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When Nesera told her that her daughter needs her she immediately left Grey Worm and went to see Missandei. She was worried. She thought the worst. She thought there is something wrong. She entered into the room and surprised. There was silence there and some pale light. Jon was sitting next to the cradle and his hand was on her daughter's hand.  Dany stopped at the door and watched them for a second. 
"What are you doing here?" she asked quietly. 
"Spend some time with my daughter." he answered, but he kept his eyes on Missandei. "Is this a problem for you?" 
"No, of course not, but..." she was still standing at the door "Nesera told me... my daughter ... needs me, but as I see you... are here. So..." she wanted to leave.
"I asked her to bring you here if she could," he answered, and Dany stopped. 
"If you wanna talk with me, you just have to..."
"I did. I asked you to talk with me, but you had more important things to do." he stood up and stared her. "With anyone else than me"
"I can tell you the same." She swallowed and raised her eyes to him. "It seemed you enjoyed her company in the afternoon.
"Where is he?" he stepped closer to her.
"You know whom I talking about." Jon answered and he was fighting with his feelings. 
"No Jon. I have no idea." she answered angrily. 
She took a deep breath and tried to hold himself back. Their daughter was there, he can't shout with her, can't argue with her, he knew it. 
"If you ..." Dany continued "Wanna go because you have ... some other plans, you can leave. Enjoy your night." She wanted to walk pass by him, but he did not let her. He stood right in front of her.
"Why are you doing this?" his face was close and staring at her eyes.
"I am not doing anything." she avoided him and walked forward to the cradle. 
"When will you willing to talk to me?" Jon took a deep breath. 
"I am talking with you right now," she stated. 

He tried to breathe normally, then stormed out from the room. Dany's eyes filled with tears. She was just watching and caressing Missandei's small little hands. A couple of minutes passed in this way, then the door opened. Nesera and Jon were standing there. Dany felt his hand on her arm. 
"We need to talk. In private. Now." Jon looked at her.
"I can't... leave her now."
"You can." he was determined and confident. "She'll be in good hands, and she is sleeping."
"Oh, I am sure you know how good those hands are." her eyes filled with rage and jealousy. Nesera just stood there in silence. 
"I wanna talk with you right now. It is enough."
"It is." she frowned. 
"I don't want to argue in front of her." he glanced to Missandei. 
"No, you just start a fight in front of her. And get her into trouble." Dany was fighting with him. She had so many emotions and Nesera's presence did not help in the situation. She felt how his hand still squeezing her arm. "Let me go."
"I will. When you finally act like an adult, not a huffish child. I wanna talk with you, now." Jon still held her, and that was clear, he won't give up. Not now. Dany pulled her arm from his hand and walked out. She gave an angry killing look towards to Nesera while she passed the door of the chamber. 

She went with him. To his room and standing at the other side of the room. Crossing her arms. Jon took a deep breath and closed the door. He leaned to the door and did not say a word.
"So? I don't have time for all night." Dany stated mockingly. 
"Why? What else you have to do?" Jon sighed. "Maybe someone is waiting for you?"
"Do not start this." 
"What? So you can be jealous because you think you saw something, but I can't be jealous because that asshole wants to ..." he stopped and went closer to her while he was talking. 
"Wants to do what?"
Jon slammed the wall above her head and leaned over her. He was fiercer than usual. He was not that calm and nice man, as he was usually.
"You know what he wants. He doesn't even try to hide it. And you want me to ... let things happen without a word? I hate that he is around you. I hate that you let him be that close to you. I hate...
"But you found a great way to take revenge on me." she told to his face. 
"For fuck sake Dany, I did not get revenge on you." he shouted "There is nothing between her and me, and you know it. You fucking know it, you just find another excuse why you can hate me." 
"I saw..."
"Saw what? That I am caressing her body? Caressing her arms. Kissing her neck from behind? Because that is what I saw. That is what that... Daario did with you." he turned away from her and walking up and down.
"That is not true." she answered after some seconds. 
"From my point of view, it looked just like that." he stood up for his words. 
"Believe what you want. I won't apologize for it. There is nothing between Daario and me, but you'll never believe it, so why would I explain it for you?"
"Why you let him be that close? Tell me! Do you want him? Did you choose him? Just tell it to my face for fuck sake. It will hurt, but at least be honest with me." he yelled. 
"Why? Because If I chose him you can fuck her without any regret? This is why you wanna know?" she yelled back and for an answer, Jon pressed her to the wall. 
"I don't want her. I never wanted her. See... I can say it. I can say it to your face because that is the fucking truth. She is no one for me. It doesn't matter what you think. Now I wanna hear. Do you love him?" he placed his hand next to her face, to the wall. 
"If I say I don't, would you believe it?" she leaned closer and told it to his face, and that was the last move. The last answer. He did not want to hold it back anymore. He grabbed her hair and pressed her lips to his lips. His tongue went deep into her mouth and started that crazy and passionate dance. 

