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"I am not going anywhere." Daenerys pulled her arms out from Daario's hand and stepped closer to Jenifire. 
"You want me to save him or not? Go, all of you." Jenifire answered and turned to Jon and Missandei.
"It seems you forget who are you talking with," Dany stated. Jenifire made a face and turned back to her.
"Right now you can be a Queen or just a peasant girl, your love will die if I won't help him," she answered and facing with her. "You can ride on the words, and hold me up, or you do what I said." she was not afraid of her. She doesn't even care who she is, or how much power she has. 
"I am not going anywhere, and not leaving my child here with you." she insisted.
"Fine." Jenifire answered "Everyone else, go out. I don't need questions or ideas." she looked around. "Neither from you." She looked at Daenerys. Daario opened the door, and all of them went outside. 
"If you need me... I'll be in front of the door." Daario told her, then turned to leave and he closed the door behind him. When Dany turned back to Jon's bed, her daughter was not there. She immediately went after Jenifire who was standing next to the desk, with her daughter in her arm. 
"Just a tiny drop is all we need," she told her and she was holding a dagger in her hand. Dany grabbed her chin right before she could hurt Missandei.
"What the hell do you think you do?" she raised her voice. 
"Do you trust me or not?" Jenifire asked her back.
"I haven't decided yet." Daenerys was staring at her face. Jenifire shook her head with a small smile on her face. 
"Do you want to do it?" she handed the dagger to her. "We need her blood. Blood is the key to everything. Her blood unites you and his blood. This is the blood of his family. That is the only thing that can bring him back." she explained. "But if we hesitate more, he'll be stuck in that wolf for a life. And your beloved Jon Snow will be loss forever." Jenifire finished, and she was still holding the dagger. Dany took her daughter out from her arms.
"She won't hurt you." Dany smiled at her daughter. "She'll prick your finger. A little. You won't even feel it." she held her closer and placed her face to her chest. "Don't worry honey." she raised her eyes at Jenifire and nodded. The mysterious woman took Missandei's tiny hand and made a small cut to her palm. 
"Mommy!" she cried out and Dany squeezed her more. 
"Don't worry. It helps your daddy." She kissed her forehead. Jenifire held her palm and dripping her blood into a glass. When she finished Dany took a cloth from the desk and placed it to Missandei's palm. The little girl was slipped into her arms. 
"I am so sorry honey." Dany kissed her forehead again then stepped next to Jenifire, who spread something into the cup and poured some red liquid on it. 

"Put her down and help," Jenifire told her and walked to the bed. 
"Just a minute," Dany told to MIssandei, and placed her to the chair. "Just, stay here. Okay?" she caressed her cheek. The little girl just nodded and watched with eyes wide open what is happening with her father.
"Raise him up a bit" Jenifire ordered Daenerys. "We have to put this into his mouth." 
"He will drown." Dany retorted.
"Fine, I'll do it alone" Jenifire rolled her eyes, and opened Jon's mouth. Dany jumped there and raised him up a bit, while Jenifire poured the potion into his mouth. "Held his head up." she directed Dany and showed her what to do. "Now, you can place him back to the bed," she told her and help her to place Jon back to the pillows. 
"And now?" Dany's voice was trembling, but not another minute passed when Jon started to cough, and he gasped, but he opened his eyes and sat up on the bed suddenly. 
"Jon" Dany hugged him. Jon felt dizzy and his head was hurt, but he remembered everything. He squeezed Dany close. "Oh, my God! Jon!" Dany was crying, she was shaking and barely could breathe. Jon tried to normalize her breathing, and his arms still hurt. He saw how Jenifire raises Missandei up and walked to them with her. 
"See little princess, you were the one who saved your daddy," she told her so charmingly and placed her next to Jon. 
"Daddy!" she hugged him and Jon felt how a tear rolled down on his face. He raised his head up, and he looked at Jenifire. Whispered a thank you to her. She nodded, and she walked out of the room. He was there. Again. In his body. Holding his love, and his daughter in his arms. Sam and Nesera stormed inside and they started to smile and laugh when they saw Jon came back. They hugged each other. Jon kissed Dany's forehead then Missandei's head. He felt he is weak and he needed to lay back. Dany helped him. 
"Come here, darling." She told to Missandei and took her to her lap. Jon tried to keep his eyes open. He was even afraid to blink. He did not want to go anywhere
"He needs to sleep" Nesera walked there and mentioned. "That must be, exhausting for him." 
"Right." Dany nodded but she did not want to leave him there.
"He wakes up. Why he sleeps?" Missandei raised her eyes to her mom. 
"Because he had a nightmare darling. That is why we needed to wake him up. Now ... he'll have sweet dreams." Dany caressed her daughter's face.
"And she hurt me again? to wake up?"
"No honey." Dany shook her head. "That is... " she wiped her tear away "That is not necessary."
"Missandei" Nesera crouched in front of them "What do you think, how are Dagon and Joral? De we take a look at them?" she took her hand.
"Yes." the smile grows in her face, and Nesera raised her up from her mom's lap. Dany nodded and form a thank you with her mouth. 

