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Transfiguration and Astronomy were my last classes. Draco was in both of them. He obviously hasn't done anything about Tom, so I just ignored him.

"Y/n, talk to me." Draco cooed as he waved his hand in front of my face.

I focused on my papers and stopped listening to him.

"You can't ignore me forever. I'll fix things with Tom, I just want to know if you're ok." He cooed.

Nevertheless, butterflies bloomed in my stomach. Draco put his hand on my thigh and the butterflies increased. I groaned and placed a hand on my stomach.

"Are you o-...oh. I make you that nervous? Well tell those butterflies I say hello and I hope to rearrange them soon." He chuckled.

I turned away and rolled my eyes.

"Alright. The class comes to an end in a minute. Get yourself packed and onto your next class." Professor McGonagall announced.

I picked up my books and wand and left immediately.

As I walked through the halls, trying to escape Draco who wasn't far behind, I felt eyes on me. The sense tingled my back and I shuttered. I looked around the crowded halls to find a group of boys glaring at me. Among them was Tom. It was him and his followers. Like Draco, his face was a little bruised up and his lip was busted.

I quickly hurried away to Astronomy. Getting to the top of the castle was a pain, but having Draco calling my name in the background every few minutes really encouraged me to keep going. I finally arrived and picked a seat next to Adrian Pucey.

The tables were only made for two people and Adrian was a stubborn guy. I sure no one could convince him to ever move.

"Um, hey Y/n." He cooed.

"Hey," I replied.

Adrian and I were ok friends. We didn't really talk much, but we still looked out for each other. I only knew him because he was Draco's friend and on the quidditch team.

"Move." A stern voice spoke.

I did dare look up, I only prayed that he would go away soon. Too bad I was proven wrong in so many ways. Adrian got up in seconds, leaving the seat next to me free and open for taking.

I got up and tried leaving and finding another seat, but Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me back down.

"Not so fast princess. Sit." He ordered.

I obeyed and crossed my feet while sitting. The class began and I hid my face in my arms. I could feel Draco's stares from time to time and each time sent shivers down my spine.


Class ended and I packed my books early. As soon as the teacher gave up the goodbye, I jumped out of my chair but didn't get too far. His hands pulled me back down and I whimpered in failure once again.

"Stay." He hissed.

I hugged my books onto my stomach and scolded myself in my mind. My mind screamed at me to just get up and leave, but my legs fell numb every time I tried.

Draco finished packing and pulled me up from my seat. He walked me hand in hand to dinner. Well, he gripped onto my hand tightly while I just let him.

We arrived at the Great Hall and Draco sat me down with our friends.

"Tell me pup, what can I do to fix this thing with Tom." He asked.

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