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Jon was awake for late at night. The child cried a lot. They knew she needed her mother. When she finally falls asleep at dawn, Jon went back to Dany's bed. He sat down to the chair, next to her bed. Holding her hand, and slowly he finally falls asleep too. A few hours later she moved her hand. Jon's eyes immediately opened and he was staring her. Filled with hope. She slowly opened her eyes too. She was weak and barely conscious. Jon leaned closer to her.
"Dany." he whispered.
"Whe..." she couldn't talk, but she knew what happened. She wanted to know. She wanted to be sure, her child is alive, and she is okay. She remembered when she gave birth to Rhaego, and she was so afraid, the same things happened now. "where..." she tried to form words again. She was looking at Jon and he understood it from her eyes. He jumped up and went to the cradle and raised up his daughter. She was smiling, and he was smiling back at her. He went back to Dany's bed and showed the baby to her.
"Hi." Dany tried to breathe. She reached her hand towards her daughter, and Jon moved closer to help her. When she took those tiny hands she started to cry.
"Kinvara said she is healthy and strong, just as you." Jon fought with his tears too.
"Do not... " It was hard for her to take a breath "do not hurt her. Please."
Jon's eyes widen. How could he? She was his daughter. She was a miracle in his life, she was the proof, that their love is truer than anything in this world.
"I would never hurt her." he answered quietly.

Dany nodded slowly. She had no strength to fight, deep in her heart she was happy. She was happy because he was there, but she couldn't forgive him. He dropped a too deep wound in her. Not just in her body, but in her heart and in her soul too. She couldn't understand, how she could be still in love with him, after what he did, but love was not enough. Not anymore. She learnt it for a lifetime. No matter how she loved him, he couldn't love her the same way. He chose everyone else above her. What she did in King's Landing was wrong. She realized it. She knew it. Maybe she understood it when she was dead, she did not remember but she knew it when she was resurrected. And meanwhile, she still couldn't understand, how he could just stab her. She believed in them. She believed in their love. She believed in the world, together. She was watching the tiny little human in his arms. How he held her. Jon Snow was not a bad man. He never was, but that does not change the fact, he killed her. For the realm. For the innocents, no matter what was his reason.
"She " Jon took a deep breath "She needs a name." he raised his eyes to Dany.
"Missandei" Dany whispered and she was caressing her little hands. Jon nodded. He expected some more specified names from her family line.
"Not sound a Targaryen Princess to me" he stated with a small smile.
"She is not a ... "she took a deep breath "not a Targaryen. Living with that name... is too dangerous." she talked slowly.
Jon nodded and he just realized, Dany has no idea what happened, while she was giving birth to Missandei. It doesn't matter she bears the name of Targaryen or not she was in danger. He was looking at her, and frowned. He saw how happy she is. He saw how calm she is. That was not the right time to tell her. She has to be better, and then he has to tell her everything. About the soldiers, about Bran... and they have to figure this out. Together.

Later on that day, Kinvara sent Jon to bring some drugs and bandage. He did not want to leave, after what happened in the last day, he wanted to be next to them every minute, but she finally convinced him. He was walking around with an idiot smile, but he couldn't help himself. He became a dad. Not under the best circumstances but he had a daughter. He remembered back, how many times he thought about the thing... having a child. He had dreams about it many times. He even thought about it, when he was in his way to Winterfell. With Dany. When she agreed to help him, defeat the army of the dead. There were mornings, when he was laying next to her while she was sleeping and he was just staring her. Dreaming about a family with her, because he was sure that witch was wrong. He did not want anything else. He was so happy that time... he could forget the threat of the dead when he was with her. She was his happiness. He sighed and frowned. How he could kill her. He shook his head and blamed himself. Maybe Kinvara was right. Maybe everyone just used him to achieve their goals, and no one sacrificed more than him. He sacrificed his love, and his daughter even if he had no idea about it. How he could be that blind.

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