His task

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We ignored each other for the rest of the class. Harry turned in our writing and class ended. My heart pounded as I raced to collect my books and head out. 

The students opened the classroom door for dismissal and lunch so I followed through the crowd.

I looked around to find Tom waiting patiently against a wall. There was a group of girls not far from him and they were giggling while pointing in his direction. One of the girls bit her lip seductively and called out for him. I rolled my eyes and stormed up to him.

"Oh, hi little o-,"

I interrupted him by grabbing his tie and crashing my lips onto his. His hands grabbed my waist, pulling me closer. I pressed my body against him, pushing him against the wall.

I looked over to the girls and winked. They rolled their eyes and walked away. Suddenly, Tom spun us around and slammed me against the wall.

"Getting jealous now are we." He cooed and bit my lip.

Tom pressed his knee in between my thighs and I moaned. I grabbed onto his shoulder and threw my head back. Tom chuckled and kissed my neck.

I looked past his shoulder to see Draco walking out. An idea came to mind. I wanted him to see exactly how much I hated him. Exactly how much I wanted Tom instead.

Luckily for me, Tom was kissing a sweet spot and I started to grind on his thigh. I moaned loudly, for everyone to hear. I threw my head back once more and my eyes rolled back. I gripped for his touch and Tom gave it to me.

I looked back to see Draco staring at me. I couldn't tell what it was, but I didn't want to. Not that I could. Tom pressed his growing boner onto me and a smile appeared on my face.

"T-Tom..everyone's watching." I whimpered.

"You moaned." He cooed and kissed my cheek.

I giggled and hugged him.

"I'm starving." I let out and started to pull him to the Great Hall.

I gripped his hand tighter as we passed Draco and Lola.


We got to the Great Hall and I sat on Tom's lap. He insisted he feed me and I gladly let him.

Tom pulled out his diary and started to write.

"Oh, that reminds me. I need to go back to the dorm to get something." I cooed while trying to get off his lap.

"Ok. I'll come with." Tom let out.

"No, it's not a big deal. It's a surprise and I just..you know." I lied.

He grabbed my chin and looked into my eyes.

"You know..I can always tell when you're lying." He frowned.

"Ok, ok. I just want to go alone. But I'll reassure you that it doesn't involve any boy that you don't like." I formed.

He didn't look too convinced, but let me out of his grasp. I smiled innocently and walked out the hall. I looked back many times to make sure I wasn't followed by anyone and made my way back to his dorm.

God, I'd be dead if Tom found his old diary under the bedsheets. A question in my head still pushed for me to continue reading.

I arrived at the dorm and went in. I locked the door behind me and raced to the bed. My hands patted around the bedsheets to find the hard square-shaped object. There was nothing.

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