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Hours passed since Jon left Daenerys with Samwell in her room. He still couldn't believe that happened. He was sitting at the edge of the bed, and he felt... some kind of emptiness. He lost him. His unborn son. There were signs... she handled that pregnancy quite bad, and she felt ... she was not ready, but Jon hoped everything will be fine. Since Missandei was born, he became a different man. He never thought to be a dad is gonna change him, to be honest, he never thought he'll ever be a dad. First because of the Night's Watch... then because he stabbed her, and lost her. He thought he'll never find love again. Between these two things... there was a period. A period when everything seemed... normal.

YEARS AGO - SOMEWHERE ON THE NARROW SEA (between Essos and Winterfell)

Jon was caressing her chest. The blanket barely covered her beautiful, naked body. The top of her breast can be seen clearly. Her unfolded hair spread out on the pillow.  She looked like an angel. An angel... who was sent for him. To give him the happiness in this miserable life. He was happy. The dead are coming, they are headed to the biggest war, but those days on that boat... meant the life for him. And the future. He never believed to those things that Daenerys told him about that witch... about she can't have children. While he was caressing her body he was thinking about ... a son. A little brown-haired boy. He can imagine how he ran into the room and wake them up in the mornings. He sees in front of his eyes, how he teaches him to use a sword. And maybe a daughter. A princess likes her mother. He smiled. That was the first time when he really thought about those things. A family. He couldn't imagine it with anyone else. Just with her. With Daenerys Targaryen. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at him a few seconds later. 
"I did not want to wake you up," Jon whispered to her, then he leaned closer and kissed her soft lips. Dany did not say a word, just cuddled closer to him and he placed his arms around her. 
"Can we just stay here? Forever." she sighed. They both know they only have a couple of days left before they reach the White Harbour. 
"Till the end of our lives," Jon answered. "I mean... if ..." he hesitated. 
"That is all I want." she took a deep breath. "If only..." she continued. 
"If only?" Jon raised his eyebrow.
"Nevermind. Anyway we ... may not have any future at all." she sighed, but Jon grabbed her and turned on the bed with her. He was leaning over her and placed his palm to her cheek. 
"If only, what?" he asked again.
"I can never make you... really happy. I mean... " she lowered her head and avoided to look at him. 
"You mean, you still think you can't have children."
"Not just think," Dany answered.
"Well... we'll see." Jon smiled and kissed her. "I still don't think that witch was a reliable source of information." he kissed her again and continued with those kisses towards her neck.
"What are you doing Jon Snow?" Dany giggled. 
"Proving you, that you are wrong," he whispered to her ear and he wanted to make love with her. Again... and again. 


"Jon" Sam entered into his room and brought him back to reality. 
"Sam!" Jon jumped up. "How is she?" he was worried. 
"She'll be fine. As for the greyscale." Sam answered. "I ... cured it."
"Is she awake?"
"No. I asked Grey Worm, to stay next to her, and do not leave her alone, because it is not safe," he answered. "Are you ready?" Sam raised his eyes to Jon's hand. 
"Sure. Do it." he nodded. 

"What is in the bag?" Daario stopped Lilyanna in the corridor.
"Why do you care?" she raised her eyebrow and walked on. 
"Why do you hate me that much?" Daario turned after her.
"Maybe I hate douchebags." he shrugged her shoulders.
"You don't even know me." Daario stepped closer to her. 
"Look. Daario Naharis. Maybe you are the dream of every woman, but I am not one of them. Your charm does not have any effect on me." she told straight to his face.
"As I remember your friend, told the same to me when she arrived," he smirked.
"Nesera is naive. But... now... she doesn't need you anymore... and the Queen either doesn't need you. Poor Daario." she was sarcastic "It seems you are losing every woman around you." 
He made a face and staring at Lilyanna. 
"You know nothing about me." 
"I know more than you can imagine," she answered mysteriously. "You are not a lost case... but you need to grow up and let the past go. You can find your happiness only that way. Do not live in the past. The past is gone." her eyes stopped on his lips, then a few seconds later she turned her back at him.
"What is in the bag?" he asked again, but without any answer, she was walking forward on the corridor. 

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