I picked you

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My mother bent down to pick up his body. I felt a piece of me burn. But it was him or my family.

Later, I'll tell them the truth, but I still have one more thing to do.

"Wait, I'll take care of him." I stepped up.

I put the wand away and walked up to Draco's body.

No tears. Just joining the emotionless.

"If you insist." My mother smiled and stepped away from his body.

Even in death, he still looked perfect. So beautiful.

"We'll talk soon, Y/n." My father spoke and walked over to my mother.

"Good job. Remember, it's always family." Mother put in before the pair apparated away.

I hate them, but they were my parents.

Were they under Tom's influence now? I don't even know. Nor do I exactly care at the moment.

I sighed and my eyes reached Draco's face once more.

I reached out to cup his cheek.

Then, I apparated us back to Hogwarts.


I laid him on his bed back at his dorm. I sat next to him on a chair and waited.

"Wake up, Draco." I breathed. "A wand cannot kill its owner, remember?"

I don't know if my parents remembered that rule or if they even saw me use Draco's own wand to kill him, but somehow, they missed it.

"Come on, I choose you. You and only you." I let out, almost turning into a sob.

My skin collected goosebumps each second as I waited for him to just wake up. I knew what I was doing. Unless what they taught us were lies. Unless I actually did something bad. Something really really really bad. But I can't think like that. Not at a time like this. Not when it comes between him and me.

Why was this taking so long?

I crossed my arms on the bed and buried my head in them.

I knew the risk, I knew it. I saved him, right? I didn't kill him. A wand cannot kill its owner. And Draco was the owner of the wand I used to potentially kill him. But I had to. I had to do something. If my father killed him, he would be dead, end of story. They were my parents. Ones that I love. Even now, the family bond still exists.

Finally, I let a tear escape. But that opened a gateway for all the other tears. In no time, I just sat there, crying.

Maybe I did something wrong. But I was so sure. It was the only other way. But why hasn't he awakened yet? Why is he still out?

Please, I can't live with myself if he does die.

I raised my head out of my arms and grabbed his arm.

"Wake up, Draco," I mumbled desperately, tugging on it. "Please, I won't be able to deal with this on my own. Wake up. I didn't kill you. Please just open your eyes." I begged. "I love you too much. Please, I picked you."

I crumbled down on his chest, my head pressed against him.

Every passing second was killing me. Every time the clock ticked, another strike to my heart. I let the numbness go a long time ago. How can I ever ignore him? I love him. That's the truth. I love him.

"Please... please... don't leave me. Please don't leave me yet. I promise... I love you." I cried against his lifeless body. "You're not dead..."

Suddenly, a thump froze me. My skin turned cold as I begged for another thump.

And there was.

Please, another.

And there was.

I sat up and looked at Draco's body once more. I quickly reached for his neck to check for his pulse.

It was there!

Oh my god, he was alive.

"Draco..." I let out as I spotted a small movement in his hand.

I tried to not get my hopes up, but that wasn't even remotely possible.

Finally, his eyes twitched open.


I heard her. I heard everything. She loves me, I don't doubt it. She chooses me and I'll always choose her. Like I said before, it was always her and always her.

I was conscious, just no sighs from my body.

Maybe something went wrong, or maybe it was the spell Y/n's mother cast on me last second. Either way, my revival was delayed for some time.

There wasn't anything I could do but pray with her. Even though I couldn't see it, I could hear her muffled sobs clear as day.

I knew what she was doing. Y/n would never hurt me, more less kill me. Besides, even if she did intend to, it didn't matter to me. If it was the love of my life who ended me, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I just wanted to gain control of my body to tell her I was ok. That I was alive. So she would stop crying.

It ached me hearing her beg and cry. Even though I knew I got the validation I wanted, I didn't want to hear it from her, like this.

Finally, my body began to buzz and tingle all around.

Soon, I felt her laying on my chest, receiving my heartbeat.

She quickly moved away though and reached for my pulse.

I moved my fingers a little, trying to get back in control of my body and to signify her.

I heard her speak my name and I could just smile.

Finally, I was able to open my eyes.

Her face was red and her eyes puffy. I didn't like seeing her that way, but it was still so adorable.

She attacked me with a hug and I worked my strength to my arms.

Slowly, I hugged her back myself.

"Thank goodness! Thank goodness! God, you scared me to death!" She breathed.

Her arms wrapped tightly around me.

I smiled.

"I love you too." I cooed.

Her grip softened and that was a little disappointing.

"What?" She questioned, letting me go and sitting back up.

"I heard you, darling. I just wish I could've sent a signal to you letting you know I was ok faster." I explained.

"Oh...you don't hate me, right?" She asked, a worried look upon her face.

"Could I ever?" I smiled, trying to brighten the mood.

"B-but you were taking so long to wake up. Why?" Y/n continued.

I honestly didn't want to talk about that right now. Right now, I just wanted her.

"Can we talk about that later?" I asked.

She nodded and returned to hugging me.
I could move my entire body now, so I shifted closer to her, embracing her.

"I love you so much." She muttered one last time.

"I love you too."

Thank you for reading. Vote and make sure to eat. :)

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