His body pressed against her body and squeezed her to the wall. They were kissing so passionately, all the tense and rage what they held back in the past few days are coming out, and changed into something else. Changed into lust and desire. Jon almost ate her beautiful lips and she took off his shirt above his head. They stopped for a minute and staring at each other eyes. Panting. Analyzing the other. Then Jon continued with the kisses, while he was taking off the dress strap from her shoulder. It slowly sliding down from her body, let her beautiful breasts to be seen. He stopped with the kiss for a minute, to see her naked perfection again, but his eyes stopped just like his hands. He was staring the huge wound on her body. He lowered his head and stepped back. That was a thing what he did not expect. He forgot it. He had no idea, how it looks like now. When he saw it he realized, what he did. He realized again, he felt the guilt again. 
"Jon" Dany stepped closer to him and placed her hand to his wound. Caressed it, looking at it. It was so similar to her wound. Maybe that was that Nesera was talking about. This is how they can be one. This is how their faith could unite. They both had to die for something that they believed. 
"I had no idea... that..." he started. Dany took his hand and placed it to her wound. "It will never heal." he stated, and Dany answered with a head shake. She knew it. That wound will be there forever. Remind her of his betrayal. "I ... am so sorry." his eyes filled with tears, and he couldn't get his eyes off of that gash. Daenerys realized he can't touch her, she saw the disgust in his eyes. How he was looking at it. She pulled the straps back to her shoulder and hide her body from him. 
"I ... " she tried to speak between her tears "I... better go now... I... " she started to walk away, but Jon stopped her and pulled her back into his arms. Gave a kiss to the top of her head and squeezed her, close. 
"I understand ... Now I understand, why you can't forgive me. Why you can't trust me." he started "I ... executed the ones, who did this with me. And I... though there is a chance for us. After what I did. Now I understand." he explained. "I understand why you hate me. I ..."
"I don't" Dany raised her eyes to him. "I can't hate you." a tear fallen from her eye "I tried. I wanted. But I can't."
"Why?" Jon smiled a bit but his eyes were so sad.
"Because I love you." Dany answered so quietly and shrugged her shoulder. "No matter how I tried to not. Maybe this is why I wanted to push you away. Because I found the reason to do what... is reasonable. But my heart always pulls me back into your arms. Because no matter how I tried to... not love you. I can't."
Jon just stared her. Held her face between his hands and stared her. 
"But ... I understand too... If you can't love me in this way, and ... if you can't ... I... "Dany tried to know what he really feels because she had no idea what to think. 

"I love you" Jon whispered to his mouth and he kissed her. That was not a passionate kiss, not led by passion. No. That kiss was that the books called true love's kiss. They both felt it. She placed her arms around his neck and he pulled her more close by her waist, while with her other hand he was still holding her cheek. He never wanted to let her go, never again, but he did not want to rush. He raised her up a bit and leaned with her to his bed. 
"I don't wanna let you..." he started.
"Just kiss me. Please" Dany asked him, and he did. 
"I love you so much" he groaned to her mouth while he was kissing her with all his heart, with all his love, with all his mind. She was his, and he was hers. After many months that they spent alone, they were finally in each other's arms again. In an embrace. Nothing mattered. Not Daario. Not Nesera. Not all the arguments they had. They did not care about that. Jon started to remove her dress again while he was kissing her body. Lower and lower. When the wound was in front of his eyes again he leaned closer and gave a gentle little kiss to it, then go on. He stood up and took off her dress, then leaned over her again. 
"Dany." he whispered and just staring her eyes for a second. 
"What's wrong?" she was worried a bit. 
"Nothing. Now... there is nothing wrong." he pressed his lips to hers and his finger finally found the way to her sex. At the minute he started to massage her down there, he felt how her body was shaking. 
"Jon" she moaned quietly, then they became one again in a deep kiss while he thrust his fingers into her wet pussy and moved in and out. "Jon" she moaned a bit louder to his mouth, and the sight of her, the sounds of her just turned him on. He wanted that woman. He never wanted anyone else. He wanted to show her how much he loves her. He wanted to please her. He wanted... to get Daario off from her head once and for all. They still had many issues, many things to talk about, but not now. Not at that moment. That moment was finally theirs. That moment was the moment of their reunion. What they both waited for too long. 

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