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Jon was staring at her. Her unique beauty. She was sleeping and breathing so calmly. Her hair covered half of her face. He gently swipes that lock away, he did not want to wake her up, but at the moment he touched her cheek she slowly opened her eyes. 
"Jon," Dany whispered his name.
"How did you get here?" Jon frowned
"What do you mean?" Dany sighed and rubbed her eyes.
"When did you come back?" Jon caressed her face, then her arms. He knew there is something wrong, he knew she should not be there. The feeling grows in him more and more. 
"I've been here with you all the time long." Dany smiled. "I would never leave you"
"What about the North?" Jon was still looking at her face and he asked so confusedly.
"Where is she?" Dany asked back. 
"Our daughter. Where is she?" 
Jon looked around and he had no idea, no matter how hard he tried to think. 
"You took care of her, right? As I asked." Dany asked him. "Jon?" 

The next moment he opened his eyes, and he was sweating. He swiped the drops from his forehead then he looked around. It was a dream. It seemed so real, but of course, she was not there. She couldn't be there... she went to the North, to take care of the people, who he should have taken care of. Suddenly he thought back about her words "Our daughter, where is she?" he jumped up from the bed, and looked to the cradle, but Missandei was not there. He started searching for his shirt, but the door opened, and Nesera stepped inside, with his daughter in her arms. 
"Good morning." she lowered her eyes when she saw he is half-naked. No matter that she is with Yara by now, she did not lose totally her interest in men. And Jon looked damn good. His body was perfect, every woman would be embarrassed near him. 
"I was worried," Jon stated and pulled his shirt down on his body.
"I fed her. I did not want to wake you up. As I saw, you finally had some good sleep." Nesera smiled at him and placed Missandei to the cradle, and gave her a tiny toy. 
"Yeah, yeah I... " Jon sighed and sat back to the bed.
"You slept next to her." she looked at Missandei again" She was with you in the bed, when I came here last night, to check everything is alright. It may not be... it could have gone wrong. If you overlie her or whatever." Nesera tried to explain, meanwhile she did not want to hurt his feelings. He was... in a way or another, her King. "I put her back to the cradle, and you did not wake up. That is why I think you slept well. Good dreams?" 
"I was with her. Daenerys." he was staring at the floor. 
"You'll be together again soon."
"It was... so real. I felt her scent, I... touched her. Last night, when I closed my eyes, I felt her." he tried to explain "I know it sounds ridiculous." he sighed and stood up. "But I was calm, and I knew everything is alright with her." he smiled at Missandei and gave her his hand. She squeezed his finger. "Maybe it was only my imagination" 
"Maybe." Nesera shrugged her shoulders. "Or maybe your connection is stronger than you thought."
"No, it was different, than before." Jon shook his head. "It was like... Is it possible that..." he started, then he remained in silence.
"I thought you already learned that... everything is possible in this world. She is a living example of it." Nesera smiled. 
"Is it possible, that I can feel her through my dire wolf, Ghost?" Jon continued after some more break. "You know what... Nevermind." He sighed and raised up Missandei from the cradle. 
"Have you ever done it?" Nesera frowned. 
"Done what?"
"Did it happen with you earlier? Seeing things, feeling things through him?" 
"I don't know. Maybe. When I was in the Night's Watch sometimes I had dreams, and it was like... I was in the forest, and when Ghost was lost... one night I saw cage grids, and ..."
"So you warg into your direwolf but you did not even know about it," Nesera stated so naturally.
"What? No... I ... did not have those kinds of abilities." Jon shook his head.
"You are able to do a lot of things, that you never thought you would do," Nesera told him and caressed Missandei's back. "Why this would be an exception?"


"Your Grace" Lilyanna greeted Daenerys when she comes out from her tent. 
"As I see, the northerners finally decided to leave to the south." She looked around and she felt a bit relaxed. Everyone was packing, and she spotted Tormund walking between them. Helping them. Dany knew, sooner they leave to the South, sooner she can go back to her lover, and to her daughter. "When we can leave?"
"Tomorrow." Tormund stepped next to her "I'm thankful, you saved my people."
"Jon would have done the same. I am here because he would have not arrived here on time." Dany stated.
"But you are here," Tormund stated then he saw how two men walked passed by them, and they gave a weird look to Daenerys. They were still afraid of her. "Do not hate or blame them. They know nothing, just gossips that reach here from the south. The northern people love to tell stories, and not exactly in a way, it happened." he admitted.
"Although, it would only be a gossip." Dany sighed and tried to smile. "ahm. There is no chance to leave tonight?" she tried to change the topic
"It is not safe to leave at night." 
"It is not safe to stay here, any longer either. We have no idea where is the Night King, and we don't know..." she explained, then she heard how Drogon was roaring. She stopped and turn to his direction. "How far you can hide me from Bran?" she turned to Lilyanna.
"I have to stay close, the power of the Three-Eyed Raven is unique and powerful, it is not even sure you are still hidden from his eyes." Lilyanna frowned. She did not understand what is she wanting. 
"Then you are coming with me." Dany nodded.
"We're going to check, do we have time till tomorrow morning, or not." Dany turned to Drogon, but Tormund grabbed her arm, just as Jon usually does. Daenerys remained speechless. She did not get used to that, people just touch her that easily. Without her permission. 
"I can't let you do this." Tormund shook his head. "I'd rather try to hurry things up. The loading." 
"You can't tell me what to do." Dany tried to be patient.
"I swore him, I protect you at the cost of my life," Tormund added, and he finally let her arm go. 
"And I swore myself, that I won't let you or your people die." Dany stepped closer and stared at his face. "That is our best chance. I fly there with Drogon, just to see, how close they are, then we fly back here. What if they attack us at night because we are supposing they are not that close. Meanwhile, we can be sure." Daenerys raised her eyebrow.
"She is right." Lilyanna stood next to Dany, and finally, she gave a small smile to the Red Priestess. "And we'll be safe. On Drogon's back."

