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"I noticed we are not heading to King's Landing." Tyrion started. 
"We are not?" Dany turned to Jon. She missed that information. She wanted to talk about the plans, but then Jon just escorted her here, to talk with Tyrion and Sansa. 
"No. We are not. That would not be safe. We can't reach the harbor without getting attacked from the walls. We can't approach the capital from the sea. That is not possible." Jon admitted. 
"Wise decision" Tyrion nodded. "And thoughtful. I would have suggested that too."
"In that case, maybe we should turn back." Dany sighed and made a sarcastic comment. 
"We'll make an attack from the fields. From South. But that is not why we are here. Right?" Jon raised his eyes to the dwarf. 
"No. No. We are not. Ahm..." he cleared his throat. "I ... had time to think. As I heard you... " he slowly looked at Daenerys. "learned the craft of swordsmanship." 
"Why does it matter for you?" Dany frowned.
"Am I late?" Gendry opened the door.
"What..." Tyrion frowned. 
"I asked him to join." Jon straightened himself. "He could help." 
"So... why does it matter for you that I learned the craft of swordsmanship?" Dany returned to the main topic.
"Not for me, but maybe it matters for Arya Stark." Tyrion continued. "If you... sit down, I'd outline my... idea." he hesitated a bit while he was talking. "I've already told the main points to Jon Snow." 
Dany glanced at Jon, and he indicated her to sit down. He stood behind her and placed his hand to her shoulder. 
"You support the idea, right?" Sansa interrupted Tyrion's words. 
"I have not decided yet." Jon looked at his sister. "And you are the main reason why I have huge doubts." he narrowed his eyes. 
"What are you talking about?" Dany started to lose her patience. "I don't have time all day for this. We have to prepare for the war." 
"As I ... know... your daughter is the key to ... kill the thing, that the King became." the dwarf still tried to avoid the main subject. 
"The Raven." Dany tried to pull the words out finally from Tyrion. 
"Yes." he glanced at Sansa. "Ahm... Queen Stark made a promise to him, for the exchange of the life of Arya Stark."
"And yet she is still alive. She should be grateful." Dany raised her brow.
"She is. I am sure" Tyrion swallowed and waited until Daenerys turned her head back to him from Sansa. "But what if we can... deceive the Raven?" Tyrion asked her. "If we give him what he wants, but meanwhile we are not giving him anything just kill him with a trick? With some kind of bait?" he shrugged his shoulder.
"With whom?" Dany spread her arms.
"With you" Sansa answered to her and raised her eyes at Jon.

"You look worried." Sam stepped next to Jenifire on the board. She was standing there and watching Tormund and the wolves. He was feeding them. 
"Who is not worried now... is a fool," Jenifire answered. 
"You know... I am calm." Samwell sighed. "I mean I know my life is in danger again. And that we already defeated them once, doesn't mean we can do it again, but I am calm because my family is safe. In Essos. The other side of the world." he admitted.
"You think if we lose they can't reach the other continent?" Jenifire looked at him.
"I have to believe in it." Sam lowered his head. "I only care about their safety."
"Family can change our order of importance, isn't it?" Jenifire stated and looked at Tormund again.
"You can't understand if you don't have any. I can imagine how hard it must be for Jon and ... Daenerys. I always wanted to replace him. Change our lives. I mean with Jon." Samwell smiled. "But right now... I am happy that I am just a no one and I don't have any... higher duty to save the world," he admitted quietly.
"You aren't a no-one Samwell Tarly." Jenifire turned to him. "You also have an important role in this. Else you would not be here. We all have roles in this final war, like it or not. We are all chosen ones."

"You are here." Yara entered to Misssandei's cabin and found Nesera there with the little girl.
"Where else?" Nesera glanced at her and smiled. 
"Well as I saw you were not here not too long ago," Yara answered in a kind of serious way.
"I don't know what do you mean." Nesera frowned.
"Did you have a good conversation?" she continued.
"With whom?" Nesera shook her head.
"You exactly know who I am talking about. I saw you. Have I been away for that long?" Yara stated sardonically. "That you go back to his bed."
"I'd appreciate it if you stop with this, especially in front of her." she pointed at Missy with her eyes while she stood up. 
"She is just a child. She doesn't even understand."
"I wouldn't be that sure in it," Nesera answered and looked down at the bed, where Missy was turning the pages of a book.  "Can we talk about this later, when her mother comes back?" 
"If you don't have a better thing to do." Yara shrugged her shoulder.
"If you continue this, I have." Nesera rolled her eye. "What the ... "She tried to control herself "What is your problem? I never gave you a reason to act like this."
"I don't even hug others in front of your eyes." 
"I was in a bad mood. He was there. We... were talking a bit. Where were you?" Nesera asked her.
"Filled my tasks." 
"Right." Nesera pulled a face. "As usual. Everything is more important than me. So it is not just who can be angry." she lowered her head, and glanced at Missy again. She was still looking at the pages. "We'll talk about it later. Now please leave. I promised her to read some tales." she turned her back at Yara and sat back next to Missandei. Yara left the room after some hesitation. Nesera's mind was racing. Maybe she should... just end this. They don't have a future anyway. She is going to die soon, and if she ends this thing... between them, at least she won't hurt her. She can move on more easily. 

