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"RUN!" Tormund kept yelling and the crowd started to escape almost trampling on each other. Ghost and Nymeria were ready to attack the wrights. They were in the mainline, and no matter how many times Tormund told them to run they did not move. They wanted to protect them. The blue eyes did not come closer in the past few minutes, but they heard the bronchial voices. The army of the deads was running towards them. Ghost snarled and he was ready to jump at the first one, but that moment a huge flame cut the way between them. Tormund and Yara raised their eyes to the sky. It was Drogon or at least a huge dragon. He kept breathing fire to the deads and they knew that is the moment which they must take advantage of. They started to run towards the ship, following the crowd and the wolves followed them. Yara stopped when she found a little girl, lying on the ground. The startled people pushed her and she was just crying. Yara raised her up to her arms and continued running with her. Some wrights could run through the flames and two of those almost reached Yara. She held the little girl in one of her arms and she was ready to fight with her other arm, but before the zombie could attack her Ghost jumped to the creature and tore his head off. Another one wanted to jump to Ghost, but Nymeria caught it. Yara fell to the ground but she felt an arm, who pulled her up. It was Tormund. 
"Hurry. GHOST!" he yelled to the direwolf and after he ripped another dead to parts he started to run after them with Nymeria. 

Dany barely could see anything from above. She tried to set an obstacle between the deads and the humans. 
"There," Jon pointed to the ground and shouted. "Ghost!" he yelled while he was squeezing Daenerys' waist. Dany directed Drogon lower and set fire right after the two direwolves. She made a circle over them and they saw how the clouds were getting closer. 
"It will catch us," Jon warned her. "Dany!"
"Hold on!" she warned him, and they felt how the winds of the storm swept Drogon away a bit. She needed every strength to able to stay on him. It was harder with Jon. Drogon almost snapped to the ground but he raised up at the last moment. 
"We have to leave!" Jon yelled.
"Not until Ghost is there," she shouted back and directed Drogon towards the ground. Tormund and Yara just board to the ship and they were searching for the direwolves.
"We have to..." A soldier told to Yara.
"Not without them!" Tormund yelled back angrily. "Come on boy!" he whispered to the distance.
Some zombies were right behind the two wolves, Dany finally could spot them and she landed in front of the ship and Drogon roared loud. The wolves did not stop, they ran beside Drogon and he burned the zombies who followed them. Jon spotted two who could avoid the fire and jumped to Drogon. Without any warning, he gets off from Drogon while he raised up again to the air and cuts them into pieces. 
"JON!" Dany shouted desperately. 
"Go!" Jon warned her and cut another dead, while he was running to the ship. Ghost jumped to the zombie behind Jon and after he killed it, he followed Jon to the ship. 
"Departures!" Yara ordered them. "NOW!" she shouted again. Jon ran to the other side of the ship and he saw how Drogon was doing circles above them. Dany tried to see him and she flies below, Drogon's wings affected the water. When she spotted Jon she felt relaxed and pulled Drogon up to the air. 

"Jon!" Tormund yelled his name and he walked back to the other side of the ship. The zombies stopped at the shore and the cloud stopped in line with the shore. He narrowed his eyes to see the figures on the shore better. A moment later the army of the deads parted and the Night King was walking forward amongst them until he reached the end of the shore. They were staring at each other longingly. Jon swore that moment, he'll end this. Once and for all. He was happy when his sister killed the Night King, but he had a weird feeling it should have happened in another way. It should be him. Maybe that was his destiny too. The shore became more blurry as the ship headed for the island. When he lost the Night King out of his sight he took a deep breath. He was not prepared for the huge hug, that Tormund gave to him at the next moment. 
"I was not sure I'll ever see you again bastard," He told him with a laugh. "It was you right? Ghost. It was you in him? How..."
"Long story," Jon answered while Tormund was squeezed him by his shoulders. "I just hoped, we are not going to late." 
"You left it at the last minute." Tormund joked with him and poked his chest. Jon heard a soft whine at the next moment. He turned to Ghost. 
"Hi boy" he kneeled down and Ghost snuggled close to him. "You are just as brave and stubborn as I am," he told the white wolf and petting his head. Ghost stepped back from him and stood next to the other direwolf.
"Nymeria." Jon smiled and stretched his hand towards her. The wolf sniffed him, then stepped closer to let him caress his head.
"She joined us on the way. I have no idea where he found her." Tormund told Jon.
"She is Arya's direwolf," Jon answered and stood up. "She lost her...  years ago. When she was at King's Landing." Jon sighed and watched the two wolves. Nymeria laid down and Ghost put his head to her back and laid next to her. 
"See... the family relations did not matter for them either." Tormund placed his arms around Jon's shoulder and laughed. Jon couldn't hold his smile and he started to laugh too. 
"They can't swim right?" Yara's question broke their laugh. 
"No. They won't come after us." Jon walked to the railing "But they will go to the city. That means we don't have too much time if we want to prevent them." he sighed. 
"Why? Let them do the dirty job, and kill that raven." Tormund told him.
"No. If they do it... if he dies by the hand of the Night King ... he'll be back in another body. The books were clear about it." Jon answered "And the Night King won't be dead either. Not in this way. We have to finish this once and for all."


