of them were caught of guard by the egg screaming, they turned to Bad had drug his blade into the vine, pressing down hard.
The vine dropped Sapnap, waving around Frantically, Bad ran to catch him son before he fell. . .!
Bad reached out his arms and caught Sapnap in a nick of time!
Tubbo and Tommy were confused at first but that turned into fear when the vines ripped out the sword and threw it at them,"AHHH!!!", Bad glared up at the vines,"You can hurt as many people as you want, you can mind control me as much as you please.", the vines grew taller as Bad shot them a glare,


In a fit of anger, Bad unleashed fire at the vines, burning them!
The Egg screamed and immediately retreated their vines. . .
Bad breathed heavily, before he looked at his unconscious son. . .

"You. . . He. . . Son. . .wha?"

Bad looked at Tubbo and Tommy, sent them a glare and they ran. . .
Bad picked up his child in his arms, switching to his past look as he carried Sapnap to his house. . .

"D. . . Dad. . ."

Bad looked down to see his son slightly awake, he smiled gently and runs his hand through Sapnap's black hair,"Shh. . . It's alright, Son. . . Go back to sleep. . . You're safe. . .", within minutes, he slowly drifted off in Bad's arms. . .

Bad lay his son in bed. . . He sat down next to him as he played with his son's hair. . . The Egg had taken so much from him. . .

It won't take his child next. . .

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