"I ... go and let you.... have some rest." Sam told them too and turned to leave.
"Sam!" Dany stood up. "I ... did not want to blame you, but... "she sighed "but the thought of losing him ... I ... "
"I understand." Sam nodded. "I ... learned today, I am not doing something, which I am not 100% sure... no matter it is my Queen or my King's command. I won't risk his life again. Neither yours, of course." Sam answered and Dany nodded in agreement. It was a huge and risky lesson for every one of them. Dany turned back to Jon and sat down to the edge of the bed. Jon felt asleep and Dany just snuggled next to him in the bed and placed her hand to his chest. His temperature was back to normal and he was breathing so calmly. She just noticed Jenifire even placed a poultice to his arm. Maybe she should have not questioned her, just... trust in her. Maybe she should just ask her. What happened when Jon was there. It would be easier, and less risky. She closed her eyes, and she falls asleep quite quickly. After that day, that was not a surprise. 

"How... did you know what to do?" Daario asked Jenifire who was standing at the field next to the castle. She needed air. 
"That little girl. That baby, there was no other way." she shrugged her shoulder. "She is some greater good. She is the light of the darkness. If anything can save him, that is their daughter." 
"So you were not sure?" Daario frowned.
"I can't explain. When Yara found us on the shores and told what happened, I just know what to do." 
"How ... I still don't understand, how?" Daario shook his head.
"Does it matter?" Jenifire smiled at him a bit. "He is survived, he is alive... and they are together. Even if you would be happier, if he would have been dead," she added. 
"Maybe I would have been. But that was long ago." He stepped next to her, and he was staring at the landscape too. "I realized I have to let her go. Daenerys Targaryen was never mine, and she'll never be. No matter how I wanted her to be mine. I see how she loves him. Her family." 
"That is a wise decision." Jenifire nodded. "Nothing can break them apart. It was their fate. To meet. To fell in love. No human in this world can break them apart." she lowered her head. "We should sleep." she took a deep breath. "Tomorrow we have to tell the Queen, what happened in King's Landing." 


Ghost opened his eyes, and he was still in Tormunds arms. He felt better, and his eyes were red again. He heard some sound from outside, and he stood up. His leg was weak, but it did not bother him. He poked Tormund with his nose, and he also woke up and turned to the direction of the sound. He started to growl and he kept his eyes on the entrance of the tent. Tormund looked at his face, and he noticed his eyes were red again. Maybe he was right, and ... it was Jon? Earlier? He did not understand, but he has no time to figure it out. Suddenly a huge wolf stepped inside. It was Nymeria, and she was limping. She was bitten too. Tormund's mouth falls open and he pulled out his sword, but the wolf just walked towards Ghost and laid down next to him. Ghost put his paw to her and laid next to her. Tormund frowned. He had no idea, there is another direwolf outside. He had no idea they even exist. Wolf was a unique creature, but another one? Ghost looked up to him, then placed his head down and closed his eyes. Tormund walked out of the tent and looked around. The night was cold and silent. He did not even hear the usual wolf howling. The silence was too big. "We have to move on in the morning. Sooner is better," he stated to himself and went back to the tent. 

The Night King looked up to the air. They passed through the wall and he looked at how his army was walking towards the south. They were moving slowly, but thanks to that, his army could grow. They found some tombs and her rose the dead ups. He wanted to find more. He needed more. He suddenly heard croaking crows, and when he raised his eyes at them they fly away suddenly, but one of them hit to the wall, then fell to the ground in front of him. His eyes were white and he was blinking. The Night King stretched his hand towards it to raise it up. He couldn't fly away, no matter how he tried. He caught his neck and staring at his face. They were looking at each other. He placed his other hand to the neck of the bird, and with a quick move, he broke his neck, then throw it away.


Bran opened his eyes suddenly, and he felt the pain what the bird felt. He was alive but his neck was hurt. He rolled to the window and looked out. The weather was clear, there was not even a cloud in the sky. In his reflection, he spotted the mark. It was not just even on his hand now, but in his neck too. "He is stronger," he stated and made a face. He pulled his clothes upper to hid this mark and he turned back from the window. 
"Podrick" he called his servant and he entered into the room. 
"Yes, Your Grace." 
"I need to talk with Bronn. Send him here."
"But your grace it is... the middle of the..."
"Now" he answered with a yell, and turned his back at him, he looked into the fire. "I have a task for him. 

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