The wind was storming, and Dany felt how it is getting colder meter by meter, how they were heading towards the north. It was snowing heavily and she barely could see anything. Dany spotted some land, at a top of a mountain and she landed there with Drogon. He also hated the cold, he was roaring loudly. Daenerys tried to calm him down. 
"Drogon. Please. Be quiet. We don't need attention." She caressed his face. "Drogon!"
"My Queen." Liliyanna spotted something a bit further, and she tried to see it better. She took a step forward, and she slipped a bit, she almost fell down from the hill but Daenerys grabbed her arm and keep her. They were looking at each other, and then Dany turned to the direction, where Lilyanna pointed a moment earlier. That moment he realized it is true. The Night King is really alive. He was riding through the pass, but only a few white walkers were around him. That was weird. There was no trace of any army, maybe there was no living creature in the north. At least those were good news. 
"Your Grace." Liliyanna's voice was trembling. She heard stories about those creatures but seeing those with her own eyes was different. She felt pressure on her chest. The cold went through her veins and she felt how hard the breathing for her. It got colder, and the snowing stopped suddenly, in a so unnatural way, but the cold... penetrated to their bones. Drogon started moving, he was nervous. Maybe he remembered. He remembered what happened in the North with his brother. From nowhere, some birds flew through them. Many. Many black birds. Drogon suddenly roared loudly, and Dany turned to him, with fear in her eyes. Then she turned back to the direction where she saw the deads. The Night King raised his eyes at them and even the wind stops blowing. They were looking at each other longingly in silence. Without any move. Dany saw how one of the White Walkers went closer to the Night King with a huge, ice spear, and she felt how her heartbeat in her throat but she couldn't move. The next moment Drogon trying to breathe fire to the ravens but he failed twice. Then for the third try, he burnt those birds, and those fell down from the air. 
"We have to go." Dany finally formed words and she jumped to Drogon's back, and Liliyanna followed her. The Night King was still staring at them, and he did not take the huge ice spear, that was surprising, but Dany doesn't want to wait if he will or not. She ordered Drogon to fly up to the air, and they left the place immediately.
"My Queen."
"Later" she barely could breathe. It was shocking and surprising too. And they were close, and if they reach the camp before they can leave, the number of his army is increasing. They cannot wait for that. They have to move. Immediately. 

A minute passed, and Drogon began to descend. It was snowing again, heavily and Drogon landed in the snow. 
"Drogon." Dany caressed his back, but he was cold and his skin was almost icy. "Drogon please, we have to go" she begged him, and she felt how her hands also freeze in the cold. She barely could move her fingers. She looked back to Lilyanna above her shoulder and her lips were almost blue. "Liliyanna hold on."
"Something... sucks the fire." she tried to form words, but she was on the verge of collapse. "I am sorry Your Grace." she fell from the dragon, and Dany felt the cold too. She couldn't believe it. No, she won't die here. She promised her daughter she'll go back to her. To Jon. She got off from Drogon and tried to wake Liliyanna up. 
"Come on." she shook her but her sight started to become blurry, and she blinked. More and more, more ofter, but it did not help. She felt, how Drogon moves behind her back, and she turned to his direction. She just saw a blurry dark patch, which is moving away. "Drogon" she whispered then she turned back to Liliyanna. Her eyes were closing slowly, she couldn't keep those open but the last thing she saw was something white, and some flames. 


"Dany." Jon panted and Nesera was sitting opposite to him, and watching him.
"Did it work?" She asked him.
"She is in danger. I ... saw it and ... I ... We have to go to the north." he jumped up and he ran towards the captain of the ship. Nesera followed him with Missandei in her arms, and she started to regret, that she forced this practice. 

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