Daenerys was walking up and down and she was clearly not sure she can believe to her ears. 
"And you..." she raised her eyes at Jon. "Think it is a good idea?" she frowned and tried to hold herself back. 
"No." Jon lowered his head "I ... think it is just a possible... solution if you think it is... " 
"So you want me to put my life and our daughters' life in her hand?" she pointed to Sansa. "Do you hear how it sounds?"
"Dany I know." Jon swallowed. "I just want you to think it through."
"I don't think there is anything that we should think about." she raised her voice. "I can't believe you even think about it." she rolled her eyes.
"I..." Jon took a deep breath.
"He just wants to safe his sister." Sansa interrupted them and stepped closer. "I know... I ... " Sansa hesitated because Daenerys gave her that look ... that angry and envious look. She clearly wanted to kill her with her eyes. "I know I don't deserve your trust. I ... betrayed you and I ... "
"You not just betrayed me, but it was mostly your fault, that the man I love turned against me, not to mention you wanted to destroy everything that I ever worked for. Because of what? Oh, right... because of the North." Dany was not kind, she talked from her heart. 
"That is our only chance to safe Arya." Sansa's eyes filled with tears and she barely could talk. Dany remained speechless. "I wouldn't ask... If I know... there is another option, but there is not." she started to cry. "You are my only hope, to safe my sister." 
"I was your only hope to save the North and humanity. And I did. And what did I get in return?" Dany did not let her heart got emotional because of Sansa's tears. Dany shook her head and turned her back at the Stark girl. 
"The North is yours," Sansa told her immediately. "If you... help me to safe my sister. The North is yours. You have my word."
"Not that it matters much." Jon raised his eyes at his sister. "You... gave your word for me too. When I told you my secret about my heritage."
"I..." Sansa opened her mouth to answer, but Daenerys did not give her time.

"You still don't understand right?" Dany turned back to Sansa. "I don't want to rule. I don't need the North." she took a step closer to her. "I want my daughter to have a normal and happy life. Which is not going to happen until your brother desperately wants to end her life. I want my daughter to live, to grow up, to have a loving family. Which I never had." she kept eye contact. "You can keep your kingdom... or what is left of it. Because in case you forgot, the deads already here, which means the North has already fallen." Dany took a deep breath.
"Do you... think about our request?" Sansa asked again. 
"Maybe I can help." for everyone's surprise Gendry took a step to them. "I ... know I am a no one and... probably my help is not too much, but... you know you can trust me." He looked at Dany then turned to Jon. "I ... never betrayed any of you. And... ahm... I ... never had a chance to thank you that you gave me that noble title, and a chance to be the right wooer to Arya Stark." he continued. "I can go with you and I can help you with this mission. You know I would never hurt your daughter. Neither you" he looked so confident and dedicated. "You know what Arya Stark means to me. Help me to safe her. Or let me help you to safe her. Please." Gendry kneeling down in front of Daenerys. She glanced at Jon and she had no idea what to answer. She needed to think it through. That mission was full of risks, and she has to trust in Sansa Stark and Tyrion Lannister. The two main person who caused her death. It was not that easy. Suddenly she felt Jon's hand on her shoulder. She raised her eyes at him, and he bowed with his head with a kind smile. 
"Leave," she ordered the others in the room. "I need to have a word with Jon." she looked around. Gendry stood up and immediately complied with the request. Sansa and Tyrion followed him, but before they could leave the room Dany continued." And Gendry. Not the noble title made you a proper wooer for Arya Stark, more your noble heart." 
"Thank you." Gendry nodded, but he was still not sure what is this mean. He closed the door behind his back. 

The silence was huge in the room. Jon waited for her to say something. He was still not sure, he wants her to do this or not. A part of her heart wanted to save her sister, but the other part... he doesn't want them to risk their lives.
"With this... if I am willing to do this... we can end the war," Dany admitted.
"Dany you don't have to..." Jon shook his head.
"In a way or another... we have to bring her close to the Raven. You know only her blood ... her fresh blood can kill him... maybe that is what we have to do. And we don't have much time. The deads... maybe we don't have any time at all. They are here, maybe they'll reach the capital sooner than we." 
"But I never wanted to let you do this alone." Jon stood right in front of her and placed his hands to her arms. "I wanted to be the one, who kills him. To prove to you that you... "
"Do you think you still have to prove me anything?" Dany placed her hand to his face and looked into his eyes. Jon grabbed her hand and kissed it, then he pulled her closer and kissed her lips too. Like it was the last kiss that he gave to those full lips. 

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