"Don't your Queen misses you?" Sansa asked Daario after he spent his whole afternoon with her after the morning. 
"She has better things to do than miss me." Daario laughed and poured a glass of wine for both of them.
"I don't drink." Sansa shook her head.
"You have to taste it. Best wine from Meeren." he insisted and she finally took the glass from his hand. "I hope you don't try to poison me." Sansa raised her brow.
"Why would I do that?" Daario frowned.
"At her command," Sansa answered and stared his face. 
"She would never..." Daario started but then he stopped and knelt down in front of her. "She may be my Queen but ... A day was enough with you to know... I would never be able to hurt you." he told straight to her face. Their eyes were locked and Sansa finally reached the cup to her mouth and drank into it. 
"Really delicious," she admitted. 
"I can give you something else... what is so delicious" he teased her and leaned closer to her face.
"I ..." Sansa lowered her head "I still don't know ... I don't know I can trust you or not, and I would never have a romantic relationship with a man who I won't trust with my whole heart." she made it clear.
"Test me," Daario told her without hesitation. 
"What do you mean?" Sansa frowned and raised her eyes at him again.
"Ask something and I can prove ... I meant my words. My biggest weakness..." he started to caress her arm "Women and love ... and beauty been my biggest weakness. Always. There are some things that can worth... to break our previous oath." he almost whispered to her. 
"And would you do it for me?" Sansa asked him and their lips were so close. "When we first met you were ... much more committed to the Dragon Queen."
"I did not know you days ago," he answered, and she could feel his breath on her lips. He was a charming man, with a very winsome behavior, but she knew she can't fall for him. No. She can't let love weakens her. Not to mention he was just a soldier and she was a Queen. Daario kept his eyes on her eyes and he felt he already in the finish line. His lips almost touched her lips, but that moment she turned her head away from him and stood up.
"If you would do something for me... it would change how much I trust you." She stated and glanced at him.

Daenerys was walking up and down in the room. She couldn't believe that Jon just jumped down from Drogon and risked his life. What the hell he was thinking.
"Mom" Missandei was sitting on the floor and she was holding some toy in her hand but she was just watching her mother. Dany did not hear it first. "Mommy." she stood up and stood right in her way.
"I am sorry." Dany realized her mind was totally somewhere else. She crouched. "I am so sorry darling." 
"Where is dad?" Missandei asked her.
"In safe. He ... decided to come back with his friends but he'll be back soon" she caressed her cheek.
"They did not hurt him?" Missandei was looking at her face.
"They? Who?" Dany frowned.
"The evil white monsters with blue eyes," she answered and Dany's mouth falls open. "You were fighting with them, right?"
"How do you know about them? How... Who told you this?" Dany wanted to choke Nesera or Jenifire at that moment, she was sure it was one of them.
"I saw them. In my dreams. They want me." Missandei continued quietly.
"No honey, they... they are bad creatures, but they don't want you. They want to ... change the world."
"With me." Missandei looked into her mother's eyes. "I know it." 
"Come here." Dany pulled her daughter to her arms and kissed her head. "I won't let anyone hurt you. Your dad neither. I promise" she squeezed her and she still couldn't believe the words that her daughter just told her. She did everything she could not know about the things which pose a threat to her, but she knew. She realized no matter how hard she tried to give her a life as a normal child, she'll never be just a child. She was born for something more. 

"Your Grace" Grey Worm entered to Daenerys's room without knocking. "
"What is it?" She surprised and stood up. Gave him an angry look. She hated when they just enter without knocking or warning and Grey Worm do it constantly. 
"The ships have arrived," he answered in valyrian, and Dany felt her heart stopped at that moment. Of course, she saw Jon Snow on that ship but that did not mean nothing happened with him on the way. 
"Papa!" Missandei smiled
"Yes. Papa is here." Dany raised her daughter to her arms, and followed Grey Worm outside. Jenifire and Nesera were already there. The people started to get off the ships and looked around. 
"Help them to find a place to have some rest and give them food," Daenerys ordered Grey Worm and he nodded. He immediately told the unsullied what to do. "We need some more tents," Daenerys told the Dothraki leader next to her. "he also nodded and left them there. She walked closer to the ships with her daughter in her arms, and she felt how the people glaring her. She held Missandei very tight. She was looking at the people wonderingly. Then her eyes stopped on a place. "Pappa!" she almost jumped out from her mother's arms, Dany needed to lean forward to not drop her. She ran towards the ship and Jon raised her up when she reached him. He gave a kiss to her face, then his eyes stopped on Dany. 

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