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When Daenerys finished the talk with Grey Worm, she walked out from the map room, and the first thing she saw when she arrived at the hall was Jon. With Liliyanna. They were talking, and there was a moment when she stepped closer to him and placed her hand to his chest, but he took a step back immediately. Dany was watching them carefully. She paid attention to every small movement. 

"You are embarrassed when I am close," Liliyanna stated with a flirtatious smile. 
"I'll be honest with you. I appreciate your ... kindness... but I am in love with someone, and I don't want you to get into any trouble." he answered, "The Queen would not appreciate it too much."
"Are you afraid of her?" Liliyanna asked him. 
"No. I am in love with her. That is a different thing. And I respect her and our love, our family. I..."
"You misunderstood my interest in you, My Lord." Liliyanna lowered her head and smiled "Maybe you still haven't got used to us. We... me and my sisters... we believe in the power of touch. That shows us many things about people. The good and the bad things." she explained. "I just wanted to know you more. Wanted to know ... are you really that hero to whom they are told." 
"Maybe I was a hero once." Jon sighed "But I don't want to be a hero."
"What do you want to be?" she raised her eyes to him and stepped closer again, stared his eyes. 
"A father and a husband." he swallowed, while she was standing right in front of him, too close. 
"I am afraid that is not a choice that you can make," she told straight to his face, then took a step back. 

"You visit often enough lately," Nesera told to Yara, who just stepped into Missandei's room. 
"Queen Daenerys asked me to... keep my eye on her daughter," she answered. 
"Sure." Nesera smiled at her. "And you are a loyal servant of the Queen."
"I am not her servant" Yara answered and she sounded a bit offended "I am her ally." 
"I did not want to hurt you." Nesera answered, "I know you are true and loyal to the Queen, that is all that I wanted to say."
"All of us are. Aren't we?" 
"Lady Greyjoy" Daenerys stepped into the room. "I did not expect you ... here." 
"I just ..." she stuttered. The things she told to Nesera about keeping her eye on the baby, was a lie. She just... wanted to talk with her, and she knew she can find here there. "I ...
"Lady Greyjoy just wanted to be sure, everything is fine with your daughter." Nesera helped her.
"That is very kind of you." Daenerys nodded. She tried to smile, but the things that happened in the hall... the things that Grey Worm told her... made her worried a bit. Made her... confused. 
"Anything wrong?" Yara frowned. She noticed there is something strange in her behaviour.
"Nothing. I am a bit ... too worried... in the past few days" Dany answered. Nesera glanced at Yara, then walked closer to Dany. 
"Are you sure... you feel well?" she asked her.
"Yes, Yes, of course, I am just..." Daenerys tried to answer, but Nesera took her hand, then after a second she raised her eyes at Dany and smiled a bit. "My Queen... may I ask... when was your last period?" 
"It... It..." Dany tried to answer, but she was shocked. The recognition shocked her. "It cannot be possible." 
"Maybe it can be," Nesera answered, then turned to Missandei's cradle.
"No." Dany was not able to believe it. "No... even her was a miracle, it is not possible that..."
"He has the power to make life" Nesera turned back to her, and looked into her eyes. "He did once. Maybe he did it again." 

Dany mouth fell open. She felt strange. She was too emotional, she felt groggy in the morning... her appetite changed. She looked down to her belly and placed her hands to it. Is it possible? Her mind was racing, but with the things she got to know that day... she can't be happy from her heart. 
"Do not tell him," she asked them quietly. Yara and Nesera looked at her questioningly. "Until we are sure about it. Do not tell anyone." there was some fear in her eyes. That was not the right time. If it is true... that was not the right time for it. She cannot be pregnant. Not now. Not in the middle of the war. She already has a daughter... who she worried for all hours all day. She was not ready. Not in this mess, not in this danger. 
"My Ladies." Jon's voice came behind her. She looked worriedly to Nesera and Yara, then released her belly quickly. 
"Lord Snow." Nesera smiled at him. 
"I was looking for you." he placed his hands to her shoulder. She took a deep breath and turned to him. She tried to cover her emotions. 
"I am here." 
"I wanted to talk with you. In private, if it is... possible." Jon sighed, then raised his eyes to the women in the room. 
"We better go. If you don't need us." Nesera looked to Yara, then bowed a bit with her head. Dany nodded, and they waited while they walked out. She went closer to the cradle and checked her daughter. She was sleeping. She was still confused, and she still tried to deny it is true. Her pregnancy. She always thought she can't have children. And ... then Missandei was born, and now... maybe another child... 
"Are you alright?" Jon asked her and placed his arms around her from the back. 
"Yes." she leaned to his chest and snuggled closer to him. He gave a kiss to her cheek. 

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