Burn them

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"You are quite good teacher." Gendry told to Arya. 
"What?" She raised her eyes at him. 
"I ... saw how you train with the Queen." he answered.
"Oh. Well. Yes. She... needs to learn how to defend herself, if... something goes wrong. When she pays attention to me she is pretty good at it." Arya shrugged her shoulders. 
"Maybe... you ... " Gendry sighed. "Of course if it is not a too big favor... I ..."
"What do you want to ask?" Arya wondered.
"Maybe you .... can teach me too. I mean I ... can fight pretty good with the sledge but... I never fought with a sword." he admitted. Arya smiled a bit at him. It was so obvious, he just wanted to spend more time with her, but she didn't mind it. Even if she sent him away, she had feelings for Gendry, and she was happy because he was there. She kinda misses him, but she did not change her mind. She still doesn't want to be his wife or his lady. That was not her way, not her life. That was not enough for her. She enjoyed the adventure at the sea, and when Jon doesn't need her anymore, she planned to continue. Discover Essos maybe, or travel somewhere to the South. 
"If it is... not ... " Gendry started to explain and he started to stutter again.
"No. No. I think it is kinda a good idea." Arya nodded. "Be here in the morning. Early morning, and we'll see." she answered and started to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Gendry asked, but he regretted it at that minute. She was not his love, they were not in a relationship. He knew. He lowered his head.
"A walk. I love the city at night. So peaceful and quiet." Arya told him and hesitated for another minute. "Do... you wanna join?" 
"Sure. If you don't mind." He started to smile and followed the Stark girl. The girl who stole his heart.

Jon tried to avoid his attention from Daario and Daenerys. He was mad. He did not understand why Dany did not tell him where were they going, or what happened. He knew Daario, he knew his methods, and it just made him even more nervous. He knew that man will never give up on her, but he can't attack him face to face. That only caused more trouble, but he doesn't know how he can keep himself back... how long. The sun almost went down, and they were still away. Jon spent his time with Missandei, because she was the only one who can calm him down. Almost an hour passed, but he did not even notice. He was smiling, singing, laughing... babbling with his daughter, but he couldn't really forget the Daario thing. No matter how he tried. 

Daenerys entered into the room in silence. He raised his eyes to her, but did not say a word. She knew. She knew without words, what he was thinking. She walked closer to him and put her arms around him, placed her head to his chest. He returned her moves and gave a kiss to the top of her head. He was angry with her, but he loved her. And his love was stronger than anything. 
"She did not want to sleep." he stated. "Maybe she missed you."
"Thank you for ... being here with her." she answered. 
"I am her father. You don't have to thank this." Jon whispered. He wanted to ask, he wanted to know what happened, but he kept himself back. He wanted her to tell him by her free will. They were standing there, in an embrace, and in silence. 
"Jon" Dany let him go and her eyes stuck on the railing. He looked at her, then turned his face to the direction, where she was looking. A raven stood there. A black raven. It was quite dark, so they did not see it clearly. Jon went there to have a closer look. The raven croaked, looked straight to Jon's eyes with his big white eyes, then flew up to the air. He went closer to the railings to see where he goes, but the bird disappeared in the darkness. When he turned back, he saw, Daenerys held Missandei in her arms and tried to calm her down. She started to cry at the minute when she heard the voice of the raven. Jon went back to them and hugged his family. Dany raised her eyes to him. 
"I thought we ... destroyed all of them." she told him quietly, but he did not understand.


"Where the hell are we going?" Daenerys followed Daario and the Second Sons. 
"You will be grateful." He stopped in front of a door and looked at her with a smile. He opened it, and inside there were two men bounded and they were kneeling on the floor. Surrounded by Daario's army. "Come, I would not bring you here, if there is any danger." he told her and guided her inside. 
"What are their sin?" Dany raised her eyebrow. She did not understand, why she had to be there. "Rebels?"
"More than that," Daario answered and went forward, to a back room. Dany hesitated, but then she followed him. She had no reason to not trust him.  When he opened the other door, Daenerys eyes went wide, and she was in a shock. Her mouth falls open. There was a huge cage inside the room, filled with ravens. Many ravens. Locked. The birds were confused and tried to break out from the cell. She couldn't find the right words.
"We interrogated them. It wasn't easy, but... They got a huge amount of gold, from Westeros, if they take care of the birds, and scatter them in Essos. Especially here, in Meeren. The eyes of the King. They told that." Daario explained, and he was so proud of himself. "pretty ugly animals. And loud" he added. Daenerys walked forward and watched the ravens. Suddenly one of the bird's eyes turned to white and tried to fly straight to her face, but the cell didn't let him. She was looking at it and her face changed. 
"What are we going to do with them?" Daario stepped closer to her. 
"Burn them. Burn them all." she answered and she was still eyeing with the one with white eyes. 

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